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FLSD Special Election 2-8-2022

Here we go again! The 13-year long class-action taxpayer lawsuit against the Fountain Lake School District’s (FLSD) millage increase in 1994, was settled in 2007 to the taxpayers’ advantage. That lawsuit created a group of informed HSV taxpayers whose focus has always been on improving academics at FLSD, not unessential wants.

A major problem with this current vote is that FLSD is asking taxpayers for an additional 5 debt mills, in addition to the 7.5 debt mills it already receives. If passed, FLSD’s debt service millage will become 12.5 mills.

FLSD’s ballot is also asking taxpayers to agree that “the surplus revenues produced each year by the debt service millage may be used by the District for other school purposes.” A sizable part of the revenue from these extra 5 mills will be surplus and can create a giant honeypot – with few strings attached as to how these surplus funds are spent.  

Here are newer figures from an official Arkansas Department of Education source titled,  “State Aid Final for 2021-2022” (page 81). The total assessed value of FLSD’s tax base is currently $410,800,000. Each (1) FLSD mill raises roughly $395,000 annually. Historically, FLSD collects about 96% of taxes due.

This little ol’ 5 debt mill increase will bring in about $1,971,840 more every year for 30 years. The school board and Superintendent Murphy can then spend this surplus on any school projects they dream up. This does not even take into consideration the increase in property values that some Saline and Garland residents will be getting from current county reappraisals. FLSD will receive about 78% of this windfall, too. Vote NO new taxes!

Patty MacDonald
28 year resident of HSV


Make sure you are registered – The voter registration deadline is January 8, 2022.

  • You can register to vote at the DMV office just north of Hot Springs Village West Gate on Highway 7
  • Or at your county courthouse (Saline or Garland)

Click here to download your voter registration application.

Three Ways to Cast Your Vote

The three voting options for the proposed 5 mill increase are (1) regular Special Election Voting, (2) Absentee Voting, and (3) Early Voting.

***There will be no polling places inside the Village Gates.***

(1) Special Election Voting

Regular Special Election Voting is on February 8, 2022. There are three voting locations where FLSD Villagers can cast their votes on February 8. Polls are open from 7:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m at all locations.

  • FLSD Campus
  • Community Baptist Church, Hwy. 7 N.
  • USA Self-Storage, (Old Cranfords), in the East Gate Plaza
(2) Absentee Voting

Click here to download an application for a Saline County absentee ballot. Click here to download an application for a Garland County absentee ballot.

For more information you can call:

  • Garland County taxpayers in FLSD contact County Clerk – 501-622-3610
  • Saline County taxpayers in FLSD contact County Clerk – 501-303-5630

Click here to check your voter registration information – confirm your address, party association, ballot status, and polling place locations.

(3) Early Voting

Early voting is February 1-7, 2022, (closed Saturday & Sunday) at the Garland County Election Commission Office at 649 A Ouachita Avenue, Hot Springs, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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State Aid Final 2021-2022 Figures for Fountain Lake School District


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