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HSVPOA Board Hosts Successful Meet & Greet for New GM

The Hot Springs Village Property Owners Board of Directors hosted a very successful Meet and Greet for the new General Manager, Kelly Hale. This event was held at the Coronado Community Center from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM on February 22, 2022. We have heard nothing but accolades about the event and wish to share some of the comments.

According to Villager, Janet Rowe, “excellent turn-out, tons of folks showed up. There were stations representing each POA department with employees manning the tables to answer questions. Mr. Hale was there with his mother, a very sweet lady. He stood for the entire two-plus hours talking to people.”

HSVPOA Board Hosts Meet and Greet for New GM – Photo by Janet Rowe

Janet continued, “the food was excellent, big thank you to all of the restaurants that contributed. They had a raffle for $10, $50, and $100 gift cards.”

Hot Springs Village Successful Hale Event
Hot Springs Village POA GM Hale Meet and Greet – Photo by Janet Rowe

Board Candidate, Jama Lopez, shared, “An impressively large number of people came out to meet our new General Manager, Kelly Hale. Each department had a table staffed with a department supervisor. Department information was available at each booth. It was a great opportunity to meet staff and learn more about the POA administration.”

Ms. Lopez continued, “Clampits provided a nice array of appetizers for all to enjoy. And, based on the long line to meet Mr. Hale, Property Owners are certainly feeling very optimistic about good things to come. Board Members and the majority of Board candidates mixed and mingled.”

Hale Meet and Greet Jama and Michael
Jama and Michael at Hale Meet and Greet

Villager, Missy Masterson, stated, “I know I saw well over 200 people there… parking lot overflowed. All the major departments had tables staffed with their employees. A few had minor promotional items and/handouts.”

Ms. Masterson said, “the POA had tickets they gave out, which you took to each table and had them initial. Then you turned them back in and they drew for prizes. I know there were at least 4 gift cards: $10 x 2, $60, $100.”

In further detail, Ms. Masterson shared, “there was a long line to greet Mr. Hale that continued the whole time we were there. I got to meet him and he was very cordial and well-spoken.”

“The food was plentiful and donated by several area restaurants/fooderies, including Clampitts, and included BBQ sandwiches and beans, fruit trays with cream cheese dip, and cheese/salami/cracker trays. There were round top tables set up for guests to sit down and eat. A cash bar was available,” explained Masterson.

Hale Meet and Greet – Photo by Janet Rowe

Thank you to Hot Springs Village Staff, Board, and everyone else involved for making this occasion the stellar event that it was.

Cheryl Dowden, Hot Springs Village People, February 22, 2022


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