Saline County COVID-19 Update from Judge Arey

To Saline County Residents,

Attached [below] are the numbers for Saline County as of last night.  Currently there are 29 confirmed cases Saline County that is up 15 from April 1st  Sadly I did receive a call yesterday morning from the Regional Director for the Department of Health notifying me of Saline County’s first resident that has died as a result of COVID-19.   She could not give me any details about the individual, but I ask that you add this unknown family to your prayers. 

The CDC is now recommending that everyone wear a cloth face cover when they have to go out in public.  The cloth face cover is meant to protect other people in case you are infected.  Please do not use a facemask meant for a healthcare worker.  Continue to keep a distance of 6 feet between yourself and others.  The cloth face cover is not a substitute for social distancing.  I plan to start wearing a cloth mask today when I’m out in public and at the office and I plan to encourage others to do the same.  I’ll be honest,  it feels awkward or more like weird, but I know that it is necessary.   

Please Stay Safe, and remember no more than 10, stay 6 feet apart and wash your hands.

Jeff Arey

Saline County Judge

200 North Main Street, Suite 117

Benton, Arkansas 72015


Saline County COVID-19 Spreadsheet Update (4.5.20)


J. P. Keck emphasizes three items

I would like to emphasize three items for Saline County Residents:

1) Saline County Judge’s Juvenile Stay at Home went into effect today April 6.

2) The Governor did restrict short-term rental usage in Arkansas. Please see his Proclamation.

3) ADH did emphasize the usage of a mask when you cannot maintain your 6-foot social distance when out in public.

Please stay safe here in the Village.

Keith Keck

Justice of the Peace

Saline County Quorum Court

(Thank you, Keith Keck, Saline County Justice of the Peace, for providing the Saline County COVID-19 update.)


Garland County Information

According to the Arkansas Department of Health COVID-19 Information page on April 6, 2020, there are currently 41 people in Garland County who have tested positive for COVID-19.

Click here to visit the Arkansas Department of Health COVID-19 Information Page.


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