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HSVPOA Board Ballots Delayed

By Cheryl Dowden, March 4, 2020

HSVPOA Board ballots were delayed and are now trickling into some resident Property Owners’ mailboxes. We have no idea what is going on with the non-resident Property Owners.

Confusing email from HSVPOA Board Chairperson

.A very confusing Email was sent out to Property Owners yesterday afternoon (March 3, 2020) from Cindi Erickson, HSVPOA Board Chairperson. According to Erickson, not all ballots were sent out before March 2.

Some Property Owners have taken this to mean that the ballots already sent have a different set of instructions. Chairperson Erickson did not state this.

A Board Director assured me no ballots were sent with instructions to “vote for up to three candidates.” All ballots say “vote for up to four candidates.” This Board Director also stated there were never any ballots printed which included directions to “vote for up to three candidates.”

False alarm

I received a report of one lady receiving three ballots (for her three properties), and some ballot directions said “vote three,” and some ballot directions said “vote four.” Thank goodness this turned out to be a false alarm.


Eblast from Board Chair regarding the delay of Board ballots

Dixon’s resignation

On February 21, 2020, the POA announced Director Buddy Dixon’s resignation. His actual date of retirement from the HSVPOA Board is unknown to this writer.

Mailing of the ballots was initially scheduled for February 28. There were four business days between the retirement announcement and the planned mailing date.

Why weren’t we told earlier about a possible mailing delay?

We are not aware of the exact date the company printing and managing the ballots was contacted about the change from three to four selections. We also do not know the date the POA staff was notified about a mailing delay.

Who caused this delay?

There were several days or more to make sure the voting packages were corrected to reflect the change from three to four. It is disturbing that there was a delay in the mailing of the ballots. Was this the fault of the printer or someone else? Will we ever know?

If the printer was on schedule to mail the ballots on Friday, February 28, then the ballots should have already been printed and ready to go on this date. According to Erickson, some of the ballot packages were not ready for mailing on Friday, February 28. Why the delay, and why were we not told about this delay until Tuesday, March 3?

According to HSVPOA Bylaws:

  • Bylaws:  Article 7
  • Board of Directors
  • Section 7. Vacancies.
  • If a Director, for any reason, does not complete a term of office, the Board may elect, by majority vote of the remaining Directors, any member in good standing as an interim director until the next succeeding election at which time the pendency of the vacant term (if any) shall be filled by a vote of the membership.
  • If the vacancy is not filled by the Board, it shall be filled at the next succeeding election of members of the Association voting on candidates, selected as set out in Article VIII hereof. Any Director elected by a vote of the membership to fill a vacancy shall serve as director until the expiration of the term of the director whose position he/she was elected to fill.

Bylaws dictate how to fill unoccupied Board seats

Director Dixon’s position must be filled at the next election, which is the election that is occurring now. The Bylaws state this. Unfortunately, this change so late in the process had caused a lot of confusion. Then when you add in the printing delay, it makes the whole situation even more chaotic. I am certainly not blaming this on Director Dixon or anyone in particular. The Board made the only “legal” decision possible, which was to fill the position according to the Bylaws. I do not know who is responsible for the mailing delay.

Mail your ballots back in the enclosed return envelope asap

Please mail via USPS your filled-out ballot back as soon as you can in the return envelope provided in your voting package. DO NOT take your ballot to the POA. Any vote ballots dropped in the POA mail slot or mailed to the POA are invalid. Save the envelope the ballot was sent in, just in case. (It never hurts to take precautions.)

If you did not receive a return envelope, ask the POA for instructions on how you should proceed. Please let me know at pennywisebuys@gmail. com if the POA says not having a return envelope means you cannot vote. Also, please let me know if you did not receive a ballot. You won’t know this until later as some ballot packets are still in the mail system.

There is still plenty of time to fill out and mail your ballot

The bottom line is, we still have time to fill out our ballots and return them in plenty of time as long as we do not delay. In my opinion, this is one of the most critical elections in the history of the Village, so please be sure to exercise your right to vote.

We are choosing to only vote LTD

Joe and I are both voting only LTD. A fourth option does not have to be selected. If you believe in LTD, you may want them to receive the highest number of votes, therefore earning the most extended terms. If enough of us vote for LTD only, this is what will happen. Neither of us feels comfortable casting a vote for either Nikki Choyce or Kirk Denger. Our voting strategy is not anything personal. You should vote how you think is best, and I am not telling anyone how to vote.

HSVPOA ballot and letter for the 2020 BOD election


By Cheryl Dowden, March 4, 2020

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