HSV Community News, Events, Opinions, People, and Places

Note from HSV People Admin

Equal Access for ALL HSVPOA Board of Director Candidates

We have offered to ALL of the 2021 board candidates the use of this website for postings, advertisements, articles, etc.

We are neutral in this election and are supporting all of the 2021 candidates equally. We are doing this by giving them equal access to this website if they so chose.

Readers’ Comments

Regarding comments on this website: we no longer allow anonymous comments or only first names. You must post your comment using your real name.

Our Agenda

People have stated that we have an agenda. I will be the first to admit that we do have an agenda. Our agenda is to help make Hot Springs Village the best that it can be.

Thank you for your support. – HSV People, Admin., Joe Dowden

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