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HSVPOA Board Meeting 8-18-21

The Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association held its August 18, 2021 Board Meeting and is still short one Board Director.

Sitting at the table:

Board Members: JoAnne (Joanie) Corry, Chair; Tucker Omohundro, Vice-chair; Robert (Bob) McLeod; Chris Jones; Gary Belair; Pamela (Pam) Avila

Staff: Stephanie Heffer, Corporate Secretary and Director of Programs and Operations; Coreena Fetterhoff, Corporate Treasurer, and Controller; John Paul, Interim General Manager; and Katrina Heap, Administrative Assistant to the GM

Additional Meeting Attendees

Staff: Jason Temple, Director of Public Services; Paul Moore, Audio-Visual Manager; HR Manager, Kim Massey

Committee Member: Janet Rowe, ACC Chair

Press: Lewis Delavan, Hot Springs Village Voice Reporter

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Chair, Joanie Corry led the meeting with Vice-chair Tucker Omohundro stating that a quorum was met. Jason Temple, Director of Public Services, led the prayer and Omohundro led the Pledge of Allegiance. The Order of Business (Agenda) was approved.


It was disclosed that there was an Executive Session on July 21, 2021, concerning confidential personnel matters.

At this Executive Session, there was also a discussion of the American Rescue Plan infrastructure Project funds. Stephanie Heffer gave an Overview of the American Rescue Plan funding opportunities. The POA may be eligible to receive up to $1 million from Garland County and up to $1 million from Saline County, for the purposes of infrastructure projects such as water and wastewater services and broadband internet services expansion.

Additionally, there was also an Executive Session concerning the FRATF Analysis Discussion on August 16, 2021.


The Consent Agenda was approved.

Committee Appointments

  • Duane Ninke was appointed to the Public Services Committee – term expiring May 2023
  • John Whitwell was appointed to the Lakes Committee – term expiring May 2023
  • Evan Hanson was appointed to the Parks & Recreation Committee – term expiring May 2023

Click here to read the Interim General Manager’s report.

Financial Report

Controller and Corporate Treasurer, Coreena Fetterhoff presented the July Financials to the Board.


Reasons Why POA Employees Quit

Corry inquired about employee numbers. Paul said, “we are about 20 employees down in golf, with very few people applying right now.”

H.R. Director, Kim Massey said, “we have a current population of about 450 employees. I confidently think we are down 10%. Right about 45 employees and that is golf, police… Sanitation is finally staffed. We are doing okay in some regards and in others are short.”

Corry asked why we lost two mechanics. Massey said, “it is a combination of things. We try to conduct exit interviews when people leave. And some people leave just as a matter of choice. Those that do not, typically always rely on, ‘it’s not enough money. I am leaving for money.’ Whether it is a management issue… an equipment issue or they are just tired of working here, it is hard to get to the bottom of that. So the easy answer is, ‘it’s money, I didn’t have the proper tools.’ And that is sort of what bubbles to the top.”

Paul said in a couple of cases it was because the employees found jobs working in air-conditioned spaces versus non-air conditioned spaces. It is mostly money, but there can be other factors, also.

Architectural Control Committee Report

Click here to read ACC Chair, Janet Rowe’s report.

Cross Connection Control Program Policy

Director McLeod presented a motion for a Cross Connection Control Program Policy. While the HSVPOA currently requires all residents and businesses to follow Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) rules and regulations regarding Cross Connection Control, there is not a policy in place to support compliance. The purposes of the policy are:

  • To provide for the protection of the public potable water supply;
  • To isolate at the service connection any actual or potential pollution or contamination within the consumers’ premises, and;
  • To provide a continuous, systematic, and effective program of cross-connection control.

Director Jones asked if all of the POA facilities were in compliance of this policy. Public Services Director, Jason Temple said the POA is in compliance and performs annual inspections to make sure the connections are functioning properly.

This motion passed unanimously.

Please see the motion provided below for policy details.


Assessment Increase Discussion

Please click here to read the article on the Board’s Assessment Increase Discussion.

Board Member Comments

Jones said there has been a tremendous outpouring of emails support in the past few days. The reason the Board is not having a vote on assessment increases is to give the community time to reach out to the Board.

New Email Address


This address is being carefully monitored and comments are being recorded. Send your thoughts and comments there. You can also send them to the Board. The Board Members will have access to this email.

All Board emails will be responded to by Pam Avila. McLeod said, “we want to come to you as a Board, rather than all the individuals because we all agree with what Pam is sending out.”

Corry said if you wish to address an individual Board Member to send your email to that Board Member. “Typically, we are mostly in agreement on what we have come in and then if not, we talk (email back and forth) and Pam is the voice. That is why she says, ‘On behalf of the Board.’ It is just a lot cleaner that way.”

Omohundro joked, “they don’t allow me to answer them.”

Corry said, “we try to keep Tucker off.”

McLeod said, “it’s hard.”

Belair said FRATF and the F and P Committee spent a lot of time working to come up with the “basis for us to even come close to making our decisions. From here, it is going to be in your hands.”

Corry thanked FRATF. “They dug deep. They dug hard.”

Audience Comments

Former Board Director, Tormey Campagna said that he and former Board Chair, Cindi Erickson spent a lot of time putting together a document. “It had a lot of the components you are now suggesting you are going to include.” He complimented the Board, saying, “this is something that had to be done.” Campagna said he and Erickson support the Board’s decision. He said he has been pushing higher assessments for years. “I sure pray that this Village comes through because if it doesn’t, it is going to be exactly as some of you have referenced. We need more money to operate properly. We need quality employees. They need to be paid competitively and we need equipment that supports them. Thank you all.”

::Audience claps::

Board Promises CPI Will NOT be a Factor for Five Years if Assessment Increase Passes

Property Owner, Becky Young said, “a question for clarification. You are suggesting you are going to be voting on an assessment for 2022 of $90. Is that an additional assessment to the $72 we would be expecting next year or is this a replacement for the assessments?”

Omohundro said, “for the next five years, correct me if I am wrong, the numbers will be exactly as quoted. The CPI will not be a factor in that, in those five years. Those are the true numbers. I say that. That’s our intent and I am sure we will not change that.”

Fetterhoff said, “it is not in addition. It is a replacement.”

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