Email from J.P. Keith Keck
“Here is Saline County Judge Jeff Arey’s April 13 update.
“Saline County COVID-19 numbers stayed relatively the same over the Easter weekend.”
Justice of the Peace
Saline County Quorum Court
Email from Judge Jeff Arey
To All Saline County Residents,
“Attached [see below] are the numbers on COVID-19 in Saline County as of last night. We have remained flat over the weekend with still only 32 Confirmed cases as of last night. The number of negative tests did rise by nearly 20. Also attached [see below] is a graph that shows Confirmed and PUI cases trend for Saline County since the County’s first confirmed case.”
State and Local COVID-19 Spreadsheet
[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”]***
Saline County Confirmed/PUIs
[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”]“Yesterday morning and last night Saline County had severe thunderstorms roll through. We did have to call road crews out to clear trees off of several roadways throughout the county. As of this morning, we had no reports of any structural damage. We do have residents without power. The link below shows approximately 1,400 people in Saline County without power.”
Click here to see the power outages.
“Stay Safe, and remember no more than 10, stay 6 feet apart, wear a mask, and wash your hands!”
Jeff Arey

Saline County Judge
200 North Main Street, Suite 117
Benton, Arkansas 72015
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