The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) proposed a revision to it’s charter. This proposed revision was presented by Vice-Chair, Tucker Omohundro, at the January 5, 2022 Board Discussion Session. Omohundro is the Board liaison member on the ACC. Originally, Charlie Brown, Code Enforcement Manager for the HSVPOA, was scheduled to make this presentation but was unable due to a scheduling conflict.
This proposed change would make the ACC Charter “more in line” with the charters of other HSVPOA committees. Omohundro said, “the change is, the ACC will consist of 5 to 8 committee members. These members are appointed by the Board of Directors and this total includes the board member and also the staff member. The board member shall be elected by the board. The General Manager will appoint the appropriate staff member to serve on the ACC.”
Chair, Joanie Corry asked if the only proposed change was in the number of members on the committee.
ACC Chair, Janet Rowe and Omohundro both agreed that the charter stated in the past, there would be only five members.
Rowe said, “and then we increased it. But then the change came where the Board member and staff member became voting members, but the staff member does not go out and do site visits; neither does the Board member. That puts more of the workload on the remaining committee, so we added another person to help with that workload.
Corry stated, “that just brings it into line with the other charters.”
Omohundro said, “Yes. I don’t think the Board member and the staff member were actually voting members according to the charter before. Am I correct? And now they are.”
Rowe said that was correct.
As this was a Discussion Session and not a regular Board meeting, a vote was not taken regarding this proposed change.
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Jean Fricke
01/09/2022 — 1:11 pm
Question: Why does the ACC have a Board member and a staff member? What is their purpose? After serving on ACC’s for over 20 years, we never had a staff member, and the Board member was the ACC chairman. He (she) reported to the Board any problems that could not be solved based upon the Covenants and Conditions. The Board mediated problems that were contentious. If the Covenants and Conditions are clear, descriptive and well written for the Community for which they are written, the Committee should be able to make decisions on submissions or infractions. Two extra people who have little bearing (POA employee) or Board member who would prefer to be doing Board work, are not really needed. The Chair of the ACC as a Board Member would be more efficient. That individual would be vested in ACC business, not splitting their time between the Board and the ACC.
Tucker Omohundro
01/09/2022 — 9:06 pm
We have a board member on every committee. The main function is to take the committee thoughts and recommendations to the board. A board member truly does not have time to chair any committee’s. Actually I believe committee’s could be less effective if controlled by a board member. The ACC staff member basically is in charge of carrying out the decisions of the ACC. He/she is a vital part of the entire operation. I am the board member on the ACC. Staff takes care of all the paperwork and directives from the ACC. Two staff members attend most every meeting. They deal with many things. I hope this helps. Thanks
Jean Fricke
01/10/2022 — 9:59 am
Thank you for your response. In reading the explanation, my takeaway is that the ACC has no power to make decisions related to ACC problems. They are reviewers of submissions. Your comment suggests that the recommendations made by the Committee are taken to the Board for the Board to make the decisions.
And I assume the ACC is not part of Code enforcement … that is a POA duty.
The two POA representatives are used in a secretarial position which takes them away from their regular job unless that is part of their job description.
A question as an aside…. Do the members of the ACC review house plans that are submitted and is there any member of the ACC familiar with the Arkansas Building Code and the Conditions and Covenants written for HSV? That could be a really time-consuming task for the Board.
Thank you for your clarification.
Tucker Omohundro
01/10/2022 — 3:24 pm
The ACC actually makes most all decisions according to the Protective Covenants. Making changes to the PCs require a board vote. That’s what would be taken to the board. One staff member is there to take notes. The other is in charge of all code and compliance enforcement for the POA. We do look at every plan submitted for permit although to expedite the process quicker for builders/homeowners the POA manager approves house permits that are common construction in the village. He brings anything that might seem out of the ordinary to the committee before approval. This has worked well for all involved. The ACC does not deal with building codes at all. We look at esthetics and the PCs in making the decisions. Having said that we do have an architect and a builder that has built homes in HSV for over 35 years on the committee at this time. I hope this better explains the process. I would be happy to discuss further and answer any other questions you have. Thanks for your interest.
Susan Posner
01/11/2022 — 12:53 pm
Committees are member volunteer advisory committees from members to board only not to be paid staff on any or it’s a conflict of interest! Declaration violation. Violating IRS non profit rules too.
Jama Lopez
01/12/2022 — 4:04 pm
I was told staff members on committees help decide who can and can’t serve on the committee. In other words, the staff member can blackball a volunteer. That’s what I was told. I hope this is incorrect information.
Walter Chance
01/12/2022 — 5:08 pm
I would hope the board member or at least one member has experience in the building business. Or the member was formally employed in construction. The ACC should be made up of qualified persons who have knowledge of By Laws as well. I have had no issues with ACC but want to make sure we don’t backtrack on some of the improvements to ACC, especially when it comes to reasonable request and exceptions that are reasonably thought out.
Linda McClanahan
02/01/2022 — 11:08 am
When does the HSV ACC committee meet?
08/25/2022 — 6:37 pm
The ACC will approve just about any residential property permit as long as the house is over 1,000 sq ft. The ACC is on record as saying the Village residential style is “eclectic”, which translates to “anything goes.” Buyer beware. Buy only by in an established neighborhood with no vacant lots nearby, which would be open to who knows what.