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Two More CMP Management Failures

By Phil Lemler, January 1, 2020

Dear HSV Residents:

Failure 1

The CEO and the POA Board who developed and approved the CMP (and its multi-million dollar price tag) have stated numerous times that they offered CCI an opportunity to participate in the CMP. CCI said no! (I was told this was because the offer was made late in the process and CCI could see the CMP was a flawed plan).

At this point, the POA should have stopped the CMP in its tracks. Why would you continue to push the CMP when CCI said no? The CMP cannot be implemented without CCI! This should have been an enormous red flag that any competent manager would see! This is analogous to building a fountain/fire pit in your neighbor’s yard. You asked (for permission) … the neighbor said no … but you go ahead with the plans (spending thousands in preparation) … hire architects and contractors to start construction? This makes no sense!

The POA should have started over with CCI at the table from Day one.

John Cooper’s Thoughts On: Invitation to Participate in an RFP Process for the CMP

Click here to watch video

Failure 2

These proponents of the CMP all say the CMP is a “living document” and it is designed to be flexible and changeable with the times.

Really? Everything in the CMP is about changing HSV into a city. HSV needs revenue! On page 82/83 of the CMP (Observations and Policies), it identifies the revenue the CMP will generate over the next 20 years ($2.56 million per year). ALL of this comes from the “Town Center”, the “Carmona Center” and the “Coronado Center”.  The CMP cannot/does not generate revenue without the Town Center!

So, if the CMP is a living/flexible document and HSV does not build the Town Center (and other centers) …. Where will the revenue come from?

I know the answer …and now you know the answer…. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS!  The CMP tells us that too!

Good job POA … develop a plan that cannot be implemented … pay a great sum of money for it … misrepresent everything to the residents …  develop committees and processes that hide the true intent … and when it fails … simply reach into the property owners’ pockets for more money!

Phil Lemler

Click here to read Tom Blakeman’s warning to HSV Property Owners

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