Zoom Video Conferencing for HSVPOA meetings?
Property Owners received word in an October 4, 2019, eblast Digest from the HSVPOA that the next Board Budget Meeting, which is being held on October 10, 2019, is not physically open to the whole community. Rather, they are holding this meeting in the POA Administration Conference Room and using Zoom Video Conferencing.

While this may sound nice on the surface, as it will be more convenient for some folks to sit at home and watch the meeting, we see some problems with this.
Not everyone has internet & it is not always reliable
- Some folks in the Village do not have internet and rely on the meetings being physically open to the public. Also, the internet service in the Village is not always reliable. It is well known that internet service in the Village is sporadic and subpar in a lot of locations. Is our Board of Directors just going to throw these Villagers under the bus?
Is this first Zoom meeting a test for future board meetings?
- As we are all aware, the Board members and management received an alleged “threat” letter via the United States Postal Service. There is a $10,000 reward offered to anyone who provides information leading to the arrest and conviction of the said culprit. It is unclear as to who all in management received such a letter and whether the term “management” means only the CEO or includes others. It is also unclear as to whether this is a legitimate threat as the excerpt that Buddy read does not constitute a real threat (in our opinion) and was also taken out of context. Is the Board/management having a Zoom Video Conference meeting, with no physical participation from Property Owners at this meeting, because of this alleged threat? Is this Zoom meeting a test and a foreshadowing of possible plans by POA Board/management to hold future Board meetings by Zoom Video Conferencing? We really do not know, but consider this to be a possibility. We hope this suspicion proves to be wrong. Time will tell.

This is the alleged threat
The following is the excerpt Director Buddy Dixon read to the standing-room-only crowd at the September 18, 2019 Board Meeting regarding the alleged threat letter each board member received.
“I am certain there are folks that know where each of you reside, eat, shop, and spend your leisure time. I would hate to think that your incredible lack of commonsense and total disregard for your position would lead one of our Bible-thumping, gun-toting, hillbilly deplorables to take matters in their own hands to rid the Village of your kind.”
Director Dixon stated, “Folks that is a threat! And this was made September 6.”
How does this look to prospective Villagers?
- How does this look to prospective tourists and buyers of property or prospective business owners? If the HSVPOA Board/management is in such fear for their safety that they must hold our Board meetings away from the physical presence of the public, do we have a safe community? That is one of the major reasons that people are attracted to Hot Springs Village – the perceived safety of the community and the gates and all that implies. If indeed, our risk is within the Village, why even move here for safety reasons?
Release alleged threat letter to the public
We ask that our police chief and CEO release the full content of this alleged threat letter, instead of only a paragraph that is taken out of context.
2020 Enterprise Goals DOA
So much for achieving our Enterprise Goals if the physical meetings are terminated. Every single goal could be affected by shutting down the physical-presence public board meetings.

Note: This article is not to make light of any threatening letter/violence or unacceptable behavior. We are only questioning whether we are headed down the path of Board meetings being closed off to the public and if so, whether there is a legitimate reason for this to happen. We still believe HSV is one of the safest places to live and suspect the alleged threat is being spun to shut off property owners from participating in face-to-face public HSVPOA Board meetings. This is an opinion piece and hopefully, the Board does not plan to physically shut out Property Owners from Board meetings.
By Cheryl Dowden, October 6, 2019
Update October 11, 2019
I am very happy to announce that the next Board Meeting is a regular Board Meeting in Ouachita Room at Ponce de Leon and not a Zoom meeting. This BOD meeting is Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.

Vicki Husted
10/06/2019 — 11:48 am
I hope that this is not the prelude to closed BOD meetings, but I very much fear that it is. I also have a great many questions in my mind about this alleged threat letter.
I was slightly encouraged by reporting that accompanied a recent interview Chief Middleton gave on a local TV station. The reporting indicated that Chief Middleton was working with postal inspectors and other law enforcement. This only encouraged me a little bit because it was not stated in the video by the Chief himself, but rather was commentary written by the reporter or the station that accompanied the video clip. Is the matter actually being investigated by postal authorities and/or other law enforcement agencies? If not, why not? Sending threats via the Post Office is, indeed, a Federal offense. I would also like to see a copy of the actual, entire letter made public. Someone might recognize the handwriting if it was written, or the style of writing.
Theodore John Kaczynski, the Unabomber from the late 70s, was captured in the mid-90s after publication of his manifesto in major newspapers, when his writing style was recognized by his brother, who notified authorities.
Melinda Noble
10/07/2019 — 11:34 am
Was the FBI ever notified? As someone who was called out , threated by Lesley’s bodyguards and punished by the BOD , them meaning the BOD, use the term threat then it suits them.
Minn Daly
10/06/2019 — 12:15 pm
Not surprised by the announcement of BOD/CEO shutting out members! They have been doing this for the past 3 years plus! It is amazeing to me that it has taken this long for them to accomplish this action of shutting off membership. BOD/CEO do not feel they are accountable to majority of owners, they are only accountable to supporters of CMP & CNU. With hopes that New lawsuits that are on the agenda on behalf of membership will stop this BOD/CEO from further action. Agree totally that all materials that BOD/CEO received as threats must be put out for public review, if this happened person or persons responsible should be prosecuted. My hope is that NOW the FBI can get involved not only in threat action but also in all things HSV BOD/CEO. Minn Daly
10/06/2019 — 12:53 pm
Truthfully CEO and Board can’t take looking at our faces as they stab us in the back by continuing the CMP. (I do not mean actual stab…ok)
It was also humiliating for them to watch the picketing and calls for LN to go. They cannot say they don’t know what lots of villagers want, because we have stood up to them!
Andy Kramek
10/06/2019 — 1:05 pm
As a non-resident property owner, making these meetings available on line is actually a good thing!
However, having them ONLY available on-line does suggest an attempt by the BoD to shut down any form of direct property owner involvement.
While I am not usually the suspicious type, another factor that occurs to me (having spent 25+ years in the IT business) is that these sort of video conferences are easily controlled by the organizers. Options to mute individuals, select what is made visible to watchers and other manipulations are available. Even recorded meetings can be selectively edited. For me, this action doesn’t pass the smell test.
10/06/2019 — 1:43 pm
Andy, I too agree that having the meetings available online is very good. Hopefully, those Property Owners who want to physically attend the meetings may still do so and also those who wish to watch online will have this option. This is the way it should be.
I hope I am completely wrong with my suspicion. That would make me very happy to find out that there is no intention to shut us out of physical meetings.
I am not familiar with Zoom, but the thought has also crossed my mind as to what manipulations could be used with this product.
10/06/2019 — 6:13 pm
I am going to take this as they are letting us see what would have been an unannounced executive session. So, a good thing, minus all the conspiracy theories about manipulating a live broadcast.
Andy Kramek
10/06/2019 — 8:10 pm
What conspiracy theory are you referring to? Or are you just being gratuitously insulting by questioning my technical credentials? I do know what I am talking about and, unlike you I don’t hide behind “Anonymous”
10/06/2019 — 10:28 pm
A great example of why I remain anonymous.
Personal attack is the first line of order for so many.
I read these posts to be informed, not lectured, or subject to attack.
10/07/2019 — 8:29 am
Manipulation of live broadcasts is not conspiracy theory. It is fact. If management has the ability to mute participants, that could very well be used to manipulate the narrative. Andy was not attacking you personally. Thank you.
George Sorrell
10/07/2019 — 1:42 pm
The last time I priced a zoom conference, the cost was beyond my expectation. My interest in using this vehicle for a potential total HSV conference viewing quickly evaporated after the sales person went past $10,000. That did not even encompass my goal for inclusion of all the property owners of HSV. I would love to know the price tag for this one.
Even so, I agree with the non-resident owner who would like to be in on these discussions and decisions. So I believe, since they’ve already decided to spend the money, the meetings should be held at the Woodlands and also made available via Zoom.
Melinda Noble
10/07/2019 — 2:24 pm
Maybe Lesley is going to use this meeting to ordain her new BOD member and doesn’t want the blowback.
Linda Anderson
10/07/2019 — 2:39 pm
Since TRUST has been abolished, without factual information, there is little hope to count on anything as being true when it comes to this leadership. Until new Board members are placed to bring about change, we will continue to see divisive tactics and deplorable decisions to keep members at bay in order to bring forward the CMP agenda which is leading us down a path of financial ruin. Case in point- the Balboa Debt Restoration Project -An insane project which would have put HSV in terrible debt.
This is an ongoing saga of an out of control ( 4 ) BOD/CEO.
10/08/2019 — 10:22 am
Hey people! This is, OF COURSE, the prelude to CLOSED BOD meetings. Why do you think the BOD and Lesley opt’d NOT to offer up the Woodlands at the last BOD meeting? So they could limit the crowd! They do NOT want Property Owners in their face! A blind man could see this ploy! There’s clearly an adversarial relationship between Property Owners and the Administration.
We are being so victimized by this current administration.
You’d have to be living in a cave not to see the biases!
We are in such trouble! Not sure we’ll ever get out from Lesley’s FAT thumb!
Our FOR SALE sign is up and we are already seeing reluctance from potential buyers because of all the dirty laundry being aired.
10/08/2019 — 5:18 pm
Taken from HVPOA e-blast Oct. 08, 2019
“The Hot Springs Village Board of Directors has scheduled its follow-up meeting on the 2020 budget for Thursday, Oct. 10, at 2 p.m. Public access to the meeting will be available via video conference “Zoom.” ”
I am betting this will be the format for our future board meetings. If so any Director who voted for Zoom conferencing needs to ZOOM themselves off the board and take the CEO with them. They are shutting out property owners from attending meetings in person.
10/09/2019 — 8:28 pm
Amazing. She is on some kind of fantastic fantasy power trip. She thinks she is CEO of a Fortune 500 company and Hey, while I am spending your money, let’s go with online video conferencing BS, so I can be somebody special that never had a camera that she didn’t love.
Makeup! Makeup!
Hey, Nalley! It is a not for profit and fledgling POA that we have here and an about to go belly-up pitifully run POA. Get a grip. You couldn’t run a fan unless you did it hiding behind your cronies. Get off your throne and try to come back to reality. You are a wanna be and can’t see reality.
10/10/2019 — 5:35 am
Amazing and completely oblivious to the pulse of this community. Zoom me up, your highness. She is on some kind of fantastic fantasy power trip. She pretends she is CEO of a Fortune 500 company.
Oh and hey, while she is spending more your money, like there is no end to the stuff, let’s go with online video conferencing BS, (price?) just so she can audition for her next gig. She has never met a camera that she didn’t love, love.
Makeup! Makeup!
Hey, Nalley! This playground of yours is a not for profit and fledgling POA that we have here and also an about to go belly-up pitifully run POA at that. Get a grip. Really? You couldn’t run a fan unless you did it hiding behind your like minded prima donna hired hands. Only their salaries insure the loyalty. Get off your throne and try to come back to reality. You are a wanna be and can’t see reality. We are in rural Arkansas for God’s sake.
Anger is permeating this village and you are the direct cause. Shutting out the ones that pay your bills isn’t a good plan.
10/10/2019 — 6:47 am
Lesley is narcissistic and completely oblivious to the pulse of this community. Zoom me up, your highness. She is on some kind of fantastic fantasy power trip. She pretends she is CEO of a Fortune 500 company.
Oh and hey, while she is spending more of your money, like there is no end to the stuff, let’s go with online video conferencing BS, (price?) just so she can audition for her next gig. She has never met a camera that she didn’t love, love.
Makeup! Makeup!
Hey, Nalley! This playground of yours happens to be a not for profit and fledgling entity and also an about to go belly-up, pitifully run POA. You couldn’t run a fan unless you did it hiding behind your like minded prima donna hired hands. Only their salaries insure the loyalty. Get off your throne and try to come back to reality. You are a wanna be and can’t see reality. We are in rural Arkansas for Pete’s sake.
Anger is permeating this village and you are the direct cause. Shutting out the ones that pay your bills isn’t a good plan. The frustration grows and your polarizing tactics only solidify our resolve to oust your agenda.