Message from the HSV CEO.

HSV property owners received the following eblast from the CEO this morning.

“Good morning! I hope this finds you all well and excited about the holiday season ahead”.

As we close out 2018 and look towards 2019, it is more important than ever to find common ground on the complex issues facing our communities, state, and nation. Votes within the Village, both this year’s and the 2014 vote, have exposed a serious divide, similar to what we are seeing throughout the nation. There is only one thing that resolves division and that is searching for common ground in face-to-face, open conversations on topics we can solve together.

With that goal in mind, I will begin a monthly Forward Together Forum on January 14th.

“The time, topic and location will be announced in the December 28th Village Digest. I look forward to continuing the, sometimes, tough discussions necessary to keep us pointed “north”.

Merry Christmas and may your 2019 be happy, healthy and prosperous.”

Kind regards,
