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HSVPOA BOD 2020 Election Results

The much-anticipated Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Board of Director Election Counting Day finally arrived!

Due to COVID-19 concerns, there were special rules put into place by the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association in order to provide the counters and staff the highest level of safety possible. The vote count was moved to the Coronado Community Center’s main auditorium so there would be plenty of room between the election counters.

Before entering the building, all counters were given a written health evaluation by the Hot Springs Village Fire Department and their body temperatures were taken. Only after passing the evaluation were the vote counters permitted to enter the counting room.

Gloves, masks and sanitizer were provided to keep all vote counters safe.

There were reports of some counters dropping out of the counting procedure due to COVID-19 concerns.

An unnamed source said there were twenty-two counters at eleven tables, but this information has not been verified. Some tables had an extra person performing in the role of observer. Some did not.

According to an unnamed source, information from the United States Post Office verified that the total number of envelopes returned was 8,472. Three hundred and thirty were returned undelivered to the Property Owners’ Association.

Drum roll….the winners of the HSVPOA 2020 Board election are:

The candidates were (in alphabetical order): Nikki Choyce, Kirk Denger, Dick Garrison, Tucker Omohundro and Lloyd Sherman.

There were four positions to fill. One candidate will fill a one-year term, another will fill a two-year term and the two remaining positions are for three years.

Slotted in the three-year positions are Tucker Omohundro and Lloyd Sherman, with Tucker receiving the highest number of votes and Lloyd in second place.

Dick Garrison will fill the two-year term and Kirk Denger will serve for one year.

2020 HSVPOA BOD Vote Count Information

Congratulations to the winners!

New Directors sworn in on April 15, 2020

At a special meeting after the regular Board Meeting on April 15, 2020, the new Board Members will be sworn in. Due to COVID-19, it is doubtful if the public will be allowed to attend this meeting.

A big shout out of appreciation to the vote counters

Thank you to the Villagers who volunteered to count the votes today. These are selfless individuals who freely gave of their time and efforts to perform this painstaking and tedious chore and we will be forever indebted to you for this service.


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By Cheryl Dowden, March 24, 2020

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