by Lloyd Sherman, August 2, 2019
I know you have all been sitting around waiting breathlessly for my monthly report of real estate metrics. [said facetiously] Wait no longer, attached is the seven (7) months of 2018 compared to the seven (7) months of 2019. You will note that I have made a couple of modifications to the report:

- I have arrived at a point where it appears the wasteful spending of Village Homes & Land is not of high enough value to be a consideration for the overall board. For that reason, this report will no longer reflect the lack of production from Village Homes & Land. I will continue to track and expose this operation as a mismanaged use of property owner assessments and will make this information available to those inquiring. And I will continue to submit periodic reports on only their production.
- I will now be breaking down the units being sold by price category. This should help those who have concerns about why prices might be going up or down based on where the buying has occurred.
As always, I am happy to try and answer any questions you might have.
Also keep in mind that these figures are the ones made available through the MLS and do not include POA owned lot sales, FSBO, etc.
Hot Springs Village – First 7 Months Real Estate Comp
First-Seven-Months-Comp-2019.-Lloyd-Sherman-pdfby Lloyd Sherman, August 2, 2019
Frank Shears aka Bubba
08/02/2019 — 6:40 pm
Thanks Lloyd. Good report. I appreciate you keeping an eye on this information and reporting it each month.
John Dethardt
08/02/2019 — 6:55 pm
Don’t go soft on the village home and land office. It’s a total waste time and money . Go get them Lloyd .
Susan Wade
08/03/2019 — 9:07 am
Thank you. Very good information.
08/03/2019 — 10:51 am is home based racket in real estate. Adios amigos.
08/03/2019 — 11:40 am
Sue, Dennis Simpson and his wife have a company where they sell properties they own. I am not sure why you put this link here and called them a racket.
Dennis Simpson
08/03/2019 — 11:59 am
Hsvp c
Yes we do have properties for sale and we hold jointly over 52 properties and 3 rentals… How that makes us a racket I falling to see? Since we are paying over $26k a year in dues and taxes…. And have never been delq… I guess I’m confused at how we’re a racket and village homes and land and Cooper are not rackets too..
But then again.. I’m big enough to use my real name on this blog…
It’s Dennis.. and you can call me directly at 501-350-0227 if you have a problem
And I can contact you how?
08/03/2019 — 12:28 pm
Dennis, you want to contact Sue, not me. She is the one who called your company a racket. I said it was NOT a racket. Thanks!