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Hot Springs Village POA Proposed ACC Charter Revision

The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) proposed a revision to it’s charter. This proposed revision was presented by Vice-Chair, Tucker Omohundro, at the January 5, 2022 Board Discussion Session. Omohundro is the Board liaison member on the ACC. Originally, Charlie Brown, Code Enforcement Manager for the HSVPOA, was scheduled to make this presentation but was unable due to a scheduling conflict.

This proposed change would make the ACC Charter “more in line” with the charters of other HSVPOA committees. Omohundro said, “the change is, the ACC will consist of 5 to 8 committee members. These members are appointed by the Board of Directors and this total includes the board member and also the staff member. The board member shall be elected by the board. The General Manager will appoint the appropriate staff member to serve on the ACC.”

Chair, Joanie Corry asked if the only proposed change was in the number of members on the committee.

ACC Chair, Janet Rowe and Omohundro both agreed that the charter stated in the past, there would be only five members.

Rowe said, “and then we increased it. But then the change came where the Board member and staff member became voting members, but the staff member does not go out and do site visits; neither does the Board member. That puts more of the workload on the remaining committee, so we added another person to help with that workload.

Corry stated, “that just brings it into line with the other charters.”

Omohundro said, “Yes. I don’t think the Board member and the staff member were actually voting members according to the charter before. Am I correct? And now they are.”

Rowe said that was correct.

As this was a Discussion Session and not a regular Board meeting, a vote was not taken regarding this proposed change.

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