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HSVPOA Status Report – GM Recruiting

Recruiting and Hiring Process of New General Manager to be Postponed

In an email sent out to property owners on Monday, February 15, 2021, the HSVPOA Board of Directors made the following announcement:

“With 5 new members to be seated in just 2 short months, the Board of Directors has made the strategic decision to delay the new General Manager recruiting and hiring process until after April 21, 2021. It is important that all applicants selected to interview for the GM position have the opportunity to meet, establish a relationship with, and understand the job expectations of the Board they would be reporting to. For this reason and because the new Board of Directors will be at full strength with 7 elected members, the decision to delay has been made.

“Once the new Board has been seated in April 2021, it will focus efforts on posting the GM position in accordance with HSVPOA policies and procedures outlined in the previous eblast on this matter.”

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