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Petition for Non-extension of CEO’s Contract

By Scott McCord, March 4, 2020

In the March 3rd publication of the  Voice there is an article about a petition to not extend our CEO’s contract before the new Board is seated. 

Whether you like or dislike our CEO, 551 signatures on a petition is hardly a majority of the voting population of HSV.  For a petition to be meaningful and representative of the wishes of the majority of our community it needs a lot more than 2% of the owners signing the petition. The people supporting this petition (2%) are some of the same people that have purported their wishes represent the majority of our community.

Two(2) percent is not a representation of a majority.

An employees performance should be measured by evaluating the achievement( or lack of) of their goals. Goals established and documented by our Board.

Any person with a job would hope that their employer would determine their future employment be based on whether they have or have not fulfilled their documented goals. It should not be based on a petition with 551 signatures  representing only 2% of the ~23,000 total property owners.

Is this a representation of the wish of the majority? Hardly the case. Two(2)% is not representative of a majority.

Should 2% dictate to our current Board the manner in which they handle matters of this level of importance?

How would you answer, if it was you that was being targeted, especially if you have achieved the majority of your documented goals.

The 551 signatures on the petition does not represent a majority of our property owners. It represents 2% of the property owners.

The Board should recognize there is a petition for their consideration, and should decide if 2% of the owners should cause them to alter the normal contract renewal process. They( the Board of Directors) are the people we elected to represent the wishes of the majority of the property owners of Hot Springs Village.

I trust the Board to give the petition the consideration it deserves.

Scott McCord


Brand New Yes/No/I don’t care survey- This is not a link. You can take the survey below without leaving the article.

Editor’s note: This article is unedited except for the addition of this note, a byline at the top of the article, and three hyperlinks. Click here to view the petition for Non-extension of the CEO’s Contract. We have also added our own BRAND NEW petition so we can see the percentages of yes and no.

We would love to hear your thoughts on this subject. Thank you for keeping the comments civil and not like they are on Nextdoor.

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