Hot Springs Village Area Chamber of Commerce and Cooper Homes, Incorporated hosted a very successful open house on Monday, July 29, 2019.
Kicking off this event under the beautiful sunny skies of Hot Springs Village was a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Chamber of Commerce, Board of Director Chairperson, Carol Omohundro and Deb Seibert of Hot Springs Village Realty held the ribbon. Jody Latham, President of Cooper Homes carried out the cutting honors. Front and center stood our Developer, John Cooper, III, displaying the official Chamber of Commerce Certificate of Membership.

In addition to the above-listed participants, Ernie Deaton, Civil Engineer for Cooper Communities, Inc. and Joe Whelan, Office Manager of Cooper Homes mingled with Villagers after the ribbon cutting.
Also in attendance were Diana Podawiltz, HSV Board Director, Nathan Hunnicutt, Executive Director of the Hot Springs Village Area Chamber of Commerce and Lesley Nalley, Chief Executive Officer of Hot Springs Village.

Light finger foods were served including a variety of sandwiches, meat roll-ups, and assorted cheeses.
Thank you HSV area Chamber and Cooper Homes for this wonderful event!
Click here to watch a brief video of the ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house slide show.
by Cheryl Dowden
Photography by Joe Dowden
Minn. Daly
07/30/2019 — 3:40 pm
Great to see COOPER HOMES GRAND OPENING! Thanks to you for sharing. They are our DEVELOPER & I am certain they will continue to be. Respectfully, Minn
07/30/2019 — 4:02 pm
Really nice coverage of the event!
07/30/2019 — 5:05 pm
Had I known I would have been there! Thanks for sharing.
Melvin west
07/30/2019 — 7:46 pm
What will be their job? Real estate?
08/01/2019 — 3:11 pm
Cooper may have building a lodge in mind.
08/01/2019 — 3:35 pm
NG, I do not think Mr. Cooper has building a lodge inside the gates in mind.
08/01/2019 — 4:15 pm
HSVP C, I do hope that you will be right.
07/31/2019 — 11:08 am
So who was the highest paid, most incompetent HSV employee in that crowd! Oh wait! That’s an easy one! Lesley Nalley at $210,000 per year plus over $60K in bonuses! For what! For creating the most unsettling – most divisive times for property owners in HSV history! Oh yes – there’s more! Now it take 6 our of 7 BOD’s to fire that incompetent arrogant do nothing drain on our resources!
For Sale Sign going up soon!
08/01/2019 — 3:14 pm
The highest paid in that crowd is likely Cooper.
08/01/2019 — 3:34 pm
John Cooper is not an HSVPOA employee. He owns his own companies.
08/01/2019 — 4:19 pm
HSVP C, I am aware of that. I also am aware that it takes a lot more money to motivate Cooper than it takes to motivate Nalley.
08/02/2019 — 12:48 pm
A Nalley fan?
08/02/2019 — 6:05 pm
Village Voice 2019JUL30 page 2 “HSV & CCI discuss community’s future …with regard to both residential and COMMERCIAL development…”
08/02/2019 — 6:10 pm
What you are referring to is a HSVPOA press release. It really said almost nothing and certainly did not say CCI is developing a lodge.
“The Hot Springs Village Voice received the following press release from the HSV POA this morning regarding the recent meeting between representatives of Cooper Communities Inc. and CEO Lesley Nalley.”
08/03/2019 — 6:56 pm
If the pyranha is not our friend, then why would the shark be?…What kind of “commercial” zoned development is it that you are thinking HSV needs from them?
Kirk Denger
08/03/2019 — 10:37 pm
Grit, the word “Zoned” is not found in this conversation or in the Voice article based on an astray POA propaganda press release. HSV is a community that has been developed by CCI for fifty years and has proven friendship for just as long, there is no comparison.
The translation of press release would be: “The illegal astray HSVPOA has been found guilty of obstructing members rights. After a simple request for HSVPOA Inc. information over one year ago, CCI, with a Saline Court Order, met with HSVPOA to inspect all financial books and records to assess the financial health of our Village. The next meeting will be that assessment.” There was a large shredder truck in the POA parking lot today.
08/04/2019 — 12:05 am
Kirk, “In the meeting, Mr. Cooper and Ms. Latham shared CCI’s intended…activities with regard to…both residential AND COMMERCIAL development…in HSV.” Why would my use of the word “zoned” be the issue? I did not claim that anyone else said that word. I appreciate your mention of the shredder “truck”…obviously NOT GOOD!
Kirk Denger
08/04/2019 — 9:20 pm
The True Grit is that the POA press release and the Village Voice produce FAKE NEWS.
08/02/2019 — 7:39 pm
What you are referring to is a HSVPOA press release. It really said almost nothing and certainly did not say CCI is developing a lodge.
“The Hot Springs Village Voice received the following press release from the HSV POA this morning regarding the recent meeting between representatives of Cooper Communities Inc. and CEO Lesley Nalley.”
08/03/2019 — 11:23 am
All member property owners have a investment in hsv, whether it be richer class b or poorer class a. There is in poa paid and unpaid management that self serve and line their own pockets first and interest of others investments is secondary. This leads greed to cut off nose despite face The greed factor and incompetence that has caused decay and risk in value of investment is from current self serving individuals who have no expertise in property management nor community management. Non profit is legality/tax term. Reality is there is no such thing as non profit with mandatory assessments in play. Board who couldn’t see a forest through trees if you gave them tri focals. Blind leading blind. CCI is a multi corporation has generations of experience in land developing and property management in multiple regional states. Appears they have come home, the prodical have returned and are watching their major investments, as rest are watching theirs. Everyone has pockets, some big some small, but all have them.
08/04/2019 — 11:08 am
CCI is talking to a Developer about building some kind of “hotel” at East Gate. We could see what the ridiculous vote of “no” on all amendments will do to our pocket book very soon. We need developers such as was brought in by our POA — Mt. Carmel, who took care of all infrastructure costs and future maintenance themselves. Cooper couldn’t stand for this. He wants to make money off of us. We’ll have to wait and see what this costs us, but I bet we will be paying something. The hotel he built in Tellico Valley soon went bankrupt, but he made his money off the project.
Kirk Denger
08/06/2019 — 10:59 pm
We already see what the illegal yes vote has done to our pocketbooks, what we do not need is sicko anonymous dis and mis-information from illegal past POA board members.
08/08/2019 — 12:59 pm
Just what in the 8/4 posting is inaccurate?
Kirk Denger
08/13/2019 — 11:44 pm
The name of the poster and the 7 sentences that follow.