Bubba Picks Three for HSV.
We watched and listened intently to the Answers given by our Three for HSV Candidates during the Village Voice Forum presented on 06 February 2019. It locked in my votes for our three Candidates and the following comments are why.
Diana Podawiltz
Diana Podawiltz did a magnificent job presenting her position and her planned actions when she is elected. Her Business Ownership background and Accounting background are what we desperately need to improve BoD transparency and to straighten out the accounting methods used by the POA. Excellent job, Diana. We NEED you on the BoD.
Lloyd Sherman
Lloyd Sherman hit all the question points right on target with his presentation. He was a little nervous speaking in front of a large audience, but you could tell that he was sincere in his comments and recommendations even if he was nervous. He was steadfast in his beliefs and it came across to the audience that way. I really liked what he had to say. He is a seasoned Marketing person and knows exactly what is needed to help the Village climb out of the Real Estate slump we are in. Excellent job, Lloyd. We NEED you on the BoD.
Tormey Campagna
Bubba’s Must Do List
- We MUST get rid of that ridiculously expensive New Urbanism based CMP and their ideas of heavily populated neighborhoods with open gates to allow more non-Villagers easy access to retail businesses which have no population base to support them.
- We MUST get rid of the 115
page “Protective Covenants” and modify the pre-Urbanism covenants to fit what we need with EQUAL attention to ALL PARTS of the Village, both old and new.
- We MUST get our Marketing efforts aimed in the right direction to attract the type of people who will love the Village as much as we all do.
Three for HSV Fit ALL Requirements
Our Three for HSV Candidates fit ALL the requirements to make these things happen.

My only remaining question is, “Which one of the three do I like best?” Impossible to answer that question because all three of these candidates have skill sets that compliment each other and dove-tail together extremely well. This will give them the ability to make these changes we so desperately NEED on our BoD.
With that said, I am formally announcing my full support of the above candidates Three for HSV. I hope you will all join me in supporting them. They are the ONLY three candidates that can make this happen.

Let’s turn the Village back into the little slice of heaven we all moved here to enjoy.
Bubba McGillicuty aka Frank Shears (Staff Writer at Hot Springs Village People)

PS… Rambo says he likes Diana best because she makes cookies.