By Cheryl Dowden, February 4, 2021
Hot Springs Village Board Chairman, Tucker Omohundro, contacted me regarding some questions he was asked by the Hot Springs Village Voice for a Village Voice article, titled, “Former Hot Springs Village POA board chairs respond to outgoing general manager’s claims.” Click here to read the article.
Mr. Omohundro was concerned that the Voice did not print all of his answers to the questions he was asked and he wanted us to publish the full exchange. What follows are the questions asked by the Voice reporter and the answers given by the Chairman. (For clarification, the red text is from the Voice and the purple is from the Chairman.)
Village Voice: “Tucker, “Here are the questions I needed clarified. If you feel you want to elaborate it would be appreciated.
“Tucker, Mr. King opened this box of worms. The Voice and I would be remiss in not reporting his actions, or words. Personally, I think he got a raw deal but when I write, my opinion doesn’t matter.”
“In my article, I don’t condemn anyone. I’m looking for facts and a way to make of sense of this mess we’re in right now. It’s my job to inform, not inflame.
Thank you for your time and our conversation this morning. Here are my 5 questions.”
Questions and Answers:
Village Voice: “(1) Would you make a brief statement about Mr. King’s leaving?”
Omohundro: “I am sorry to see Charles leave. During the short time he has been with us, he has made improvements and was moving forward in a positive manner. I am hoping that a positive will come from this. Maybe the Village as a whole will see how the negativity in some cases impacts the POA staff and their families. I am hoping that a much more positive plan and interaction among the board, staff, and property owners can happen going forward.”
Village Voice: “(2) Can you explain why the HSV BOD allowed Mr. King to speak to the public during the last meeting?”
Omohundro: ” Charles has always addressed the public in our meetings. You can look at this as a positive or negative. Many people have expressed opinions both ways.”
Village Voice: “(3) Would you explain why the board kept Mr. King in-house following his resignation?”
Omohundro: ” Charles was not leaving under bad circumstances. Some companies do ask employees to leave in many cases, but that generally has to do with fear of them taking information or clients away from the business. That’s not the case here and allowing Charles to stay until the end of the month allowed the board and staff to form some semblance on how to move forward.”
Village Voice: “(4) Is the BOD aware of Sherman and Podawiltz disappointment? If so, as chair person, would you like to clarify the board’s position? “
Omohundro: “I have no comment on this.”
Village Voice: “(5) Perhaps, this is the one question you might want to answer. You are mentioned in a text as having talked to Lloyd Sherman about his activities regarding kickbacks. A direct quote, “Abort kickback search. Tucker called Lloyd and said he was told employees were investigating other employees at Lloyd’s direction.”
Omohundro: “I am aware of this text because it was shown to me. I also talked to Lloyd about the situation. I believe that the circumstances surrounding the events in question are better left out of the media and have no further comment on that.”
* * *
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Minn Daly
02/04/2021 — 1:21 pm
HSV Chair & BOD, how sad that all of you must contend with issues that YOU personally did not create. 2 XBOD members resigned & a POA manager resigned, created by issues with these individuals as stated by X Manager Charles King. Situations that were created by resigned members should be in the background not in HSV going forward. It seems these days in all of media they like to take hyper issues an spin for increase readership. How sad! People are getting smart & turning the media off! Glad that Tucker asked the Dowdens to give facts to membership with clarity. Thank you Dowdens! HSV is a beautiful place & a community that is blessed to have members that respect our BOD & POA staff & the great job they are accomplishing under crap that they can’t control. He said, they said issues can be a disaster if you were not there in the meeting. Only people that know real facts are individuals that were ingaged in conversations. Those individuals have legal recourse, don’t involve HSV into your battles. Members need for our BOD to contine moveing forward. Support the BOD, look forward to NEW candidates, make your decisions on resumes & meeting of these NEW candidates. Please let’s look to a brighter future with HSVBOD & Staff. Minn Daly
Lloyd E Sherman
02/04/2021 — 2:41 pm
I have been struggling with the past not being left in the past and after the Voice asked for an interview to respond to our ex-GM charges, and then wrote an article that didn’t reflect the answers I gave, it became obvious to me that the ex-GM, nor the Board Chair were willing to do that. Your ex-board chairs did not do what the ex-GM accused them of and shame on those of you who believe an unknown resource, who couldn’t handle the heat so he got out of the kitchen. Good for him if that is what he wanted to do but his exit was anything but graceful and it was riddled with mistruths and misrepresentations. Allowing his rant and publication of a resignation letter that could provide ammunition for lawsuits is not exactly what I would call logical. Reputations have been libeled at the very least, and while I was trying to stay on the high road, others have decided to take the low road. Diana and I are proud of the work we did while on the board and also have a right to tell our side of this story.
Tucker Omohundro
02/04/2021 — 6:13 pm
Lloyd you are the one that did not let it lie. Diana also. Please try to do so now. If not I have decided to do the same. You both should think about that. This was my first response to bring out the truth as peaceful as I could. I have had one reason to not defend the board. I could not do that without speaking the truth which would hurt people I don’t really want to hurt. You two have now pushed me to the point that I don’t care. I am done with you both. Please stop or be prepared. In case Diana does not see this I suggest you let her know. Anymore from either of you then it’s all coming out. One email at a time. Please understand that I really do not care anymore.
Lloyd E Sherman
02/04/2021 — 7:02 pm
Tucker – I’ve said what I needed to say after the Voice didn’t. I didn’t approach them; they wanted to talk to me. I do ask however that you refrain from bullying and threatening statements. Most people don’t react well to those tactics and I am amongst them. I am no longer on HSV related social media sites so you won’t be hearing from me on any of those. Let’s move on!
Tucker Omohundro
02/04/2021 — 9:40 pm
Sorry Lloyd, it may be just a little to late. If you stay off social media sites you will not have to see what I will post. I do suggest you do so. Diana went off again so here we go. It was not a threat. It was a fact. Hope you can deal with that. I will not post my opinions. I will post emails. People can read.
Lloyd E Sherman
02/05/2021 — 7:28 am
Make up your mind Tucker! We have previously asked that you provide us with whatever it is that you have and asked how you got it. Keep in mind that if you continue down this path, it is you who is changing the ground rules. I am not in charge of what Diana does and it is not my place to tell her how to defend herself. If you start posting information, then it is may cause me to re-enter the fight and I don’t believe that is in the best interest, but you go ahead and do what you think is best for the Village. I will do the same.
Kirk Denger
02/04/2021 — 10:02 pm
Lloyd, in the informal email vote to remove Foltz from treasurer position, you voted yes to have the treasurer removed. A hard copy does exist which should be available through a simple records request (“…while I don’t have to vote, I vote yes”). At the next (10/21/20?) meeting when I called for a roll call vote, you stated that you did not vote. Then you come out on social media and complain about how Foltz was treated? Please rationalize with your alternative facts, to inquiring minds.
Lloyd E Sherman
02/05/2021 — 7:35 am
Kirk – I never said I didn’t vote in favor of the Treasurer issue, We are all entitled to mistakes and that was a huge one on my part and my vote was more about going along to get along and I should never have taken that stance. As the Chair, you are only required to vote to break a tie and it was obvious the majority had already made a decision regarding this issue. This was a huge mistake on the part of the Board and I disappointed myself and the property owners with the part I played and just another reason that led to my stating that we “The Board” were headed in the wrong direction and I could no longer support what I saw coming. So coming from a board member who can’t be trusted with information, you are the last person who should be handing out advice.
Kirk Denger
02/05/2021 — 12:16 pm
Not handing out advice Sherman, just facts. Now your saying that you never said you didn’t vote in favor of removing Foltz. You Tube HSVPOA 10/21/20 Board meeting starting at 8:55 – 12:38.
When the truth is exposed, you claim you made a huge mistake. What is your rational this time for saying that you didn’t vote when you did?
You are the cause of the Foltz Treasurer issue by suggesting that he was a mole for Diana.
Lloyd E Sherman
02/05/2021 — 2:56 pm
Kirk – I fail to understand your point but that is nothing new to me. I did not vote in the official vote as a majority already had done so and I have no clue where you are coming up with Wayne Foltz being a mole. He was brought to our attention by Diana and through my knowledge of him on the F & P Committee. He was not a mole and you indicating that was the case is at best a misrepresentation. In retrospect, I wish I had put my voice on the record as a no and not a non-vote. We need to stop this He Said, She Said banter and let the Village move on and you guys to focus on the future.
Jama Lopez
02/04/2021 — 5:25 pm
Let’s look at a timeline.
8/1/2020 King started at POA as GM
8/13/2020 Board Chair was removed from chair position, and resigned from Board
9/16/2020 Accounting oversight person was encouraged to resign
9/17/2020 Treasurer was removed
11/4/2020 Board chair resigned
It appears to me the GM was removing all the expertise and expecting a result other than the one he got. He created an US vs THEM culture, when we truly should all be on the same team. He may well have set himself up for failure. With the above dismissals, we lost 80 plus years of accounting expertise and 40 plus years of corporate management. It appears King indeed had some culpability in this travesty.
Minn Daly
02/04/2021 — 5:38 pm
Lloyd, as a supporter of yours, my issue is that you quit the BOD as did Dianna. You could have stayed an continued the work at the same time working your difficulty with Manager. Quitting was your decisions, You guys quit! Now let’s move on an if you have legal issues with GM follow thru without enrolling Membership/BOD. You guys did fantastic work in the beginning, look at that as a positive & move forward. Run again for BOD if that is what will fulfill you, but negatives will not help any one. We are all members of a beautiful community, We all want to build & move forward. My hope is that you guys want the same. Please remember that You Quit the HSVBOD! Minn Daly
Scott McCord
02/05/2021 — 12:45 am
I would like for everyone to know the truth.
Then we could put this to bed once and for all.
Tucker, Please Publish the emails. They are the property of the POA. Who is the POA? It’s the PROPERTY OWNERS. Please publish what is ours.
The truth will speak for itself.
Scott McCord
02/05/2021 — 1:06 am
Tucker, Please publish the emails. After all, they are the property of the POA.
The POA is made up of the PROPERTY OWNERS.
The truth will put this behind us once and for all.
Please Publish.
Jama Lopez
02/05/2021 — 10:19 am
It is not legal to publish emails or texts written by someone other than yourself. It violates copyright laws.
David Ellison
02/12/2021 — 8:35 am
If emails cannot be released, why did POA release personal emails on all residents to a POA Board candidate?
Gene Garner
02/05/2021 — 8:47 am
I’m disappointed in the above exchanges. I thought (naively) that the BOD was made up of our best & brightest Property Owners. I believed they were individuals that volunteered their time to help us correct some of our past missteps-but it appears I was wrong.
To spend all this time and effort, finger pointing and arguing about past events, is counter productive and makes us all look bad. As adults we make the best decisions we can and accept the consequences, good or bad. Politicians (people elected to office) especially must have thick skins and take the criticism and accolades with a “grain of salt”. And it’s not bad to admit a mistake when appropriate.
It’s time to discuss our very real financial and operational problems, this back-and-forth over the events of the last few months is old news and not very interesting.—Gene
Scott McCord
02/05/2021 — 10:29 am
The truth will set us free.
I am looking forward to reading the emails in question. We will be able to read them and draw our own conclusions. Written words under the authors name will reveal the truth about what was said and what was not said.
Gene, Do you think your lawsuits contributed to the Villagers becoming more unified or more divided?
02/05/2021 — 11:28 am
Sorry to disappoint you, Scott McCord. Legally, the emails are covered under copyright laws. Unless they are an interview, permission must be obtained from all parties involved.
Scott McCord
02/05/2021 — 11:49 am
If that is true, then get Lloyd and Diana( if applicable) to agree to the emails in question being published. If they are free of self incrimination they will want the truth to be known. My guess is they will not provide their approval to release the emails.
02/05/2021 — 11:58 am
Scott, why don’t you do that? I think all parties involved want this to die down. I know I am tired of it, so no, I am not going to ask any of them for any emails to publish. I would assume it would require permission from all board members who posted in the thread. I don’t have the time or the desire to fulfill your demands. Thank you.
Scott McCord
02/05/2021 — 12:01 pm
You should check the copywriter laws. You might find if emails were written as part of their job(POA email address or not) they become the property of the employer.
I just want the truth to be known by all.
02/05/2021 — 12:46 pm
The board does not have an employer.
David Ellison
02/12/2021 — 8:25 am
Why did the POA release All Hot Springs Village Residents’ email address to a POA Board Contender?
02/12/2021 — 12:09 pm
Legally, the POA is obligated to provide access of all POA records to all property owners. Recently, the POA refused to do so and CCI took the POA to court. Judge Hertzfeld ruled in favor of CCI. Even though CCI is the party that filed the lawsuit, the ruling is for ALL property owners. This release of information includes the email addresses of property owners as those are part of POA records.
If you are interested, here is a link to an article on this website (Hot Springs Village People) that explains Judge Hertzfeld’s ruling in this case:
There are also other articles on the website discussing this case.
Additionally, there have been several candidates who have received the email list and have sent emails to property owners. I do not think all the candidates will do this, but time will tell.
If you do not wish to receive some or all of these emails, there should be an “opt-out” or “unsubscribe” option on the email. Click on that and you will be unsubscribed.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me through this website. Thank you, stay warm, stay safe.
Scott McCord
02/05/2021 — 3:35 pm
It would be a good thing if all property owners know the truth. The emails would provide clarity.
02/05/2021 — 6:08 pm
02/05/2021 — 5:43 pm
Anonymous comments or comments made using only first names are not being accepted. If you want your comment posted, please use your full name. Thank you. – Cheryl Dowden
Mary Ann Kennedy
02/05/2021 — 6:24 pm
Scott, et al. It is better for us to look forward, rather than backward. Tucker. our present board and future board are good people who will have the benefit of learning from past experience, but it’s time we move forward without encumbering them with demands to open up old baggage that will benefit no one.
Scott McCord
02/05/2021 — 8:58 pm
Knowing the truth helps make decisions in the future. Imagine the parties in question run for the Board in the future. Wouldn’t it be better know the truth about them? It could help them or hurt them.
I want the truth, whatever it is, and so should every other Villager.
The things of the past that have no future potential consequences we can let go.
In this case, there are potential consequences.
If we don’t learn from the past we will make the same mistakes in the future.
Tom Blakeman
02/05/2021 — 6:39 pm
People: The obvious issue here, which everyone is missing, is that our whole system of governance is broken. Not only that but ideas have been offered on how to fix the mess. Guess what? Nobody wants to talk about that. Join a committee! Run for the Board! All bullshit! None of that works! The basic system is broken and, sooner or later, will go broke.
Scott McCord
02/06/2021 — 4:52 am
What are the ideas you referenced to fix the mess?
Tom Blakeman
02/06/2021 — 8:33 am
Scott – I wrote a paper about this last year. Gene Garner has put forth a proposal. Both are published on this site. Lloyd Sherman offered a path forward recently also on this site. Others have suggested solutions and ideas as well both here and on FB pages. The original 2020 Board started down a path of better governance with a property owner Treasurer separate and apart from staff. You know what happened there and we are now back to no checks and balances with another ‘good ole boy’ slotted in so the board can continue to not have to delve into day to day activities while they search for another expensive “saviour”. And why has there never been a deep dive operational and financial “forensic audit” done as so many have asked for?
The only “solution” that gets any traction is squeezing more assessments out of the residents.
Scott McCord
02/07/2021 — 8:02 am
Tom Blakeman,
Dan did a deep dive into the financials. Dan announced in his parting comments that they found nothing that was out of line.
You’re hanging on to something (the notion there was financial wrong doing) that doesn’t exists.
You seem to speak as though your plan is a “God Send”., and superior to other sound business approaches.
This place existed for decades without the kind of oversight you suggest. Not necessary, not the purpose of this Board.,or any other Board.
I appreciate your passion about the future of the Village. Relax and enjoy yourself.
Tom Blakeman
02/07/2021 — 10:59 am
For the record Scott, the place survived the first 35 years because original developer Cooper was more or less running things. The last 15 years have been quite a mess. You’ve been here, it is undeniable. The point of my comment was not that I am superior but simply that I and others have suggested alternatives, for which nobody gives a hoot, for what are not and have not been “sound business approaches”. It is also not a “notion”. There are many who believe there were and still are uncovered and unreported issues in our financial activities. Dan got nowhere near a complete operational and financial “forensic” audit.
Dan Hitch
02/06/2021 — 6:24 pm
LTG the three musketeers
02/06/2021 — 6:32 pm
Who is LTG?
Dan Hitch
02/06/2021 — 7:00 pm
Surely you jest!!
02/06/2021 — 7:02 pm
No, I do not jest. Who is LTG?
Charlie Clark
02/07/2021 — 5:32 pm
Tucker thanks for all you do for this village. I for one realize that you have no other agenda but to work your backside off for the better of all of us.
Continue to take the high road and the other “fair weather” previous board members will eventually fade into the night.
steve bylow
02/08/2021 — 12:54 pm
I’m exhausted, I just finished reading the posts. I’d like to say thanks to Charles, his staff, the BOD, Lloyd, and Diana. While some folks have a selective memory, we are in a much better place than a year ago.
I’d also like to thank those who are focused on our future.