HSV/HS Love Lunch – special needs filled

I was afforded the pleasure of speaking with Board Candidate, Dick Garrison’s wife, Jane, this morning. Jane informed me about a need for volunteers in a very special ministry called HSV/HS Love Lunch.

Hot Springs Salvation Army serves the needy and homeless community dinner five nights a week out of their Red Shield Cafe. There are no meals served by the HS Salvation Army on weekends.

For the past eleven years, local HSV/HS churches and residents have collaborated with the Hot Springs Salvation Army to help fill this gap. The HSV/HS Love Lunch Ministry, utilizes the Salvation Army Red Shield Cafe on Sundays, serving a sack lunch to needy and homeless individuals. This meal generally consists of two bologna sandwiches, a bag of chips or crackers, cookies and juice.

The Love Lunch ministry not only serves lunch but also love. Many of the participants have a need for food, shoes, and clothing. They also desire spiritual care, a hug, some encouraging human interaction and someone that is compassionate to listen to them. This is why the Ministry is called Love Lunch. It is much more than just handing someone a bag of food.

HSV/HS Love Lunch ministry is dependent on donations

This ministry is dependent on donations of money (to The Project Hope Food Bank), shoes, clothing, pet food and so much more. (Yes, needy and homeless people do have pets.) Because the Hot Springs Salvation Army is unable to feed the needy on Sundays, HSV/HS Love Lunch helps fill the void so that the Hot Springs needy and homeless community can enjoy at least one meal on Sundays.

Volunteers arrive at the Hot Springs Salvation Army between 11:00 to 11:15 on Sunday morning to prepare the lunches. Lunch is served outdoors from 12:30 to 1:30 with the participants saying a prayer and enjoying the company of each other and the volunteers. If there are leftovers, some of the participants may take two lunches. Cleanup usually takes until 2:15.

Most of the food for this ministry is purchased at The Project Hope Food Bank, which is located in Hot Springs. Last Sunday, February 23, 2020, HS/HSV Love Lunch served lunch and love to 135 grateful participants.

HSV/HS Love Lunch needs assistance

HSV/HS Love Lunch needs more volunteers to help with this endeavor. It only takes one Sunday to be trained. For more information about this very worthy ministry and how to help, please contact Jane Garrison at jmgarrison74@gmail.com.

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By Cheryl Dowden, February 26, 2020