According to HSVPOA Board Chairperson Cindi Erickson, the deadline to return the ballots for the 2020 Board of Directors election has been extended from Wednesday, March 18 to Monday, March 23, 2020.
The reason for the time extension is there was a delay in mailing the election ballots. The current election policy establishes the requirement that ballots must be mailed at least 18 days in advance of election day.
New election day
The new election day has been changed from March 19, to March 24, 2020.
Erickson said mailing delay due to late change in the number of open seats
According to Chair Erickson, “The mailing delay resulted from a late change in the number of open board seats to be voted upon. Rather than all revised ballots being mailed on Friday, February 28, they were mailed in batches on Friday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. As of March 4, all ballots have been mailed.”
Ballots accepted through March 23
According to Carly Wiley at POA Member Services, return ballots will be accepted via United States Postal Service through March 23, 2020. All ballots received after March 23, 2020, will be invalid.

By Cheryl Dowden, March 5, 2020
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Melinda Alvord
03/05/2020 — 4:17 pm
Thanks for this informative update. Of course the 18 day requirement which is in our Policies would have been compromised because the ballots were not all mailed at once on February 28. Hope this change doesn’t inconvenience the vote counters too much. I was glad I had the new date available.
Gwen Stacy
03/06/2020 — 10:06 am
We still have not received our ballot. Hopefully, it will come today.
I appreciate this site.
03/06/2020 — 12:32 pm
Please let us know if you do not receive the ballot soon. Thanks!
Sam Taylor
03/05/2020 — 5:29 pm
Is this an example of too many “chiefs” and not enough worker bees? It might be a good idea to have a plan in place to handle an extra BOD opening at the last minute or two so that it would not require a do over on ballot printing. The last minute opening also throws a monkey wrench into having adequate candidates for the election also.
Kirk Denger
03/05/2020 — 7:01 pm
Thank you Cindy Erickson “for preserving the value of and promoting the health, safety, and welfare of the residents and commercial owners within the properties”. Maybe the vision statement will include Property Owners after this election.
03/06/2020 — 3:47 am
Your comment just cost you 7 votes. Last time I checked “residents” are assumed to be property owners.
Kirk Denger
03/06/2020 — 3:55 pm
Check again David, this time read Declarations.
Henry Ewersmann
03/06/2020 — 11:20 am
Are our non-residents also property owners. I appreciate our non-resident Property Owners. Our vote included Kirk Denger with LTD.
03/06/2020 — 11:35 am
Thank you, Butch. We appreciate your polite comment.
rocky peebles
03/06/2020 — 12:19 pm
Got my purple ballot, envelope, and the other stuff they put in. RED FLAG jumped out at me. The big envelope that everything came in had the return address as POA 895 DeSoto Blvd HSV.
IF that envelope is non-deliverable and is returned to the POA admin office, ANYONE IN THAT BUILDING and you know who can easily open the envelope, fill out the ballot the way they want the election to go and simply mail it in the inside envelope.
Please tell me they really didn’t set it up this way. One more time was it deliberate or just more stupidity from the POA Admin and you know who.
rocky peebles
03/06/2020 — 12:19 pm
I think many people missed it. I am pointing out that the large envelopes that our ballots came in, the return address on that envelope is the POA office. This means that any ballots that went out that are returned for the wrong address, etc. will go back to the POA office, where there will be a number of blank ballots with return envelopes, with no identifying marks on them for anyone to mark a vote on and return with no one being the wiser. This, on top of everything else that has gone on with this election is the icing on the cake. WHY was the return address on the large envelopes not the address of this mysterious third party? Is there anyone left out there that doesn’t believe all of this was intentional? What is going on? We all need to watch very, very closely. Call me what you will, but I truly believe the POA has a reason for causing all of this, and there is no telling what will happen between now and the actual election day where the vote can go into the safe hands of Jerry Yeric. This whole thing stinks badly.
03/06/2020 — 1:26 pm
Something is rotten in the state of HSV.
Tom Blakeman
03/06/2020 — 3:54 pm
Great observation and right as rain! So, I guess we have to ask ourselves how this oversight could have happened and how will it now be managed?
My guess is that there could be as much as 5% of the addresses mailed to either wrong or undeliverable for some reason or other.
steve bylow
03/06/2020 — 9:55 pm
Here is a quick thought on how to address the concern raised by Rocky.
I’d consider having two representatives (1 who favors no change and 1 who favors change) meet the mail person everyday and then:
1. count the number of “return to sender” mailings. Don’t open.
2. put in alphabetical order.
3. write #, date & both initial each returned mailing. (e.g. 1 of 23 3/7/20).
4. provide a weekly update to BOD. Example; 234 returned this week for 420 total.
Eventually put all the returned mailings in alpha order so that someone can respond to questions about whether a ballot was sent to property owner home and returned.
03/06/2020 — 10:12 pm
While this return address oversight may seem minor to some folks, it is actually significant because it impacts the “CEO’s enterprise goal” to help gain the trust of property owners.
Something as important as this vote process should have had significant oversight by the CEO. Blaming a subordinate or committee who failed to catch the mistake would be a lack of accountability by the CEO.
If the Board has a discussion about CEO’s performance they may want to use this recent voting process data point as an example of poor; analysis, judgment, attention to detail, or oversight.
03/07/2020 — 5:46 am
These people are so incompetent as to defy description. Or so devious. It’s one or the other. Trust me on that.
How hard would it have been to do this correctly?
And these are the geniuses who are going to save HSV by implementing the “CMP”?
It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. And predictable.
Malfeasance abounds at the POA and on the board. No shortage whatsoever.
Color me gone.
Andy Kramek
03/07/2020 — 8:24 am
Sally, I am not so sure that it is actually incompetence. I believe a better word would be indifference! They simply do not care what property owners think or want. They are required to have an election so they have one. Actually I am slightly surprised that they hadn’t yet figured out a way to do away with these troublesome elections altogether. That would a great step to help in “preserving the value of and promoting the health, safety, and welfare of the residents” as our esteemed Chairperson put it recently (of course, as a non resident we count for nothing anyway). So it simply doesn’t matter to them how it is conducted, whether the process is transparent or even legitimate. It will be very interesting to see the results and just what impact they actually have.
I am quite sure that the management already has plans in place to either negate the results, or maybe render the newly elected members powerless, in the event that they don’t like the outcome.
Karen Daigle Lundberg
03/07/2020 — 11:03 am
Andy Kramek, I second your thoughts. None of this is a matter of incompetence. I am absolutely sure, in my opinion, that all of this has been done intentionally, from the timing of Buddy’s resignation, through this whole sham of ballots, and the way they have been handled. I am also 100% convinced that they are going to stick it to us before we get to the election. The fact that they only came up with one very weak candidate on their side spoke volumes. I do not know what they are up to, but we all need to watch every move they make. It is so sad to me that most of us in our retirement years, are having to fight like we are for our basic rights, and to have to watch every single move they make because we know something is coming. I am really tired of it, but we will overcome!!
03/08/2020 — 10:14 am
The level of trust in the POA and the board is less than zero at this point.
Great work if you can get it.