What follows is the written report submitted to the Board from the Parks and Recreation Committee Chair, Debra Fuller. Fuller was not able to attend the January Board Meeting.


Good morning. My name is Debra Fuller, newly appointed Chair of the Recreation Committee. I am pleased to present the Parks & Recreation Committee Quarterly Report to you. 


Recreation Bundle – The recreation bundle has generated $117,100 in revenue since December of 2020. This includes Includes 85 Property Owner bundles, 72 couples bundles, and 7  dependents. 

Newcomers Meeting – The Recreation Committee continues to align two committee members to attend the Newcomers meeting to staff the table each month engaging with attendees and handing out flyers highlighting HSV amenities to continue to raise awareness. 


Subcommittees – We have formed the following subcommittees to proactively focus on opportunities in 2022. The subcommittees include a focus on Annual Events and 7 Year O&M/ Fees.  

7 Year O&M/Fees Subcommittees – The Capital and Fees subcommittees worked with  Terry Wiley [Parks and Recreation Manager], to review and provide feedback on: 

Indoor facility review will occur during the winter months. 

Outdoor facility review will occur post indoor facility review. 

Capital expense improvement prioritization  

Sponsorship – Deb Fuller has recommended the Parks & Recreation Committee should lend their expertise and support focusing on generating sponsorship for amenities that do not currently generate support today such as the Dog Park, maintenance materials for the bocce court, etc. 

Annual Events – The Parks & Recreation Committee is currently planning for the  following opportunities: 

Spring Parks and Recreation Amenities Open House – April 2022  

“Get in the Game Challenge” Parks and Recreation Scavenger Hunt – May through  October 2022 

“Yak Run” Parks and Recreation Kayak and Fun Run – September 2022

P&R Committee Vacancy – There is a need to fill an additional seat for the P&R Committee.  Terry Wiley will be advertising for this vacancy. 

On behalf of the Parks & Recreation Committee, I thank you for your time today. 

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