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HSVPOA Record Inspection Obstacle Course

by Gene Garner, July 23, 2019

Records Inspection Requests

It appears the POA is setting up an obstacle course to make the inspection process as cumbersome and difficult as possible.


  • Item number one (1) notes – inspection will be available to members who have been verified as POA members with a ‘proper purpose’ may be allowed access.
  • Also, item number three (3) – “Requests to review the CEOs contract will be evaluated for improper purposes by the HR Department”.
  • Item number five (5) – Appointments “will be scheduled for those requests not deemed improper.”
  • Item number seven (7) – “Requests that appear to be improper will be submitted to the BOD for a decision to deny the request”. Examples include “suspected malicious uses”.

Didn’t Judge Herzfeld already decide this issue?

Who decides what a proper purpose is or what a suspected malicious use is? I thought the judge had already decided that. From page nine (9) of Judge Herzfeld’s decision:

The reasons stated by COOPER are not only proper, they are among the most proper reasons possible: examining the expenditures of the corporation of which they are a member and communication with their fellow members.

Judge Robert Herzfeld

I think that says it all. Under “The purpose of my request is: “put” HOW THE POA IS SPENDING MY MONEY.

hsv poa records inspection
HSVPOA record inspection unlocked?

—- Gene Garner, July 23, 2019

Photography: Max Pixel

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