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Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association Assessment Vote Details

EGP Announced Assessment Vote Results at Special Vote Meeting – November 15, 2021

EGP: There were 22,904 members in good standing. We needed 11,453 to reach a quorum. There were 11,718 proxies or ballots received, so we do have a quorum.

EGP: The total votes ‘for’ were 6,532. Which was 56%. The votes ‘against’ were 5,160 which was 44%.”

EGP: We received 26 proxies that were either blank or marked both ‘for’ and ‘against’. So those are not included either in the ‘for’ or ‘against’ numbers.

Board Chair Gives Closing Remarks at Special Vote Meeting

Board Chair, Joanie Corry: I encourage all of us to embrace the results of this vote. The Property Owners have spoken on how they want to move forward. The ‘yes’ vote means we are delivering on the community values that made Hot Springs Village our home. We will have the funds available to ensure our gates, police, fire department, emergency response systems are here when we need them and our infrastructure will be maintained the way it should be. We’ll be able to continue the level of service you have a right to expect from this community. We thank you all for coming today.

2021 Assessment Increase Vote Results


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