AND HERE WE GO AGAIN by Karen Daigle Lundberg, July 4, 2019
Well, fellow Villagers, they’ve gone and done it again. Nightmares of paying $500,000 for a CMP, without any forethought of what they were going to do about Cooper’s easements is recurring into a new nightmare of a $1.2M pool.
Deja vu?
Yes, it is happening again. After speaking to many people who seem to have missed this information in the Village Voice this week is the groundbreaking of the $1.2M (we think) pool will be July 16, 2019. I say “we think” because I do not recall seeing any contract that states that the pool will actually cost $1.2M. I guess that’s one of those “secret documents” that the people paying the bill aren’t allowed to see. While many people have seen the date of the groundbreaking, it seems many missed the date of the Arkansas Department of Health is expected on July 31, 2019.
Breaking ground before ADH approval
So, let’s see….we are going to break ground for a $1.2M pool BEFORE we have final approval from the Arkansas Department of Health. Now, as many of you know, the Arkansas Department of Health is a state agency. How many state agencies actually do what they are supposed to do by the date they say they are going to do it? However, let’s say the Arkansas Department of Health does come back with their findings on July 31st, and the plans are not approved? What then, Folks?
Cart before the horse
The CMP put the cart before the horse, and we now own a $500,000 CMP that has been a total waste without Cooper releasing his easements. But that wasn’t enough for our illustrious CEO. We are now adding another $1.2M project, that, by the way, we cannot afford, and, again, putting the cart before the horse.

Who does this? Our CEO and old guard Board do this, that’s who. I must say I have serious questions about the degrees they hold. Actually, these actions do not require a degree; they require common sense, which is evidently lacking in our CEO and Chairperson.
Worst of this
The worst of the worst of this is that they have such little respect and such disdain for the members they represent that they just post this right there in the local paper, for all of us to see, and could not care less what we have to say about it.
Way back when the gate debacle was front and center, I wrote an email to the CEO, and I told her that when you are being dishonest, you find yourself scurrying around trying to cover yourself without admitting that you lied, rather than just be upfront and honest, which will garner you much more respect. The same is happening with this mad push to get in as much of the CMP as they can, without Cooper’s easements, and their scurrying around is causing them to make mistakes. I have warned them about this type of thing in the past, and she is too arrogant to listen.
As I say, and as many says, we do not have the time to wait until a new election. I truly believe that so much damage will be done before the next election, we will be in serious trouble. And who knows, they may just suspend the Bylaws again, and extend their terms of office. Don’t be surprised if that doesn’t happen.
I urge everyone to share your ideas on how to stop this runaway train. They don’t realize it, but they are their own worst enemy moving at the speed they are moving to try to destroy our Village. There will be mistakes made, and we all need to be watching closely for them. Let’s all put them under a microscope.
The opinions and statements in this post are strictly my own, Karen Daigle Lundberg’s and the responsibility of no other person.
Editor’s correction: Technically, there are five different areas where Property Owners may cast a vote: the election of board directors, special assessments, annual assessments above the board authority, and sale or transfer of common property and declarations changes. The point of this article that Property Owners still don’t have much voice in the operations and/or governance of the Village remains.
by Karen Daigle Lundberg, July 4, 2019
Kathy Henderson
07/04/2019 — 5:04 pm
Great commentary, Karen! Wonder what will come next!
Voletta Chavis
07/05/2019 — 9:32 am
I appreciate your dedication to the villagers; thank you for keeping us informed. I, like Kathy and our other friends, wonder what other secrets and surprises we are in for in the coming months.
Vicki Husted
07/05/2019 — 12:14 pm
Very, very scary potential here. We’ve already seen a great deal of our money wasted, I just hope it doesn’t get far worse before this runaway nightmare can be harnessed and led back to the barn, to right the wrongs already done. How many more lawsuits can this Village handle? Personally, I don’t want to find out, but if the Editor’s Correction above is correct, what if they suspend the By-Laws on some of those items and decide Property Owners don’t need to vote on them? YIKES!
Brent Gray
07/05/2019 — 2:29 pm
Why should a member have to sue its’ management just to find out the truth of where their money has been spent, and to what it is obligated to in the future? Do they think this engenders respect? And, what are they hiding?
07/05/2019 — 3:12 pm
The majority want a pool. They want a fine quality pool with all the modern amenities. They want it for their selves, for their children, for their grandchildren, for their guests, and for their neighbors, their neighbors’ children, and their neighbors’ grandchildren. Every childhood summer should include a nice swimming pool sparkling in the sunshine. I hope those who don’t want a nice pool don’t prevent their loved ones from enjoying it when it’s done!
Kirk Denger
07/06/2019 — 12:33 pm
Yes we all want a pool, just not half the pool we had at twice the price.
07/06/2019 — 1:49 pm
In general, the typical built-in pool will last 30 to 40 years before any significant re-work to the pool’s structure is usually needed. Weren’t the HSV outdoor pools 50 years old? “Half the pool” at “twice the price” may not be unreasonable because things cost roughly four times more now than they did 50 years ago.
Kirk Denger
07/17/2019 — 10:08 pm
Gritty, concrete pools can and do last hundreds of years, Coral Gables, Fla. Venician Pool 90+ years young. Our 5,000′ pool and bathhouse designed by Fay Jones, and destroyed by the CNU agent , the HSVPOA CEO, had a bid to restore for 1/2 mill. the rubber pool to replace is half the size at twice the price. Criminal destruction of POA heritage and property is the thought that I am making.
07/06/2019 — 10:06 am
The unfortunate truth is that there can be no interferance with the CEO’s actions and decisions concerning daily operations in the village. CMP implementation is part of daily operations now, and has been for over a year. This will continue and that is why it is VITAL to elect Board candidates who will reverse the 4-3 impasse.