By Lorri Street, January 6, 2022
The Highway 7 Billboard is up and the Vote NO on FLSD Proposed Millage Increase information is quickly spreading throughout the Village. Patty MacDonald and I will continue writing and publishing factual articles supporting our and MANY other like-minded HSV Property Owners Vote NO point of view.
We have just four weeks left to continue getting the word out in order to defeat this millage increase vote. Please help us spread the word too by sharing our information with neighbors and friends who live within the FLSD boundaries.
As of the publication of this article our ‘awareness campaign’ has raised $455.00 toward the cost of the Billboard. The invoice above shows the full payment has been made. To reach our goal of $600.00, we are confident that 15 additional HSV Property Owners will contribute $10.00 each to help offset Patty’s and my out-of-pocket payment. (Check periodically to see the updated donation thermometer.)
We SO appreciate all the emotional and financial support that Villagers have offered to us thus far! Defeating a well-funded campaign such as FLSD’s is no small feat, however, it is doable when Villagers come together.
Patty and I thank you!
Questions? Please email
Edited on 1-22-22 – The donation goal has been reached. Thank you, everybody!
Anonymous (or not) donations can be made to either:
Lorri Street, 62 Arjona Way, HSV
Patty MacDonald, 11 Sabiote Lane, HSV
So far we have raised $600
towards our $600
target! That’s 100%
of the total!
* * *
Editor’s Note: Thank you for reading. If you like, please comment below; we love to hear your opinion. Thank you for keeping the comments polite and on topic. Please use your real first and last name. If you are an HSV Property Owner, please join us in our private Facebook Group. Click here to join the group. If you would like to submit an article for publication, please contact us through this website. Be sure to bookmark this website.
Melvin west
01/06/2022 — 5:01 pm
Is this for Garland county only?
01/06/2022 — 7:35 pm
The FLSD school district is supported by taxpayers in Garland and Saline County. – Cheryl Dowden
Jeffery Donald Carden Jr
01/07/2022 — 4:25 pm
Seems pretty crappy to me to put up a manipulative sign like this one when your fight is against the betterment of our youth. Do you even know what your fighting against? Your fighting against the future of our kids. We lose good teachers and leaders in our local school system every year to other schools because we under pay them. Our community kids at ft lake which is your village kids have to settle for way less than the other schools. You ever hear that story about it takes a village to raise a kid. Just my opinion but helping the kids have better facilities and leaders is not a bad thing. I thought the sign was very distasteful and manipulative. If I was you I would not want my name on it. Thanks good day 😎
01/07/2022 — 4:28 pm
While it is fine to post comments in favor of the proposed Fountain Lake millage increase, personal attacks are not okay. “How you want to live so well and enjoy life and just throw scraps to your youth,” is a personal insult. Thank you. – Cheryl Dowden
Jeffery Donald Carden Jr
01/07/2022 — 4:32 pm
Sorry you took it personal. I didn’t mean it personal.