Written by Karen Daigle Lundberg (May 23, 2019)
Another interesting day in Hot Springs Village, courtesy of Board Chairperson, and I am quite sure, guided by CEO. How much further are they going to go in their dictatorial manner? They are apparently willing to stop at nothing, short of gagging us, to force their ludicrous ideas on the members of the Village, and not allow us to say a word about it.

While I can only speak for myself, I would be willing to state that there is a great majority of us who are sick and tired of pipe dreams for our Village, spending millions of dollars on these pipe dreams, and when the members speak up, we are immediately shut down. Now, it has gotten even worse.
They are now banning people from meetings as a punishment for what the Chairperson of Board, CEO, and OUR attorney perceive as our bad behavior. Interestingly enough, I find it rather odd that the HSVPOA attorney is giving advice AGAINST his/her clients. Yes, folks, we are his/her clients also, because we are HSVPOA.
We did not move here for this
As much as she would like it to be, HSVPOA is not the CEO. WE are HSVPOA, and the HSVPOA attorney is now disciplining his/her own clients. The best part of this is that WE are paying the attorneys’ fees for this. Would someone please wake me up from this nightmare? Oh, that’s right, it’s not a nightmare. This is real life right here in the lovely Hot Springs Village, which we all moved here to enjoy the beauty and peace, for most of us, in our retirement years. Is this retirement? It certainly feels to me like we are all back in grade school, being told how to think, how to speak, how to act, and what our leadership will and will not do, regardless of any of our opinions. I think I’d rather go back to work and have a boss who would at least treat me like a human being, unlike how the members in good standing are treated here in the Village.
Sanctions against Brian Darst and Melinda Noble
But I digress. The reason I am so riled up and writing this is because yesterday, two of our members in good standing, Melinda Noble and Brian Darst, were sent, via email and certified copy, letters stating that they have been banned for ninety (90) days from all Board meetings and any other assembly called by the Association for the purpose of any property owner observation and input. (Please refer to sanction letters below.) May I ask, what “input” we have at any Board meetings? Oh, is that the three whole minutes they allow us to speak, only to the Chairwoman, while the CEO sits right next to her whispering to her what to say? During those three minutes, what difference does any of what we have to say matter? The Board is going to do what they want to do, and those three minutes are a total waste of my breath, and anyone else’s. However, to ban members from Board meetings for which they are paying for because, in the eyes of Board Chairperson and CEO, their conduct in the May 15, 2019 Board meeting was “contrary to our stated purpose,” appears to me, to quote an old phrase, “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Are sanctions one-sided?
Which brings me to my next point. Were there letters sent to CEO’s husband and also to the Director of Golf for their conduct of charging across the room and CEO’s husband getting in Melinda Noble’s face yelling at her that she had threatened his wife? As the video clearly shows, there was a police officer directly behind the CEO’s husband and also the Director of Golf, and the police officer could not get through them to try to diffuse the situation. Are they getting letters or banned from meetings? If not, why not? Their conduct was certainly “contrary to our stated purpose.” Since when are spouses allowed to usurp the police authority? Is this acceptable only because it was the CEO’s and the Director of Placemaking and Development’s spouses? I think that probably is a true statement, rather than a question.
Why was I not sanctioned?
And now, the big question: Why did I, Karen Daigle Lundberg, not receive such a letter? Could it be because I went to Hot Springs Village Police and filed a report against a board member for screaming at me, charging me, getting in my face with the most vicious look, balling his hand into a fist as he was screaming in my face until the police interceded and pushed this board member away from me? Could I possibly not have received the same letter because I was standing there, holding onto the podium in order not to fall because in the melee my walker had been pushed across the room, and I was not saying a single word until this board member started screaming at the top of his lungs, and that is when I screamed back that he was not going to scream at us like that? At that time, this board member charged me and got in my face screaming at me, me screaming at him that he was not going to scream at me that way, balling his hand up into a fist. Could it possibly be that if I had received a letter like that, then they might have to address the issue of our very own Board member’s outlandish behavior that day? Ahhhh, I think that may be the very answer.
Meeting refused
I know that I have now requested on two separate occasions a meeting with Board Chairperson and the screaming Board member, along with an impartial new Board member and have been denied twice. I was told that no, she would not meet with me because everything was being evaluated, and they would let me know what decision had been made. Nothing, nada, not a word from anyone, and it has now been one week.
Is there favoritism or nepotism?
Will the Board member who screamed at me be seated in his Board member chair at today’s meeting? He should not be, nor should he be a Board member any longer. All we have heard about this entire week is about the conduct of the members at the Board meeting, yet, unless I posted it, very little has been said about the conduct of the Board member who screamed at me, nor CEO’s husband and also Director of Golf’s conduct. All of that has been swept under the rug. Is there a little favoritism or nepotism going on here?
Board meetings are a waste of my time
Actually, had I received such a letter, it would not have made a bit of difference to me. I know that this will break Board Chairperson and CEO’s hearts, but after walking away from that fiasco last Wednesday, which, in my opinion, was caused solely by the Board of Directors and CEO, I swore I would never attend another Board meeting. I did not make that decision due to what happened at that meeting. I made that decision because it is my opinion that attending a Board meeting is merely a waste of my time. Everything I would learn at a Board meeting is the next item on their agenda that none of us want, no chance to argue the point, and walking away more frustrated than the last meeting.
Frustration levels are high
The reason I state that it is my opinion that the fiasco of last Wednesday’s Board meeting is solely the fault of the Board and CEO is that in the last year, this lovely Village of ours has been like a volcano, waiting to erupt. The Property Owners, no matter what transpired among them, were nothing more than a lot of extremely frustrated people, who are tired of having to fight the Board and most especially CEO every single day. The volcano erupted last Wednesday, and the Board is surprised? Why are you surprised?
So are we not going to get any answers as to what sentences will be imposed upon CEO’s husband, the Director of Golf, and the screaming Board member?
Members are being silenced
While it has already been announced that there will be no question and answer session at today’s meeting (May 23, 2019), please do not be surprised at future meetings to find bandanas in baskets at the entrance in order to tie around your mouth as a requirement to enter the meeting.
Written by Karen Daigle Lundberg, Hot Springs Village (May 23, 2019)
Melinda Noble sanction letter
Brian Darst sanction letter
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05/23/2019 — 10:57 am
Even the Japanese Emperor or commander of the ship that bombed Pearl Harbor realized that he had awake a sleeping giant I don’t think the CEO or the board previous board that is including Cindy realize that they have awakened a sleeping giant stay tune there is more coming in it’s not just from that side. To give you a hint the dues paying homeowners will smile profusely when it happens
05/23/2019 — 12:04 pm
I have read and heard for the past couple of years the same threats and the Board doing whatever they want and we, the Property Owners, have absolutely no say
. I find it hard to believe that there isn’t a way to remove this entire Board, especially the Dictator CEO. We are a free Country yet these few people are ruining our beautiful retirement community.
Someone please stand up and head us in the direction needed to over throw this board. There must be some legal way to do it. I’m sure us, the Property Owners will contribute to this cause!!!!!
05/23/2019 — 11:40 pm
We have a sociopathic CEO who has convinced the enabling Chairwoman and weak Directors that the property owners are crazy. Disordered abusers spin our reality to make their reality work. One of the most common defense mechanism they use is projection. In projection, a characteristic of themselves that they find just too painful to accept is projected onto us. And the most frequently projected characteristic is mental illness. “I’m not a sociopath. You’re the crazy one.” Another common and difficult defense mechanism is blame shifting. It’s your fault this happened because for example, Milinda and Brian are to blame. Disordered people may not care that they’re lying, or they may actually believe what they are saying. Either way, their certainty is palpable, and after a while, it becomes hard to distinguish what is real from what is being projected and what is being distorted. We begin to doubt our reality and question whether we’re the crazy ones and whether the disordered person is really right about what they say.
The truth is, THEY’RE NOT RIGHT. But their life, living with their disorder, is easier when they can get us to carry the burden of their illness and their behavior.
05/24/2019 — 8:44 am
The Property Owners that are truly concerned about our leadership will take steps to reconstruct the BOD.
Maybe, just maybe, we have begun that reconstruction with the election of 3 new Directors. Only time will tell. All of this rhetoric on FB, ND and endless emails do nothing to positively address our problems. The folks that generate these posting have zero interest in resolving our issues. Rather, they revel in seeing their own disgruntled selves in print. Further, they have no regard to how damaging their words, their dirty laundry is having on the Village’s reputation. They are hurting our property values more so than anything the BOD or CEO has done.
When these disgruntled political malcontents final realize that our only option, our only positive course of action is to recruit and make ready, more candidates that are pro-Property Owners, this discourse is simply a waste of time and does nothing but generate angst and feeds the flames of discontent.
I suggest you all stop your personal vendettas against the CEO and BOD and focus your efforts on finding several candidates that can win a seat in the next election. This is the ONLY effort that is worth your time and energy.
If you really want positive change – just do it – and stop grandstanding, trying to impress us all with your civil disobedience.
05/24/2019 — 8:54 am
I am not grandstanding, nor am I civilly disobedient. Nor am I trying to impress anyone.
The ones causing the problems in the Village are the ones harming the Village, not the ones exposing their antics. Are you suggesting we cover things up and let things proceed “status quo”? I think that is a very poor way to handle the situation.
Understand, we only speak the truth. It is unfortunate the truth is so painful for those being exposed. Maybe those individuals that are taking misguided actions will stop their course of action if they don’t want to be exposed any longer.
When this happens, and only when this happens, the Village will begin to heal and thrive.
And yes, we do need two great candidates to fill the upcoming Board vacancies. and we will get them elected.
05/24/2019 — 6:00 pm
Medica was waiting on this opportunity. The notorious “gate woman” in a moment of vulnerability. (Lost her walker)
Finally gets his chance to settle an old score!
Karen Daigle Lundberg
05/25/2019 — 3:15 am
While I usually understand people who want to post Anonymously for fear of retaliation, I do not understand why a person who is going to create a whole comment insulting people certainly should not do so cowardly by using Anonymous. If you have something to ridicule or insult people about, then stand up and own it!!
I do not grandstand, but when I see something that is wrong, I speak up. That is not grandstanding. As far as wanting my name and face in print, you could not be more wrong. I was so upset over the article which lacked so much information, and for my picture being in the paper, Jeff Meeks got a 4 page email from me letting him know just how upset I was.
So please save your insults on things you really know your facts, or man/woman up and don’t hide behind your shroud of Anonymous.K
05/26/2019 — 9:38 am
There’s an old saying that “If you’re not part of the solution then you’re part of the problem”.
Creative and aggressive marketing will be the solution for many of HSV’s problems.
I will be inviting many of my mid west friends to visit and explore the wonders of our community. Thankfully they were not here last week to read the headlines of Neanderthals swinging clubs at each other at a BOD meeting. It’s exactly this type of attitude and behavior that undermines the marketing and reputation of the Village.
We all share one common interest in living here — asset preservation. Of course there are times when change is necessary, but let’s commit to pursuing these changes in a positive and respectful manner.
Kirk Denger
05/26/2019 — 11:04 pm
Check your DNA, it is the Neanderthal in you that immunized you to survive and comment today, and it is the Neanderthal in all of us that respectfully states kindly information that will keep us on tract through the millenniums. Neanderthals are a great part of the solution which really does not need marketing and only ignorance relies on reputation.
06/06/2019 — 8:12 am
Well folks, I hate to say it but the double standard is alive and well in Hot Springs Village.
Just like in Washington where some people get jailed for minor crimes but others with political pull get only a slap on the wrist. Just like women have been fighting for decades for equal pay for equal work.
We have our own brand here, just as bad and just as pervasive. Take the recent board meeting fiasco for example. There were multiple people involved in general misconduct. Almost immediately our illustrious BOD issues censures for two property owners and sanctioned them for 90 days.
But what about the other bad actors? You guessed it, nothing has been done. We’ve all seen the video. Two adult males rushed the front of the room to confront a woman. Another male, a Board Director no less, rushed another woman screaming at her. One could say he assaulted her. Her crime? Only trying to help the speaker who was being silenced who is a property owner suffering with PTSD.
In my view the Board Member needs to be kicked off the Board for his actions. The other two adult males should at least be censured and banned just like the others. But guess what? These bad actors have special ties to the “political party” in power so nothing has been done.
Want this Village to settle down and come to order? Then do what’s right Board of Directors. The public here is sick and tired of the double standard.