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HSVPOA Board Chair Answers Questions

By Cheryl Dowden, February 4, 2021

Hot Springs Village Board Chairman, Tucker Omohundro, contacted me regarding some questions he was asked by the Hot Springs Village Voice for a Village Voice article, titled, “Former Hot Springs Village POA board chairs respond to outgoing general manager’s claims.” Click here to read the article.

Mr. Omohundro was concerned that the Voice did not print all of his answers to the questions he was asked and he wanted us to publish the full exchange. What follows are the questions asked by the Voice reporter and the answers given by the Chairman. (For clarification, the red text is from the Voice and the purple is from the Chairman.)

Village Voice: “Tucker,  “Here are the questions I needed clarified.  If you feel you want to elaborate it would be appreciated.

“Tucker, Mr. King opened this box of worms.  The Voice and I would be remiss in not reporting his actions, or words. Personally, I think he got a raw deal but when I write, my opinion doesn’t matter.”  

“In my article, I don’t condemn anyone.  I’m looking for facts and a way to make of sense of this mess we’re in right now.  It’s my job to inform, not inflame. 

Thank you for your time and our conversation this morning.  Here are my 5 questions.”

Questions and Answers:

Village Voice: “(1) Would you make a brief statement about Mr. King’s leaving?”

Omohundro: “I am sorry to see Charles leave. During the short time he has been with us, he has made improvements and was moving forward in a positive manner.   I am hoping that a positive will come from this.  Maybe the Village as a whole will see how the negativity in some cases impacts the POA staff and their families.  I am hoping that a much more positive plan and interaction among the board, staff, and property owners can happen going forward.”

Village Voice: “(2) Can you explain why the HSV BOD allowed Mr. King to speak to the public during the last meeting?”

Omohundro: ” Charles has always addressed the public in our meetings. You can look at this as a positive or negative.  Many people have expressed opinions both ways.”

Village Voice: “(3)  Would you explain why the board kept Mr. King in-house following his resignation?”

Omohundro: ” Charles was not leaving under bad circumstances. Some companies do ask employees to leave in many cases, but that generally has to do with fear of them taking information or clients away from the business.  That’s not the case here and allowing Charles to stay until the end of the month allowed the board and staff to form some semblance on how to move forward.”

Village Voice:  “(4)  Is the BOD aware of Sherman and Podawiltz disappointment?  If so, as chair person, would you like to clarify the board’s position? “

Omohundro: “I have no comment on this.”

Village Voice: “(5) Perhaps, this is the one question you might want to answer.  You are mentioned in a text as having talked to Lloyd Sherman about his activities regarding kickbacks.  A direct quote,  “Abort kickback search. Tucker called Lloyd and said he was told employees were investigating other employees at Lloyd’s direction.” 

Omohundro: “I am aware of this text because it was shown to me.  I also talked to Lloyd about the situation.  I believe that the circumstances surrounding the events in question are better left out of the media and have no further comment on that.”

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