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Open Letter to the HSVPOA 2022 Board Candidates

By John Rymark, January 21, 2022

One request…future Board Members, please don’t try to make our community into something it’s not (CMP). Please follow our mother’s wisdom that she taught when we first started dating. Mother said to be true in life. “Be yourself.”

We have a very unique place here – very-low-density living where we live with others, but also in nature. Thousands of square miles of beautiful nature surround us for recreation.

There is a marvelous heritage resort town nearby and an urban pub crawl and restaurants within a 45-minute drive to the bigger city.

We have excellent healthcare, in the nearby town (20-minute drive) and in a bigger city (45-minute drive). Coming from the Chicago burbs, the drive time to high-quality healthcare services was the same as here.

With the existent and growing number of our nation’s most successful, affluent professionals working from home, they are free at last to live in resort areas like ours where before they could only vacation. Urban and suburban areas are losing thousands of ‘free-to-live-where-they-want’ workers every day.

Please use our money (POA money) to keep up our infrastructure and let free enterprise invest its money in added amenities, restaurants stores, etc. Let them gamble their money on the sustainability of these new services.

Pledge your commitment to this upfront, now, or you will not have my vote. This is the time, we’re waiting to hear your commitment.

A Little About John Rymark

John Rymark is originally from the Chicago area. He retired from the Navy in 1990. After the Navy, he was employed at a chemical company where he was Head of Compliance and Quality. John and his wife, Cheryl, moved to the Village and built their home here in 2016 and love living here. He feels the Village has a lot to offer and enjoys recreational reading on the screened-in porch, listening to the critters of the night, bird watching, writing, fishing, and charity work.

Village Photography Below by Joe Dowden

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