The much-anticipated Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Board of Director Election Counting Day finally arrived!
Due to COVID-19 concerns, there were special rules put into place by the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association in order to provide the counters and staff the highest level of safety possible. The vote count was moved to the Coronado Community Center’s main auditorium so there would be plenty of room between the election counters.
Before entering the building, all counters were given a written health evaluation by the Hot Springs Village Fire Department and their body temperatures were taken. Only after passing the evaluation were the vote counters permitted to enter the counting room.
Gloves, masks and sanitizer were provided to keep all vote counters safe.
There were reports of some counters dropping out of the counting procedure due to COVID-19 concerns.
An unnamed source said there were twenty-two counters at eleven tables, but this information has not been verified. Some tables had an extra person performing in the role of observer. Some did not.
According to an unnamed source, information from the United States Post Office verified that the total number of envelopes returned was 8,472. Three hundred and thirty were returned undelivered to the Property Owners’ Association.
Drum roll….the winners of the HSVPOA 2020 Board election are:
The candidates were (in alphabetical order): Nikki Choyce, Kirk Denger, Dick Garrison, Tucker Omohundro and Lloyd Sherman.
There were four positions to fill. One candidate will fill a one-year term, another will fill a two-year term and the two remaining positions are for three years.
Slotted in the three-year positions are Tucker Omohundro and Lloyd Sherman, with Tucker receiving the highest number of votes and Lloyd in second place.
Dick Garrison will fill the two-year term and Kirk Denger will serve for one year.

Congratulations to the winners!
New Directors sworn in on April 15, 2020
At a special meeting after the regular Board Meeting on April 15, 2020, the new Board Members will be sworn in. Due to COVID-19, it is doubtful if the public will be allowed to attend this meeting.
A big shout out of appreciation to the vote counters
Thank you to the Villagers who volunteered to count the votes today. These are selfless individuals who freely gave of their time and efforts to perform this painstaking and tedious chore and we will be forever indebted to you for this service.
Thank you for reading. Please bookmark this website so you do not miss any updates.
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By Cheryl Dowden, March 24, 2020
Hazel Ecyla
03/24/2020 — 6:10 pm
OMG this is wonderful news fellow homeowners !!!! WE did it !!!? Let’s all truly come together and thank Our Lord & Savior !!!
Gwen Stacy
03/25/2020 — 8:47 am
What Hazel Ecyla said. Congratulations to all and God Bless You as you endeavor to lead.
steve bylow
03/24/2020 — 6:11 pm
Wow – Clear message sent from the people.
steve bylow
03/24/2020 — 6:39 pm
To clarify what I sense the message to be:
LTD – Lead
Kirk – support LTD
Current Board Members who Supported Status Quo – support LTD
03/24/2020 — 6:14 pm
Outstanding. Now get rid of Nalley ASAP and lets get things moving in a positive direction.
Al Lipson
03/24/2020 — 6:14 pm
YYYEEESSSSSSS !!!!!! 1, 2, 3 !!!!!!l. Now things will start to happen.
Meme Lowery
03/24/2020 — 6:37 pm
Omg!!!! So excited with the results and numbers. We worked hard on this campaign LTD, make things right now!!!
03/24/2020 — 6:37 pm
Yes, big thanks to all the vote counters and all those who took the time to vote.
This is a real bright spot in tough times.
Only 7% of the residents voted for Choyce, being the only Nalley supporter of the bunch, that has to send a message to Nalley and her remaining few board buddies. Tick tock, tick tock….
It looks like the vote for only 3 worked, as LTD received almost identical number of resident and non resident votes.
Denger, who gets the 1 year term received 1/2 the votes of any of the LTD group.
Interesting that only 20% of the non residents voted. 70% of the residents did, that is probably typical. Maybe impacted by what has been going on worldwide.
LTD are inheriting a tough situation, not just Nalley’s mismanagement, but the economic fall out from the virus.
Good luck to them!
Judy Weatherly
03/24/2020 — 6:39 pm
It was an exhausting day counting but my counting partner and I were smiling as we counted so many votes for LTD and Kirk.
Let’s give these men time to get acclimated to their new duties before wondering why things haven’t changed in their 1st month.
Guess we’ll have a virtual celebration.
🎉🎈Congrats…Tucker…Lloyd..Dick and Kirk 🎉🎈
Sharon Tyler
03/24/2020 — 6:40 pm
A sigh of relief that our new four (4) board members plus Diana will return to governing the Village for the property owners rather than private and self-served interest. The Village is our dream home. Fix and improve what we already have and growth will follow. Our residents have proved to be the very best marketers.
The empty store fronts are crying out for creative entrepreneurs. During this difficult time, I now have hope for our future.
03/24/2020 — 6:45 pm
Congrats All. Wonderful News
Bill Gianulis
03/24/2020 — 6:45 pm
Good luck to the winners!
Ralph D.
03/24/2020 — 6:45 pm
Congrats to the winners! Results as expected by the majority of Villagers! These new BOD members and Diana have their work cut out for them. Let’s give them the support they deserve! Hoping for some real positive changes in the very near future starting with the removal of Lesley Nalley.
Best to all the winners! Congrats!
Sign of the times to come! The Village – actually being lead by competent caring BOD members that will actually listen to and act upon the wishes of the Membership!
So happy about this!!
Minn. Daly
03/24/2020 — 6:45 pm
Congrats to all NEW BOD members! We are truly happy that LTD & k were winners! Now let’s help them get the correct legal advice as to how to proceed to take our community forward. Let’s hope that members of legacy BOD work with them to get our community back on track! I fully realize that the first 6 months will be a struggle but please know you have support to get our community back to sane management. Again congrats to all! Minn Daly
Andy Kramek
03/24/2020 — 6:46 pm
Congrats to Lloyd, Tucker and Dick. Of course, now the real work begins. Getting the village turned around is not gong to be easy, and probably not quick, so they will need all our continued support in the weeks and months ahead.
Good luck to you and all who will support you.
Monika Sylva
03/24/2020 — 7:27 pm
Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep you balance / LTD / you must keep moving.
Everything the best to nice people from HSV.
Dave Sintich
03/24/2020 — 6:58 pm
My congratulations to our candidates and the best of luck in your endeavors bringing our village back from the brink of ruin. By sticking to the platforms you have ran on, you all should have loyalty and backing from your voting audience. It is only sad to think that approximately 12000 ballots have been accounted for out of the many property owners, but with ballots not being received and some not interested enough to vote you still were elected as we all hoped you would be. Thank you all for running and here’s to a Great Future for Hot Springs Village !!!!!!
Dave Sintich
03/24/2020 — 7:02 pm
And also I would like to thank the people involved in and with the vote counting. Much appreciation during these unhealthy times.
Joseph Vlasek
03/24/2020 — 7:19 pm
Great Job! Now Keep Your Word! Do What You Know You Need to Do!
Linda Anderson
03/24/2020 — 7:19 pm
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL WINNING CANDIDATES and for the people that worked hard to make this vote a success. Now we have HOPE for our Village that we all love. We can look forward to the best interests of property owners . To unite everyone with Trust and Transparency. THKS to ALL That made this happen.
03/24/2020 — 7:25 pm
HOPE. The word of the year.
HOPE Nalley understands she has to listen now. No more dictator edicts. We have our board!!
HOPE these people understand that the people have spoken AGAIN! and stop the fantasy of thinking we are just a few.
HOPE they (the board) are able to ethically bring back sanity to the POA. A ton of work lies ahead.
HOPE for health and Godspeed for our new board to straighten out this mess. Congratulations to all the successful candidates and all that worked so diligently to achieve this great win. Everyone sit back and enjoy the changes that are coming. Let’s give much respect to these brave souls. All deserve our support. Let’s cheer now and stop the rancorous noise from the peanut gallery.
Chuck Alvord
03/24/2020 — 7:38 pm
The 4 candidates for change won big. The single candidate to continue the status quo lost big. This is a huge mandate for change. Congratulations to all of us and especially Lloyd, Tucker, Dick and Kirk ! Good job !
Fran Bearden
03/24/2020 — 7:41 pm
Great news, Congratulations to Our winners. 2020 is looking brighter all ready.
03/24/2020 — 7:58 pm
Former hsv owner…sends congratulations to those who won & those who work so hard for change!
LN…your “subjects” have spoken. Please consider leaving gracefully, without doing any additional damage.
03/25/2020 — 5:03 am
That’s not going to happen!
Donna Aylward
03/24/2020 — 9:24 pm
Congratulations to Tucker, Lloyd, Dick and Kirk! Now the work begins!
But many thanks to Cheryl and Joe Dowden who had the patience and determination to share the truth and support change by sharing the platforms of these candidates! We can have great candidates, but without a method of sharing their information with the masses they would never have been this successful! We owe a huge thank you and debt of gratitude to Cheryl and Joe.
03/24/2020 — 10:23 pm
Amen Donna. Here’s to Cheryl & Joe. Hardest working ppl I know. Thank you both.
Vikki Powell
03/25/2020 — 11:49 pm
Cheryl and Joe really were the backbone to the constant publicity given to the three primary candidates, LTD. They did what they did with integrity and professionalism. They gave up their lives in many ways so that the masses could have all the truthful information needed to make the best informed decision. I know there were so very many more good people also involved as well. To all, Thank You for all that you did to help make this outcome happen.
Jackie Cutler
03/24/2020 — 10:06 pm
We the People have spoken! Jackie Cutler
03/24/2020 — 10:21 pm
Yes they have and we support Lorri Street and the We the People Movement.
Clyde Berry
03/25/2020 — 12:01 pm
AMEN Lorrie deserves a lot of credit for helping us get to this point!
Mary Szczepaniak
04/04/2020 — 11:39 pm
Getting rid of LN may take quite some time. This must be executed in a smart way. Otherwise, it could cost us millions of dollars. So, be patient. LN has a contract through at least the end of this year & perhaps next year. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Support the good guys!
Rosanne Hitch
03/24/2020 — 10:39 pm
Now let’s hope all this hate and discontent goes away! I cannot take people being against each other and have to live together in this gated community! Be kind!
03/24/2020 — 11:04 pm
Yesssssssssssssssss!!!!!! Now we can get back to the right direction!!
Robert Busse
03/24/2020 — 11:35 pm
Way to go Villagers!!! We elected LTD and K. Congratulations! Thanks to all the supporters for “change”, and thanks to the Dowden’s for keeping the community informed with the truth. And also a thank you to the Vote counting group who braved the virus conditions to finalize what the large majority knew was coming. What a great day for HSV!!
Now, we all must be patient with our new majority, because the job they have in front of them is daunting. “Change” will not happen overnight. Remember it took over 5 years to get things in the mess they are in. So working together with the members it is going to take the Board time get things back on the right track. Plus, HSV and its members and the country will have to face whatever conditions remain after the Virus is controlled and the nation can function again.
To D,L,T,D,and K, good luck and God be with you. HSV has a few weeks to enjoy victory and then it’s time for us all to get together and support the new leaders in taking that new path forward. OOH, RAH!!
03/25/2020 — 5:05 am
I wonder if the private brainwashing and sell-out conversion session normally held for all new board members will be effected in any way by The Covid-19 virus?
Arkansans for Ethical Government
03/25/2020 — 7:00 am
We are wondering whether each newly elected board member understands their legal duties.
03/25/2020 — 8:16 am
Oh yes! They understand better than you. They have a plan. Sit back and watch how the legalese is untangled and reestablished as something resembling sanity.
Arkansans For Ethical Government
03/25/2020 — 8:44 am
You have no clue what we know and understand about your community Kilroy. We stand with those who follow ethical governmental practices and will watch yours with great interest.
03/25/2020 — 10:25 am
Who cares what you stand for? You have nothing to do with our community. Nothing.
Please leave us alone.
03/25/2020 — 10:26 am
Oh Dear! The “ethical police” are here. Guess that is translated to mean: you’ll sue us for making Nalley have a nervous and hectic day. We better watch our backs because, once gained, power is not relinquished so easily.
W Carter
03/25/2020 — 11:19 am
All I have ever seen coming out your “Organization” is vicious personal attacks, misrepresentations and outright lies. Your so-called “Organization” does not even exist as far as I can tell. Either own up and tell us who you really are, or shut up and go away, you are first, last and always a troll.
Valerie Phillis
03/26/2020 — 3:12 pm
Scott McCord,
Please stop your ridiculous posts. They are laughable.
Karen Daigle Lundberg
03/25/2020 — 5:15 pm
Arkansans for Ethical Government – I am wondering if you even know the meaning of the word “ethical,” much less any legal duties of Board members. Our old Board certainly did not. I also note that you are not registered as any type of organization with the Arkansas Secretary of State, when every club existing in HSV is registered with the Arkansas Secretary of State. Ethical much?
Arkansans For Ethical Government
03/26/2020 — 12:14 pm
Ms. Lundberg your name does not show up as a member of Hot Springs Village. This website’s organization, one of its leaders and its predecessor organization, We The People, are not on any Secretary of state rolls. By your definitions, are we to also assume each of you are irrelevant to this discussion? And, additionally, a check of out of state resources points to a pattern with you and the community’s in which you live.
Karen Daigle Lundberg
03/26/2020 — 2:36 pm
Looks to me like our Arkansans for Ethical Government have a little studying of the law to do. Our home is owned by my husband and myself, regardless of whose name is on the paperwork. It’s called community property, which naturally entitles me to be a property owner. Lesson #1.
Take a refresher course on looking up companies on the Secretary of State’s website. You completely missed that Hot Springs Village People is registered with the Secretary of State. Your organization is NOT. Lesson #2.
Lastly, you need to be extremely careful when implicating, as you did, that a check with out of state resources shows a pattern of mine from communities where I have lived. If you have proof of any wrongdoing on my part, which you do not, I urge you to bring it out in the open so that I might defend myself against any false allegations which may be made. But, no, you did not do that. You did it in such a way to make people wonder. If you have something to say, just say it. Lesson #3.
After reading your post, I can’t help but wonder if you and your merry men and women are really that scared of me? Do I pose such a threat to our “ceo” that you have to falsely imply there is something wrong or illegal about me.
I truly feel flattered that you feel so threatened.
Karen Daigle Lundberg
03/26/2020 — 2:51 pm
Let me see if I understand you correctly. Any of the people you stated that are not registered with the Secretary of State are not relevant to this conversation? Well, good-bye then.
Tom Blakeman
03/25/2020 — 6:59 am
Three things:
1. Congratulations to Lloyd, Tucker, Dick, and Kirk! A much deserved win!
2. Time for all those CMP supporters and POA status quo backers to get the message and get out of the way. Change is here. You are not needed anymore.
3. Also time for the rest of us to redouble our support for the winners. Lend a hand and your expertise when needed. Show up at the meetings. The game isn’t won just yet. Our newly elected leaders will need our continuing help going forward.
03/25/2020 — 9:24 am
Agree with Tom 100%.
And no excuses about anything…get rid of the CMP and the little “ceo” ASAP.
No exceptions – no delays – get her done.
Andy Kramek
03/25/2020 — 9:35 am
Tom, you are exactly correct.
Euphoria at the overwhelming support for LTD, especially among residents where they received just over 80% of all votes cast, is certainly justified. Over 17,000 resident votes went to LTD while Choyce scored just 1,500! It is a clear and total rejection of the current POA Management direction and opposition can no longer be cast as being just “a few inveterate complainers”.
However, there is a huge mountain to climb to undo the damage that has been done over the past few years to the governance of the Village. Make no mistake the “ceo” and her crew are not going to calmly give in and walk away! They will fight tooth and nail, using every dirty trick in their playbook, to preserve their positions, power and to prevent change. The changes made to the governing documents and by-laws mean that they will have both the law, and the lawyers, on their side. Change is not going to happen any time soon and certainly not easily.
Support for Lloyd, Tucker and Dick, together with Diana (and even Kirk if he behaves sensibly), is going to be MORE important in the months ahead. Now is not the time to sit back and bask in the glow of victory. Yes, a skirmish may have been won, but the battle has not even begun, let alone the war.
I echo Tom’s sentiments:
Lend a hand and your expertise.
Show up at the meetings.
Make it very clear whose ideas you support.
Kirk Denger
03/27/2020 — 9:02 pm
Kramek, behave sensibly, get over being fired by the POA, there will not be any “battles let alone a war.” Try letting go of your injured self-image and try not to create scenarios for HSV that only exist within your fragile ego.
Inside Kook's Head
03/27/2020 — 11:22 pm
Kook Denger, a newly elected board director attacking a property owner who did not support his candidacy.
The only reason you got elected is because property owners rejected the CEO candidate.
Compare yourself to Trump, Trump was elected to prevent the repugnant Hillary from being elected. You were elected to prevent the CEO candidate from being elected. I think your tenure as a board director will be very, very short.
Kirk Denger
03/28/2020 — 8:34 am
Inside Kook’s Head03/27/2020 — 11:22 pm, what you think is very, very short — and gullible. People who voted for Trump like him. Inciting battles and wars for HSV is not in our future or our past. We have enough problems without buying trouble from Arizona.
Andy Kramek
03/28/2020 — 9:32 am
I was NOT fired by the POA. I walked out of a “meeting”, that turned out to be nothing more than a kangaroo court, in protest at the way the “ceo” attempted to suppress my personal freedom of speech.
So, yet again you are distorting facts, insulting and abusing people. Great behavior for a newly elected Board member – you should fit right in with the the “ceo” and her cronies.
Kirk Denger
03/29/2020 — 11:25 am
So you were forced to quit before you were fired, my apologies for the misunderstanding. My reply was to get over it, your life is much better now and the battles you are still fighting in your mind should be calmed by now.
03/29/2020 — 12:42 pm
Kirk, Andy was not ‘forced” to quit. You are still misunderstanding. Why are you telling Andy what to do? Andy did not support your candidacy and it appears you have an issue with him because of this. Andy has been a huge help to the movement and is very much appreciated. His intelligent comments and articles are welcome here. Thank you. – Cheryl Dowden
Jeff Hollansworth
03/25/2020 — 8:45 am
The people have spoken… In a clear and obvious manner. Congratulations new Board Members and may the Lord grant you the wisdom to bring this great community back together in a unified manner. So much damage has been done through poor leadership but now is the time to heal. I have never been more confident and enthusiastic about the future of HSV!
Joe and Cheryl deserve a collective “thank you” from the community as well as Lorri Street, her volunteers; and Cooper. Well done!!
It’s a new day!!!!
03/25/2020 — 5:24 pm
Well said my friend.
03/25/2020 — 10:44 am
03/25/2020 — 12:17 pm
One fine day an election was held,
what it portends has finally jelled.
The CMP is a dead as can be,
And the little “ceo” is history.
Finally we can get some relief,
from promises that strain our belief.
No more crazy, insane schemes,
promising the moon and more it seems.
Pocket neighborhoods? I don’t think so,
Grocery store at the Woodllands ain’t gonna go.
High density housing right on the lake?
This kind of insanity no more will we take.
Town centers with stores everywhere,
People bustling about with a care.
New pools, broken golf courses,
Residents without recourses.
We have finally been pushed to limit,
no more nonsense – we are going to commit.
To getting rid the the little “ceo”,
Quite simply she just has to go.
And all the other overpaid hacks,
who have never, ever had our backs.
Return the Village to its rightful heirs,
The village is forever ours – not theirs.
Gary Puffer
03/25/2020 — 3:53 pm
Well done, Carla!!!! I enjoyed your poetic sentiment, especially, the little ceo bit, lol.
03/25/2020 — 1:10 pm
Don t forget, the current administration has counsel from all the association’s she is aligned with and whose ideas they promote. So any suggested change will be meet with resistance. We thought the deal Dick got last year was bad, I think what to come will be much worse.
03/25/2020 — 2:13 pm
You are right SD. I’m sure they have a lot of fire power left in their arsenal. Pun intended. We need all hands on the board to keep their seats or we are done, finished, kaput.
They are by definition, “Corporate raiders.” Those people are not giving any latitude. They are ruthless and know a lot about how to get a firm toehold in our community. It is all legal for them to fleece us the way they have it set up. We have been shanghaied, bought paid for by experienced professionals and they enjoy their champagne lifestyle on our dime.
I hope that Diana Podawiltz is nominated for Chairman of the board. She was able to hang on through the toughest of circumstances and is wise to LN and her circle of buddies. She has tenure and is so smart. She deserves that spot.
Janet Hronek
03/25/2020 — 5:50 pm
Congratulations to the winners! And “thanks goes out to the Dowdens for all your work. And, last but not least, a big THANK YOU to DIANA PODOWITZ for standing strong and enduring since her election.
David Wilson
03/25/2020 — 10:04 pm
BIGGEST LOSERS WERE THE MEMBERS OF THE POA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
30.56% of Resident Property Owners did not vote.
80.40% of Non-Resident Property Owners did not vote.
60.16% of of All Property Owners did not vote.
Dollar to a donut says above statistics closely mirror results of
last 3 or 4 Board of Director elections. Not being informed and
ignoring BOD elections got us into the MESS we have been
living with for too many years now. You can’t sit at home, bitch
and gripe, and expect others to carry your water for you!!!
03/26/2020 — 4:54 am
Non-resident property owners have no reason to vote. They are not moving here. Not after what the recent boards have done.
LTD + 1 have much to do to right this sinking ship. They need to act fast and aggressively.
Too early to be taking about assessment increase.
Not too early to be getting rid of the little “ceo”.
So many of our failed board members were retired military. Makes me wonder….what exactly inspires them to attempt to relevant again in their careers. Whatever it is they have failed miserably. Ten hut!
First item for action is to change the exit gates to only open for residents. Nothing else makes sense. Why are we making it easy for outsiders to invade our community? Get the police back at the main gates doing random checks on non-residents like we used to do. Or don’t you remember? We did do it.
A word of advice to the newly elected board. You DO NOT need to attend any brainwashing sessions. None. Don’t go. You can see what has happened in the past. Some were turned before they were even seated. Not healthy. Don’t go.
Let’s right this sinking ship of New Urbanism and insanity by supporting the new board members loudly and often.
Do it and do it now.
steve bylow
03/26/2020 — 9:19 am
Julie – I agree with 80% of your comments but strongly disagree with your generalization about retired Military folks.
I was never in the military but worked with many who were very successful Leaders in the private sector – I also saw some that failed.
The ones who were successful had excellent situational awareness, people skills, and understanding of total quality principles.
In general, the most effective Leaders have:
1. broad base of experience in various organizations
2. significant leadership experience at various levels of management
I agree that the root cause for the current mess is folks in leadership positions who lacked one or both.
That is also reason I’m confident about the future under the leadership of LTD+D and others on the Board who are ready to join the turnaround.
03/26/2020 — 9:25 am
Agree – one should not generalize – but we came up on the short end with our retired mil guys….they were complicit in all this mess and look where it has left us!!!!
They should be ashamed.
And demoted.
03/26/2020 — 11:35 am
Not only did many property owners not vote, but many voted for these incompetent, lazy, easily-led crazies who ruined HSV by relinquishing all authority to some phony “ceo” in title only.
We all should be ashamed and we should all work together to make sure it does not happen again.
New Urbanism in HSV is dead!
It is a sad, sad joke. Was never going to work. Ever.
Pathetic little mousy fools thinking we were going to get a brand new town center???!!! We can’t even put a crosswalk on DeSoto.
Pocket neighborhoods???!
High density, low income housing??!!!
Aged and decrepit “amenities” that are left to rot???!!!
Fake contracts to people who can’t ever seem to fulfill them, but get paid nonetheless!!!
“ceo” earning more than the governor???!!!!!
All of it was a shame and a disgrace and it has to be removed now and forever. There is not a single thing in the “cmp” that makes any sense for HSV…nothing do you hear me??? Toss it. Shred it. Burn it.
Folks, we have to go full speed ahead on this now!
Before it really is too late.
Remember, we have people doing Internet searches now before they move here. Imagine that? Solution – hide what is going on and make sure the searches don’t work. Sounds like Cuba to me.
And we ain’t no communist village.
Help me understand all this…it is simply too much.
As pointed out above by so many, the election was a total and absolute rejection of these idiotic notions of new urbanism. Total and complete rejection in every possible way measurable. The “cmp” and the “ceo” were rejected out of hand.
If those responsible won’t leave on their own, then get rid of them. All of them – clean house once and for all. Clean it now!!! No excuses. None.
03/25/2020 — 11:43 pm
Congratulations to all of our new Board Members.
I wish them the very best of luck as they assume their leadership role.
I know they will be evaluating many opportunities for improvement to our overall performance.
After their review, if they deem it necessary to recommend an assessment increase, they have my support. I’m a “yes” on my votes.
Now the work begins!
Karen Daigle Lundberg
03/26/2020 — 3:52 pm
Let me see if I understand you correctly. Any of the people you stated that are not registered with the Secretary of State are not relevant to this conversation? Well, good-bye then.
George K Phillis
03/27/2020 — 12:20 am
So the “Arkansas for Ethical Government” group says “We stand with those who follow ethical governmental practices and will be watching yours with great interest”. That’s a real laugh Scott. Yep….emails can be tracked. Anyway it is such a laugh when considering your “group” must have been looking the other way while all the shenanigans were going on by management at HSV. Or were you all too busy trolling ND and other sites tossing out red herrings? You also stated “We are wondering whether each newly elected board member understands their legal duties.” What would you know about legal duties? The present management of HSV didn’t seem to know so why didn’t your group do something about that?
Care to say just who are the “major players” in your group or is that a secret like so many other things have been within HSV management? I have to agree with Ms Lundberg….you are not relevant…..goodbye.
03/27/2020 — 9:19 am
After the accolades that Erickson gave for Nalley, you can bet that she will get the big $$$ job in the POA she is rumored to be aiming for.
03/27/2020 — 2:24 pm
If that’s true she can be fired.