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Stephanie Heffer Leaves HSVPOA

In an email sent out on Sunday, August 1, 2021, the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Interim General Manager notifies the community about the resignation of Stephanie Heffer, Director of Programs and Operations. Ms. Heffer will be sorely missed and we wish her well in her new endeavor.

Interim General Manager Brief – August 1, 2021


On July 30, HSVPOA Programs & Operations Director Stephanie Heffer submitted her resignation, effective September 3. After more than 30 years of dedicated employment, staying the course through good times and bad, Stephanie will be taking her leadership skills and business expertise to Arvest Bank. Noted Joanie Corry, Board Chair, “Residents have no idea what the loss of this particular employee means to the Village overall.” One of the reasons Stephanie cited for her decision to pursue the new opportunity was a better salary.

The loss of any employee is difficult, particularly when that person has dedicated an extensive amount of their career to Hot Springs Village and exhibits all the qualities of a strong and competent leader. It does point out, however, that the current economic situation makes it essential for our employees to be paid in accordance with their market value. This is determined by the marketplace, not by what we as Villagers think someone should make, especially when our frame of reference is from the time when we were working.

The loss of this strong leader and outstanding manager is a lesson that there are others who are willing to step up and pay for the experience, skills, and abilities of POA staffers like Stephanie. As the Village moves forward, unless we are willing to pay market value, we will be unable to obtain and retain talent regardless of how long they have been a part of our Village family.


John Paul, Interim General Manager

August 1, 2021

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