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HSVPOA GM Report 4-20-22

At the April 20, 2022, HSVPOA Annual Member Meeting, GM Kelly Hale presented his annual report to the Board. The original report is attached with extra comments below.

Navigating Despite Weather and Inflation

“There are a lot of folks that are really anxious for us to get going on a lot of projects. Mother Nature as we can see today has had a big impact. Take a look at the amount of days of rain. It’s impacted some of the projects that we’ve had planned, but at the same time we’re maneuvering through a lot of the inflationary environment. Asphalt – we used to be able to get a year out for a price. Now it is 30 days at best, sometimes due to the fuel prices. There are a lot of things we are navigating through to make sure that we are spending the money appropriately, but at the same time, getting on these projects as quick as we can.”

Food and Beverage

“Our restaurants were dragging down the POA between $1.3 and $1.5 Million annually. So this [outsourcing the POA restaurants] is a great business move to help the members out long term.”

DeSoto Club Announcement

“We just signed a contract with DeSoto yesterday [Tuesday, April 19, 2022] so there will be more to come on that. We will have a vendor in there very soon and I think everybody will be very pleased, once they see who is going in there. It is going to be a great deal. That will put vendors in everyone of our restaurants [except Waypoint].”

Kelly Hale, HSVPOA GM , Katrina Heap, Administrative Assistant to GM
Information Technology
New Software Vendor Coming

We expect to be able to save around $6 to $8 thousand a month over our current system, while at the same time will have a much improved platform.

Audit and Finance

“Our finance group has gone through a large transition. Karl [Controller Karl Russ] is working through that. He will be prepared to go through the year-end in two weeks.”

“To stay informed on the Association’s financial condition, including reviewing
tax returns, budgets, audits and monthly financial reports, please visit:

Economic Impact

“The Governmental Affairs Committee has done an outstanding job working through some things and the POA will continue to support them at the next level where we want to go.”

If you haven’t had an opportunity to go through the Economic Impact report, Hale encourages you to do so. “We as a group contribute greatly [to the surrounding area] and there will be more coming out to the community as far as what we want to be able to do to support our Village and communicating our needs back to the state and not label us as just a gated community. I have been out working a lot with politicians to get our word out. But we will be getting more information and we need the members to be behind us also, 100% with their voices to make it clear what we would like to have in return for all the taxes we give to the state and to the communities here around us.” Click here to read the Economic Impact Study.

HSVPOA Annual Report by GM Kelly Hale


Cheryl Dowden, HSV Gazette, April 21, 2022


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