By Cheryl Dowden, May 27, 2020
After several weeks of intense negotiation between Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association and our CEO’s attorney, it has been announced that effective today, May 27, 2020, CEO Lesley Nalley is no longer employed by the HSVPOA.
An Interim Manager is being appointed and a search is on for a new General Manager.
Nalley terminated; Paul to lead POA on interim basis
By LEWIS DELAVAN / Staff writer Posted at 1:57 PM: “Board begins broad search for new general manager. Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association chief executive officer Lesley Nalley was terminated, effective today, the POA told staff and property owners. No contract buyout was given.” READ MORE…
More details will be forthcoming and we will update as we become aware.
Editor’s note: Thank you for reading. Click here to go to the home page to bookmark this website so you don’t miss any updates.
We are working on an internet forum website that will enable Villagers to make their own posts, as opposed to only being able to comment. Details will be coming soon.
Click here to visit Hot Springs Village PEOPLE private Facebook Group.
Gary Puffer
05/27/2020 — 12:18 pm
Glory be!!!!
Hazel Ecyla
05/27/2020 — 12:20 pm
Amen !!! Praise Our Lord for guiding us into this outcome !!!!
06/02/2020 — 6:35 pm
“Praise Our Lord” ??
Seems like it’d be more productive to question how and why he allowed this all to happen on the first place – if that’s your bent.
The source of the problem lies in the “enlightened villagers” who voted-in the BOD members who did this, without ever taking the time to find out their ignorant, misguided intent to ruin our Village.
Never too late – lookup, research, and educate yourselves on the absolute designs of the UN Agenda 21, “I.C.L.E.I” (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives), and the updated Agenda 2030 intents. It will likely astound you to read and see the blueprint for what took place here – and what is to come throughout this country.
If enough of us actually figure out what happened, mayhaps some could possibly find a way out of this mess – ‘course that would take an effort most of those “in the know” would never expend.
Sue List
05/27/2020 — 12:23 pm
Thank you, new Board! Best news we’ve heard in a long time.
Peggy willis
05/27/2020 — 12:36 pm
Yippie best news ever
Frank Shears aka Bubba
05/27/2020 — 12:40 pm
This proves we elected board members who keep their promise to those of us who elected them! I cannot say thank you enough to our new Board of Directors. I am sure I speak for most of us property owners when I say thank you!
Joe Biden
05/27/2020 — 4:14 pm
Most of us? That’s pretty presumptuous.
Voletta Chavis
05/27/2020 — 7:07 pm
Joe, is this your real name! And the answer to your question is “yes, MOST of us. Where have you been that you are unaware that MOST of us are thrilled with today’s BOD action.
05/27/2020 — 7:49 pm
He’s been hiding in his basement.
Sue Viecelli
05/31/2020 — 5:12 pm
Dear Bubba,
We are with you!
Casey Skorpinski
05/27/2020 — 12:47 pm
Thank you Board. Wishing you the best.
Erin Voletta Chavis
05/27/2020 — 12:48 pm
THANK YOU, YOU GREAT BOD! I am THRILLED to learn this message. HSV has brighter days ahead. OH, happy day!
George Koziol
05/27/2020 — 12:54 pm
That is great news! We owe a debt of gratitude to the persons responsible for this. Now let’s start taking better care of our village!
Ed Wilson
05/27/2020 — 1:02 pm
This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. It is perhaps, the end of the beginning.
(Winston Churchill)
Minn Daly
05/27/2020 — 1:09 pm
Congratulations to our NEW BOD! CEO OUT! Another commitment addressed. Now we can mend the divisions within the community, address our financial crisis, staffing & with out a doubt wait for a law suit from LN. Minn Daly
Lynda Narug
05/27/2020 — 1:31 pm
What grounds would LN have to file a lawsuit?
Sheri Smith
05/27/2020 — 1:39 pm
Hopefully not. It says “after negotiating with the CEO’s attorney”, so she probably got a nice buyout and signed a release. ✌️🤞
Linda Anderson
05/27/2020 — 1:09 pm
GREAT NEWS. Now the Village has the opportunity to move forward. To unite and return Happiness back to the property owners.
Walter Chance
05/27/2020 — 1:17 pm
Thank you BODs!!!!
Tom Blakeman
05/27/2020 — 1:30 pm
Thank You Board! Let’s now continue moving forward to Get this Village back on track!
Jackie Cutlet
05/27/2020 — 1:31 pm
Great news! WoW!! Did this pretty fast! Congratulations to all!
Bert Leaverton
05/27/2020 — 1:39 pm
Per the above comments, agree 100%. Looking forward to the new BOD’s actions to continue HSV’s divisional healing. Downsize the bloated staff that does not contribute actual values or stonewalls progress.
Tonight, will salute the new BOD’s by chowing down on two chocolate chip cookies.
Pam Galloway
05/27/2020 — 1:47 pm
Thank you BOD’s !!
Robert Busse
05/27/2020 — 2:00 pm
It’s nice to have a BOD that takes its lawful and rightful role. The CEO/GM works for the BOD and members. We finally have elected some Directors that didn’t let the CEO push them around and take over running the show. It has been way too long in coming and we should be forever thankful of this entire Board for having the guts to stand up for what is truly best for HSV. Take a bow Directors and a gigantic THANK YOU!!!!!
05/27/2020 — 2:17 pm
sbm…great job…great day…lets hope the launch of the shuttle goes as planned…then it will be a perfect day…ps…ask Dan if he is interested?
JoAnne Froemming
05/27/2020 — 2:38 pm
Well done!! A big THANK YOU to the Board of Directors!!
Karen Bump
05/27/2020 — 2:58 pm
According to the Voice report, there was NOT a buyout.
Andy Kramek
05/27/2020 — 4:00 pm
If there was any kind of financial settlement, then it was a buyout. (If only on the principle that “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s a duck!”)
Still, whatever it cost it will be worth it in the long run. The damage she has done, will take a lot of fixing and she was clearly trying to do all that she could to obstruct the Board.
Whether we will ever know the details of how she was terminated is another matter entirely. With personnel matters being “confidential”, I rather doubt it.
Derek Gordon
05/27/2020 — 3:00 pm
Great job board!!! New hope with a great Board and new CEO coming…..thank you.
05/27/2020 — 6:27 pm
not ceo
Dave Eimer
05/27/2020 — 3:24 pm
Do we need a CEO? It seems like our current board is doing a great job.
Andy Kramek
05/27/2020 — 4:16 pm
We absolutely do not need a CEO. If only because the principal function of a CEO in industry is to set policy and direction for the company. However, in the POA that is the job of the Board of Directors. So what we need is a General Manager to oversee the implementation of the Board’s decisions on policy and direction.
To use a Naval analogy – the Board is the Captain of the ship, but still needs an Executive Officer (XO) to handle the day to day details of keeping the ship running smoothly.
05/27/2020 — 3:52 pm
Reserve Balboa beach, there needs to be huge party.
Minn Daly
05/27/2020 — 4:49 pm
Andy , thank you! We need a NEW General Manager, who reports to the BOD. I am certain for the next few weeks, John Paul will be an excellent person to fill position until NEW person is selected. Again, many thanks to HSV BOD for all they are doing to make HSV healthy financial & unified. Minn Daly
Andy Kramek
05/29/2020 — 9:41 am
Minn, you are exactly right. A GM who actually carries out the Board’s wishes and reports honestly to them is what we need. We have seen what happens when the Board relinquishes control to a single (power-crazed) individual and it hasn’t been good. Time to return to a proper relationship between the Property Owners, their Board of Directors and POA Management.
David and Louise Henderson
05/27/2020 — 5:05 pm
Wonderful news, BOD! Thanks for a job well done. You have our support. We look forward to a bright future for our Village. It will take a lot of hard work, but together we can once again unite our Community.
Gloria W.
05/27/2020 — 5:11 pm
Honoring Commitments:
For those of you who follow my posts, you may know I use the following phrase often in my narratives: “listen to, acknowledge and act upon the wishes of The Membership.”
Finally, we have a Board of Directors that promised to do just that, and the removal of Lesley Nalley is just another in a long list of committed actions that our new BOD is honoring.
Because of past BODs having no spine and allegiances to a very small minority of mis-informed so-called “leaders”, we find ourselves, in the midst of our 50th Anniversary, with news of our CEO’s firing.
This minority of self-serving, self-righteous, self-appointed Village guardians, the so-called “friends of the Village,” held tight to a vision of HSV that very, very few Property Owners approved of. The callously arrogant expenditure of $500,000.00 was one of the straws that broke the Property Owners’ back!
Finally, it took an uprising of Members to demonstrate their discontent by voting down, all questions supporting the implementation of the DOA CMP, a half-million-dollar waste of paper and resources! To further demonstrate their resolve, Property Owners voted to elect candidates that promised to “listen to, acknowledge and act upon the wishes of The Membership.”
And with today’s firing of Lesley Nalley, the person and the symbol of everything that has gone wrong with our leadership, we can now exhale and begin to form trust and respect for our new governors!
Congratulations to the new BOD for honoring The Membership’s wishes. Kudos for having the spine and resolve to take quick and appropriate actions. And thank you for accepting the vision of the majority of Property Owners.
Thank you for acknowledging that Hot Springs Village is indeed, an “active adult lifestyle retirement community!” The majority of Property Owners emptied their bank accounts to become residents of this retirement community and up until today, we were questioning our choices and were very concerned about HSV’s future
With the firing of Lesley Nalley, we no longer fear the installation and intrusion of financially doomed multiple unsupportable businesses, restaurants, town centers, clustered housing, RV resorts, kayak launches at the end of scenic residential lake front roads, and all the other unwanted paraphernalia that the CMP called for.
Please know that the majority of Property Owners have your back!
Hopefully your swamp draining won’t stop at the CEO level! Drill down! Let’s make our management structure, the salaries and benefits and personnel needs, fall into the reasonable category.
Happy 50th Anniversary to Us All !
05/28/2020 — 1:07 pm
Gloria, you said it all so what more can I say except thank you again to our new Board of Directors for getting their campaign promises done. Finally a board we can trust and a board who realized the problem started at the top. Hopefully they will continue to trim the six figure positions so our Village can survive. John Paul will be excellent at the helm until a Manager can be found.
05/27/2020 — 5:20 pm
WOW! Thank you BOD and all of the others who have worked so long and hard for the betterment of our Village!
05/27/2020 — 5:27 pm
Thank you.
05/27/2020 — 5:32 pm
Good news. Better to get this done sooner than later and worth every penny we had to pay. Get rid of another couple of chief/director positions and it pays for itself.
Hope we get to see the General Managers job description and a statement from the board on the key objectives of the new direction.
Jimmy D
05/27/2020 — 6:10 pm
Great job BOD!! John Paul is a very smart and reasonable guy and I feel confident that that we are in good hands until the new General Manager can take over. And if I’m right, the new GM will hit the ground running!
05/27/2020 — 6:27 pm
Great news……Forward we go……
Henry Ewersmann
05/27/2020 — 6:30 pm
Thank You BOD!
Do you think that Dan Aylward would consider being our General Manager?
The property owners & association would be blessed to have him leading us into the future, with the boards guidance.
Who would have imagined that we would be able to find someone as successful a business manager, of his caliber, right in here in our midst?
Butch Ewersmann
mike fleming
05/27/2020 — 8:03 pm
Agree with Butch.
05/27/2020 — 10:15 pm
Yes please❤️😷 We would be blessed to have Dan….the universe brought him to us just when we needed him…
05/27/2020 — 7:58 pm
Thank you BOD! And from the boots on the ground. POA boots on the ground. We have had to eat bad management and uncaring, arrogant management for too long.
Please give us a GM that we can respect. We want and enjoy our work and just want someone who takes the pride we do. Someone who puts in the same pride and sacrifice we do.
Mike Allen
05/27/2020 — 9:12 pm
What a great birthday present for me! I am glad this is a fact! Finally, no more unreasonable spending of my $$$$$$.
Frank Shears aka Bubba
05/28/2020 — 12:14 pm
To: Boots and to ALL the hard working POA staff.
I hope you know that most of the property owners agree with your concerns about wanting a GM who supports your efforts and respects the pride you show every day when you show up for work. Your accomplishments and your efforts speak volumes about your dedication and desire to help all property owners. The people of Hot Springs Village can give a sigh of relief in the knowledge that our new BOD is looking for a GM to respectfully LEAD you instead of arrogantly trying to PUSH you.
We still have a lot of issues within the Village which need to worked through but with your help and good leadership we will succeed in going back to the growth, prosperity and happiness we experienced during the first 40 years of the Village.
Thank you!
05/27/2020 — 8:08 pm
I hope I’m around to read the resume this way over her head
hot shot will conjure telling the world what a forward plan she
sold to a great community.
george chelf
05/27/2020 — 9:18 pm
MY wife and I were thrilled to hear this we now have a BOD who are there to serve the village residents rather than their own wishes only. We made a good choice in their election. John will steady the ship in the interim while the search will take place for a GM. Well done BOD !!!!!!!!!
Mike Allen
05/27/2020 — 9:06 pm
What a great birthday present for me! I am glad this is a fact! Finally, no more unreasonable spending of my $$$$$$.
Thomas taylor
05/27/2020 — 9:25 pm
Tom t best 85 birthday present I ever had
Stark Greinrich
05/27/2020 — 9:40 pm
Folks, lets hope this is just the tip of the iceberg. Now we have to address the rest of the directors. The CMEO, CFO, COO, Director of tourism (for real does HSVPOA need one ?), Director of place-making, Director of food and beverage. And the coup de grâce is we now have an urban forestry manager which we have not needed for 50 years! SHAME on us. I almost forgot about Tom Heffer who gets paid an egregious salary, for taking a million dollar POA subsidy each year.
05/27/2020 — 10:20 pm
Stark is correct. These other positions need to be eliminated.
Start over.
They do nothing and are paid way too much.
Doreen Sintich
05/27/2020 — 10:39 pm
Thank you all who worked so hard to make this day happen. Happy Day are here again. Thanks to our new BOD, we are behind you.
steve bylow
05/28/2020 — 8:33 am
Great News – now I’m optimistic the BOD will hire a qualified General Manager who can help determine the most cost effective/efficient organization structure for our POA.
In other words, be methodical.
1. Hire the GM.
2. Determine the organization structure.
3. Determine which management positions stay, change, and are eliminated.
4. Evaluate staff and fill management positions.
1 Arm Mark
05/28/2020 — 9:00 am
My wife and I are not full time residents yet and have only been able to learn about the Village situation through this web site. Our home is currently under construction on Balboa and are very anxious to be living the dream with you all soon.
It has been very informative over the course of the last year to learn of all of your opinions on so many issues. This form is an excellent way to feel the true “pulse” of the life of our beautiful commuity.
I too agree that our new BOD members are doing a wonderful job in such a short time and they should be given thanks for it! However, considering the financial straights we find our Village in at this time, should we not also be evaluating the amout we pay for our board members annual salaries? I’m not sure what all positions are currently paid, but I have been reading that our departed CEO’s salary was around $300K. Now I ask, “how many of you honestly believe that position is worth that much of our money?” If day to day operations are running as they should be and the business of looking into and planning for our future needs are done on a regular basis, then none of members should need to work at it as a full-time job. Once all is well again, and I know it will be, the ideal situation is for our BOD to do as little as possible. These members are here just as we are, to enjoy our final years as best we can. It’s awesome that there are those here willing to sacrafice some of their precious time to undertake this important responsibility, it should however be taken though with an understanding of working at it as little as possible. Important yes, but life’s precious time need not be spent more than needed in those positions.
Again, I am just learning the aspects of our awesome commuity, but feel the need to look where we can in order to get back to a fiscally responsible and financially sound Village!
1 Arm Mark
Andy Kramek
05/28/2020 — 2:09 pm
First, the members of the Board of Directors are not paid one single cent. Board Directorship is an entirely voluntary post.
Second, you are entirely correct in your assessment that the erstwhile CEO was grossly overpaid – and her contract was, to put it mildly, absurd in that it essentially guaranteed her a job for life unless a Board was willing to buy her out. Thankfully this Board had the courage to do that, although it is doubtful if the full details of her settlement will be made public (even though it is we, the property owners who will be footing the bill).
Third, it is with great relief that we see the Board of Directors resuming their proper role by listening to, and respecting, the views of property owners. Hopefully this Board will not make the same mistake as the last three by granting total; control of everything to a single individual. The latest experiment in that direction resulted in a CEO who, although answerable to the Board in theory, in practice rode roughshod over them. She pushed a personal agenda which was totally at odds with both the majority of residents, as well as many non-resident property owners.
Welcome to the Village. You will it a wonderful place to live, with many, many kind and generous people and I am sure you will be happy.
05/28/2020 — 9:21 am
And the Villagers rejoiced! Many Thanks to our BOD!
Gene Garner
05/28/2020 — 11:15 am
1 Arm Mark, welcome to the Village and I’m sure you’ll be happy in your new home.
The truth of the matter is the Board of Directors are volunteers and are not paid except in criticism, complaints and opposition. You may have gotten the opinion that Lesley Nalley was a member of the Board since she called most of the shots and acted like she ran the show. But she was the only employee of the Board, who up to now couldn’t control her.
She was paid way beyond her abilities and pretty well did what she wanted, like forcing one of her bosses off the Board and cramming the CMP down our throats. With her gone we will save the $210,000+ salary and hopefully terminate the unneeded managers she hired.
You are fortunate because you’ve found the most even-handed and trusted social media website covering HSV.—Gene
George Phillis
05/28/2020 — 1:30 pm
Stark Greinrich is correct. Too many high paid positions HSV does not need. The ceo had no real skills to manage the Village so she hired everyone under the sun to help her and gave them the title “Chief of…..” to pay them a huge undeserved salary.
The new board and GM must start the trimming soon as the employee payroll per month is 1.2 million dollars. Keep in mind there are 335 equivalent full time employees. The top paid 17 positions comprise over 40% of that 1.2 million. That’s 5% of the employees are making over 40% of the payroll for FTEs. Top heavy in management? Needs to be no sympathy factor… is business.
Start the trimming. Keep in mind there are some restrictions because of the loan/grant.
Lorri Street
05/28/2020 — 2:26 pm
Walked my pooch at the DeSoto Spillway today and struck up a conversation with an employee of the HSVPOA maintenance dept. The employee shared that this dept. has recently been tasked to take full responsibility of maintaining the new pool. Keep in mind….these maintenance dept. employees have no training in pool chemical balancing for such a large pool. Additionally…the pool was/is supposed to have a built-in mechanism in place that automatically does the chemical calculations and balancing. Apparently it is not doing the job we paid for it to do. And, here’s the real kicker–the pool has already experienced TWO leaks–each time the maintenance dept. employees had to drain the pool and fix the leak themselves. The fire dept. refilled the pool each time. Now folks…wouldn’t you think that after paying 1.2 million for a BRAND NEW pool there would be a warranty in place to fix such things as cracks??
Becky T.
05/29/2020 — 2:06 pm
By having the POA crew fix the problems with our new pool, the warranty, if any, is now probably now void! Hey – let’s file yet another law suit. We haven’t had enough litigation this week – right! UGH! $1.2M for a leaking pool – that we can’t use! Thankfully the firing of Lesley Nalley trumps any and all bad news about anything – at least for this week!
1 Arm Mark
05/28/2020 — 2:37 pm
Thank you all so much for the warm welcome and the understanding of how the BOD works very hard for us with no monetary compensation. My thanks and appreciation to each one of them! So looking forward to be a part of such a wonderful and caring community with an even better future for us all!!!
Minn Daly
05/28/2020 — 3:12 pm
Lorrie, you are so correct on the pool issues. NO ONE checked the problems out before the contractor left. Our own POA maintance dept did the finish work. This project was over priced from the start & NO one at the POA thought of training any one to take care of maintenance or how NEW equipment functioned. Minn Daly
05/29/2020 — 4:50 am
I attempted in other posts to warn people about the pool fiasco and no one paid any attention.
The old pool should have been repaired. Simple as that.
The new pool is not nice, is not practical, and is not going to serve as any sort of draw for new prospective residents.
And, just another example of how woefully inept the now fired “ceo” was.
It will cause nothing but problems, will never generate enough revenue to even pay for maintenance, and it is plain ugly.
And at $5 a visit the crowds will not amass.
Hopefully we are entering a new era where people actually will do their jobs. That hasn’t happened in a long time.
Just the loses from the failed Troon contract and the costs of the totally unnecessary new pool could have funded a complete overhaul of Balboa golf course and clubhouse.
Tom Blakeman
05/29/2020 — 7:01 am
Exactly Julie. I’ve similarly been warning for years now about the mismanagement of the golf program but no one has been listening. Our new board now has a once in a lifetime opportunity to totally revamp how we charge for and market golf to bring back resident players and draw in Covid weary players from Little Rock and other nearby areas. If they do the right things ASAP they could save massive losses for the last six months of the year and generate millions of new revenue going forward. I hope they are listening.
Lorri Street
05/30/2020 — 6:25 pm
As of today the banished ceo has her house on the market. Godspeed the house sells quickly! Perhaps she will convince some of ‘partners in crime’ to hightail out of OUR Village as well.
Be gone and good riddance!
Bill Gianulis
05/29/2020 — 2:31 pm
I am so happy that we finally have a board that is doing exactly what they said they would do! It is very exciting to see the positive impact that they have made! Keep it up BOD, It’s a tough job, but I am confident that you all will hibe HSV property owners a bright future! THANK YOU A HUNDRED TIMES OVER, I AM NO LONGER THINKING ABOUT CUTTING THE to the chase and moving elsewhere. Life is good and I am sure that you will do what is right and give the village a nice future!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!
Stark Greinrich
06/01/2020 — 9:26 pm
Everyone needs to practice great discernment when it comes to dealing with John Paul. Please keep in consideration that he was an affluent advocate of the now failed Troon contract. This gentleman understands first hand the results of bad leadership as he was part of the past bad decisions. Do we really want to place him at the helm of this ship? We can do much better.
Stark Greinrich
06/01/2020 — 9:46 pm
Let’s get rid of the “Dirty Thirty”. At least 30% of payroll costs that stem from HSVPOA are generated from the artificial “C” & “D” positions. CMEO, CFO, COO, Director of this and Director of that.
We need to get back to our grass roots as a maintenance organization. There is infrastructure that needs to be replaced, roads and culverts that need to be maintained, and an aged waste water collection system in disrepair.
Tom Blakeman
06/02/2020 — 6:31 am
Absolutely correct.
Lorri Street
06/02/2020 — 2:27 pm
I concur about John Paul. Why our new BOD’s decided to hire, even as an interim, a person who was hand-in-hand with the Troon contract–thus Twiggs/Nalley–should NOT have been considered…not to mention lack of education or business skills to support this choice. IMHO we could have picked better, and we should have! I smell Cronyism here v.s. common sense.
BOD’s…please be more sensitive to the current pulse of the majority of the HSV Property Owners who DO NOT want past regime lap dogs having any power in decision making for “us.”
Lorri Street
David L. Henderson
06/02/2020 — 8:59 pm
Totally agree, Lorri.
Not only are John Paul’s qualifications to manage our Village highly questionable, he also alienated a large segment of the community when he joined the Moeller lawsuit against our modern day Paul Revere – Gene Garner.
David L. Henderson