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HSVPOA Board Agrees to Allow Closed Captioning on Recordings

By Joe Dowden, June 10, 2020

Board grants request

On behalf of the hard-of-hearing community and Villagers in general, we requested the Hot Springs Village Board of Directors to allow closed captioning on their official recordings. Click here to see this request.

It is with great excitement that we announce that the Hot Springs Village Board of Directors has agreed to grant our request.

Chair Podawiltz sent us the following message today:

“We will be offering closed captioning after the fact.  In other words on our recordings.  It will not be offered for live feeds.”

HSVPOA Chair, Diana Podawiltz

Closed captioning is not just for the hard-of-hearing

Closed Captioning is not just used by the hard-of-hearing community. Many people find it helpful, according to an online publication called, Matinee.

Matinee says,

A study on television accessibility by Ofcom finds that 80% of people who use closed captions are neither deaf nor hard of hearing. And, while the remaining 20% is the most important audience to provide closed captions for, this goes to show how many environments call for closed captions.

“Here are some of the reasons that someone from that 80% might prefer to watch video with CC.

• Watching something in a loud environment
• Watching something without distracting others
• When the audio speakers on a device aren’t loud enough
• When the volume of a video is inconsistent (quiet dialogue vs loud explosions)
• Watching something in a foreign language
• Watching something with sensitive subject matter in public
• To save battery consumption
• For taking notes from educational or resource videos”

Thank you Board Members!

We would like the Board Members to know that this gesture is highly appreciated by the hard-of-hearing community and also by many other folks. We thank them for their understanding and for granting our request. We also thank them for their dedication and all of their extremely hard work for the Village.


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