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HSVPOA Extends Ballot Return Deadline

According to HSVPOA Board Chairperson Cindi Erickson, the deadline to return the ballots for the 2020 Board of Directors election has been extended from Wednesday, March 18 to Monday, March 23, 2020.

The reason for the time extension is there was a delay in mailing the election ballots. The current election policy establishes the requirement that ballots must be mailed at least 18 days in advance of election day.

New election day

The new election day has been changed from March 19, to March 24, 2020.

Erickson said mailing delay due to late change in the number of open seats

According to Chair Erickson, “The mailing delay resulted from a late change in the number of open board seats to be voted upon. Rather than all revised ballots being mailed on Friday, February 28, they were mailed in batches on Friday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. As of March 4, all ballots have been mailed.”

Ballots accepted through March 23

According to Carly Wiley at POA Member Services, return ballots will be accepted via United States Postal Service through March 23, 2020. All ballots received after March 23, 2020, will be invalid.

By Cheryl Dowden, March 5, 2020

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