By Joe Dowden, May 6, 2020
Director Campagna Resigns
In a Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association Board of Directors Executive Meeting on May 6, 2020, Director Nancy Luehring was removed from her position for cause. As this action transpired in an Executive Session, HSV People is not aware of the specific reason(s) for removal. According to the Village Voice, Luehring says she had previously been told to resign.
In another unexpected move, Director Tormey Campagna resigned.
Luehring has been under criticism from some community members as some felt she did not live up to her campaign promises she made more than two years ago. More recently, Campagna was also under close community scrutiny since shortly after he began his term on the board. Some community members felt he also did not live up to his campaign promises.
Click here to read the Hot Springs Village Voice article
According to a press release from the HSVPOA, there will be a Special Meeting for Monday, May 11, 2020, at 9 a.m. at the Ponce de Leon Center for the purpose of Board Membership Composition. At this time we do not know if the meeting will be live-streamed or if members will be able to attend in person. When we find out the details, we will update this article.
HSVPOA press release to Community

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Harriet Young
05/06/2020 — 1:58 pm
Color me HAPPY! Hear me APPLAUDING loudly! See the GRIN on my face!
Payback – as they say, “IS A BIIIIIIAAACH !”
Next up – one more critical resignation and the removal of some highly overpaid, do-nothing Directors.
Then the slate will be cleared for positive movement foward.
Congrats to our new BOD!
Can’t wait to see who they name as replacements!
05/07/2020 — 5:49 am
Do-nothing is euphemistic. Over paid is understatement.
These people have to go. All of them.
Andy Kramek
05/06/2020 — 2:24 pm
Surprising, but not totally shocking. I imagine that there will be some degree of consternation among the upper echelons of the POA Management at this news. Apart from anything else, it puts the whole issue of requiring 6 out of 7 Board Member votes to terminate the CEO into a new perspective.
It certainly looks as if the new Board is determined to bring control over the direction of the village back into their own hands. Hope that they will follow through on the next logical step and restore Operational Management to a General Manager who reports to the Board.
Gene Garner
05/06/2020 — 2:32 pm
It seems the dam has broke and we will soon have the six votes needed to terminate the CEO. I hope we don’t give her what she wants– her salary thru March 31, 2023.
The BOD could refile the Articles of Incorporation and declare her contract invalid since it wasn’t filed in the POA’s home county. But I don’t want to second guess them, it’s apparent they know what they’re doing.—Gene
Patty G.
05/06/2020 — 3:09 pm
Anybody know why Kirk is not in physical attendance at the current BOD meeting?
There’s only 7-8 people in the room.
Why is he not sitting at the table with the rest of the crew?
05/06/2020 — 3:25 pm
These meetings are not mandatory, but nonetheless, Kirk is participating via video conferencing. This is due to COVID-19. Kirk has young children and I would guess he is being extra careful.
Jerry Jay Carroll
05/06/2020 — 3:10 pm
This is the culmination of a lot of hard work by a lot of good people. Both Luehring and Tormey had given ample notice they intended to be obstructive. They were elected by their false promises of reform that were promptly repudiated after they took office. This had been the pattern of new board members for years. It was as if they toasted one another with corporate Kool-Aid after being sworn in. The result was nodding bobble heads who did as they were told by by POA staff. Leslie Nalley’s problem was she took things too far and didn’t disguise her arrogance. Her choice now is to get a new job–good luck with that in these times–or do as she is told. She won’t be able to choke down her humiliation, so a quick departure looks to be in the cards. Or a new Leslie will emerge, humble and compliant.
05/06/2020 — 5:49 pm
The nuts are cracked. There will be no humbleness or compliance on the part of Lesley. Cunning like my friend the fox perhaps. Hide and watch. Us creatures of the wild, including the deer, say out! No ceo needed.
Gus Noble
05/08/2020 — 9:33 am
I agree with everything you say except accepting a new Leslie. She needs to go along with all of her high price directors that are eating up the working staff’s salaries with the new 3 million debt. Hope we also get in a management team like my last HOA had in TX. The BOD listen to the property owners and then directed the management team as to what was expected.
George R
05/06/2020 — 3:31 pm
Congrats to the five Board members that are keeping their promises.
Got rid of one and the other one took his toys and went home. No great loss.
A win/win for the Village
05/06/2020 — 4:25 pm
Gene Garner
05/06/2020 — 4:48 pm
Watching the streaming Board meeting gave me hopes that we now have a smarter group of Directors. During an extended discussion on the finer points of the CMP Covenants, Diana brought up the elephant in the room called COVID-19.
I’ve been running this over in my mind for the last month and I wonder how many jobless non-resident property owners are concerned with paying their lot assessments but instead are worried about feeding their families?
I believe we’re going to see a large number of owners simply stop paying the monthly assessments and let their lots go into foreclosure. If that happens we won’t have time to think about 5 year plans, 10 year plans or how to entice builders to build spec houses. We’ll be scurrying around trying to figure out how to pay the bills.
Fortunately Diana is already thinking of this scenario and alerting the other Directors of that possibility. This group has a big job ahead of them and, hopefully, we can give them the support they will surely need.—Gene
Tom Blakeman
05/06/2020 — 5:59 pm
I fear Gene is right. The Covid-19 may be strike three. Strike one was the Great Recession of 2008. Strike two was the abject failure on the part of many past leaders to bring us out of the slump.
Let’s hope Diana and the rest at bat can pull off a walk rather than an out.
Robert Busse
05/07/2020 — 10:25 am
I think Gene and Tom are right. This Covid19 crisis/mess is going to have a serious impact on our entire country. And I fear the further down the the rungs on the ladder the worse it may get. So to think that HSV is not going to feel negative results is not very good thinking.
Without the affects of the Virus our Board had a huge mess to cleanup so with the Virus things get even tougher. We as members must be very patient and try to understand the complexity of our entire situation. We all have our own ideas as to what should be done first. Please don’t get upset if the Board takes action elsewhere. They have a lot more information than any of us and we have elected, (IMHO), some well qualified people to guide us through the quick sand. We just can’t be in a rush and let them use their experience and training to direct us.
I am ecstatic about the the shake up, and I know there are many Villagers who are too. Let’s savor the moment, but get prepared for the rough road ahead.
05/06/2020 — 5:09 pm
05/06/2020 — 5:44 pm
MINN DALY,,, your Hopes from 4-27-2020
has arrived…………………….THUMBS UP………………..
Minn Daly
05/07/2020 — 3:47 pm
Greg & Others, was very optimistic until today! Now I understand that there are a few on this NEW BOD who are apprehensive about abolishing the CMP & eliminating the covenants down to original status. Tucker was correct in getting the covenants back to the original 3 pages then working forward on same issues going forward, eliminating all of the 121 pages that are mixed with commercial & houseing rules. Get the regulations back to sane rules & regulations. Legacy BOD members wasted $500,000 plus on a CMP plan that is not what the majority of HSV want. CMP plan as it stands will never work in HSV. Was told this noon that some on NEW BOD are back peddling on abolishing CMP. If this happens they will loose all of my support going forward. I was very disheartened to hear they would go back on the promise they made to the members on these issues. Let’s hope they reconsider & support Tucker & Kirk on abolishing theses issues. Minn Daly
Minn Daly
05/06/2020 — 7:28 pm
Greg! 😀 Today our working BOD was awesome! Yes, very happy that legacy BOD is out. We have needed a BOD that loves our community. We have that plus intelligent, capable individuals who are true to themselves & can function under pressure. Individuals who do not need the BOD to define them but who will make a difference in defining HSV BOD! Minn Daly
Linda Anderson
05/06/2020 — 7:34 pm
This is what happens when Board Members choose to ignore their campaign promises and the interests of the property owners. Our community has a chance to survive. Now the board might take a hard look at why our CEO is being paid more the the governor. More positive changes on the way.
05/06/2020 — 8:45 pm
You will get what you pay for. It will be interesting. Just waiting to see how long it will be before this new Board disappoints. The in-fighting should be interesting.
steve bylow
05/06/2020 — 8:46 pm
Three thoughts:
1. I greatly appreciate the transparency and decisiveness of the five Board members.
2. Most “turnarounds” take at last 100 days to get traction so consider giving our Board some space and not creating distractions by saying someone needs get fired or implying someone they disagreed with in the past with was not well intentioned.
steve bylow
05/06/2020 — 8:48 pm
thought three:
3. Be safe and thankful we live in such a great community.
Patsy Slezak
05/07/2020 — 9:53 am
I guess the pill tastes more bitter when your the one taking it, right, Nallyites
Lloyd Sherman
05/07/2020 — 6:15 pm
May I remind those who are already drawing conclusions that what is going on now is Discussion Sessions, not Decision Sessions. No votes are taken. These periods are also designed to provide input to the entire Board on your positions. We encourage property owners to continue providing your input. We will also attempt to provide feedback on as many as we can. We appreciate you and hope you understand that the decisions made are what we believe to be in the best interest of the Village.
Minn. Daly
05/07/2020 — 6:55 pm
Lloyd, was very impress by Wednesday work session until I found out today @ noon BOD discussion was still not finished an that 3 of you on the board were considering keeping parts of CMP & covenants. Lloyd trust is earned, this is one thing that legacy board did not understand, my hope is that those individuals we supported will stick with Tucker & Kirk Moveing forward Eliminating these issues. Lloyd, majority of property owners do not want the CMP! We do not want 121 pages of covenants. Covenants need to be totally revamped from 121 pages back to the original 3 pages & then worked forward as needed in a sane way, taking commercial regulations in a format exclusive to issues that apply to them. Tucker volunteered for this committee position & I was ecstatic to hear that. He has the experience to fix the ACC & covenants Gene Garner was generous in stoping his court case, but if this keeps going on we will have another law suit on these issues. Look at the monies wasted on a CMP plan that is totally non functional. I thought that the work session was over on These issues, apparently I was not correct. My hope is that you all follow your campaign promise & eliminate these 2 issues. Minn Daly
Andy Kramek
05/08/2020 — 3:34 pm
So correct, Minn.
I already sent the new members a copy of what they said their priorities were during the campaign.
See Frank Leeming’s article and Summary
Minn Daly
05/08/2020 — 4:24 pm
Andy, thanks!😀 Minn Daly
steve bylow
05/07/2020 — 7:57 pm
I understand everyone will not be happy with all Board decisions but I am confident whatever the majority of the remaining Board members decide will be in our collective best interests.
All I ask is that of the Board make their best decision and explain their logic. Then check and adjust if needed.