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Linda Anderson – 2021 HSVPOA Board Candidate

Hello Property Owners. My name is Linda Anderson. A resident for 13 years. I attend Village Bible Church and stand by my Christian faith which is built on a foundation of truth. 

I graduated from the University of Oklahoma and went to work for American Airlines. One of the valuable lessons I learned was how to work with people. To listen and get the facts before making any judgments or decisions.

I owned an International trading Company in Los Angeles. This complex business included meeting with business owners in many countries to contract and ship containers of automotive and industrial material to the U.S. as well as overseeing the business operations of secretarial employees and accountants.

I have stood at political organizations and at the Senate at our State Capital to pass a bill to stop Foreign Laws from prevailing over Arkansas Constitutional laws. The bill passed the House and Senate with overwhelming support. 

I have attended most Board Meetings for the past 3 years and stood before the Board on many occasions to represent property owners.  I am committed to transparency which is to keep property owners informed. The majority Board has stepped back and decided not to be transparent about all matters. Case in point: The Board had entered into discussions and agreed with GM ( HSV Voice-12/1/20 ) for the need to raise assessments using infrastructure as the cause for financial disaster. A huge jump for such a claim. There has been no outside audit to show financial distress. This is unprecedented especially during these challenging times with covid and job losses. Why place stress upon our community now when it appears expenses are being controlled and showing signs of recovery? According to the Comptroller statement at the Finance & Planning Committee (10/27/20) we have a projected $4.8 Mil cash balance at the end of 2020. There were no alarm bells about the budgeted culvert            (infrastructure) as a maintenance issue. What’s not being addressed are maintenance repairs like the Woodlands / Balboa Club. All buildings and landscape must be maintained to keep our Village beautiful. The Board and GM should work together and understand that our financial position is still in dangerous territory. Short term maintenance goals must remain the first priority. 

Without the facts of financial distress, there is no need to raise assessments.

I Love Hot Springs Village and I believe it is a  Director’s duty and responsibility to protect and maintain to keep property values at their highest. I ask for your vote to be placed on the Board to help in the decision making process based on sound and reasonable determinations in the best interests of the Association and  Property Owners.

Linda Anderson, Hot Springs Village 2021 Board Director Candidate

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If you have any questions, Linda can be reached by email at internetjet@gmail.com.

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