At the January 5, 2022 Board Discussion Session, the HSVPOA General Manager Evaluation Policy was discussed. Chair, Joanie Corry, stated, “this is an interesting one.”
Corry said, “in Chapter 8, Article 6, General Manager Performance Evaluation Policy.” This policy was put in [enacted] December 2018 and “apparently there were several items put into that policy. All of them were rescinded except for this one. [Corry is referring to the use of a third-party evaluation of the GM for the purpose of determining what the pay bonus should be] “When I talked to Tucker about it, because he was on the Board when that was done, he said, ‘we already rescinded that.’ And I said, ‘No, the board didn’t.’ That is what I would like to do with this one and I will just read a little bit so you understand why.”
Omohundro stated, “we meant to do it.”
Corry continued, “in doing the GM evaluation and bonus, you can read it all yourself. But I am going to read number 4.”
Here is what Corry was referring to:
4. “Tabulating and preparing the overall evaluation. The independent third party will tabulate the individual Board evaluations and the GM self-assessment and summarize them as a unified evaluation of the GM’s performance, A composite matrix will be developed that displays the Board’s rating, per performance standard, as compared to the GM’sself-assessment.”
Corry said the independent party that is assessing the GM performance determines what the GM bonus will be. This is based both on Board and GM input. “This was something, I think that was done back when they used the third party for the, at that time CEO. This needs to be rescinded. This Board is not going to use this – does not want to use it and I don’t think the Property Owners would want it used, either.”
Corry explained that any GM bonus “will be based on hard facts – not on a third party coming in to tell us what it should be.”
As this meeting was a Discussion Session and not a Regular Board Meeting, a vote on this issue was not taken.
HSVPOA GM Evaluation Policy in Effect at Time of this Discussion
HSVPOA-GM-Evaluation-Policy-as-of-1-5-22By Cheryl Dowden, January 8, 2022
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Gary Miller
01/08/2022 — 2:21 pm
This is exactly the kind of mumbo jumbo, double talking, fine print BS that bogs this administrative body down. I can’t wait to sell and leave this pointless time using and money wasting community behind.
Linda Anderson
01/12/2022 — 4:55 pm
Very glad to see the Board finally making a determination that makes sense. It’s the hard facts that matter. What is the GM’s plan? Where is the new vision to maintain and enhance first? We need a leader to take hold of the needed priorities that the property owners voted for: Roads, Culverts, Water treatment plant maintenance, etc…Also, how about the Bad debt that continues in most divisions.