Lloyd Sherman, Tormey Campagna and Diana Podawiltz Organized Successful Open Host
Vote Three for HSV Meet and Greet January 12, 2019
Vote Three for HSV, Lloyd Sherman, Tormey Campagna and Diana Watts Podawiltz had a very successful Meet and Greet, Saturday, January 12,
Lloyd Sherman, Hot Springs Village POA BOD Candidate
“From my perspective. it was very successful and we are so sorry Linda Van Scotter could not be there. We mostly had favorable comments although a few wanted more of a forum atmosphere. We wanted a more intimate open dialogue and I think that was achieved. We thank all those who attended and really thank all those that helped make it a successful event from our perspective.”
All three candidate had their own table where Villagers gathered around and asked questions to their heart’s content. Many hard questions were asked and much was answered in the fast-paced and lively conversations.
Tormey Campagna
I personally thought the Meet and Greet was great. It couldn’t have been a better way to meet with a variety of individuals who all had excellent questions and very interesting perspectives of how they felt. It’s meetings like this that allow candidates and will allow us as Board members to really understand what the property owners are experiencing and feeling. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to have similar meetings after I am elected.
Most all of the input back to me was very favorable and many said their questions were answered.
Light refreshments including cookies, pastries, fruit, and cheese were served and people appeared to have a nice time. At least that was the report many of them gave to me. Kudos to all involved for a job well-done! Thank you Vote Three for HSV.
Really enjoyed my time yesterday at the Meet & Greet. Thanks to all of you who came out and spent time talking with me. It was great to have an opportunity to answer your questions and listen to your thoughts. I hope to have many more opportunities to meet with property owners both before and after the election. Your concerns are my concerns. If you’d like to host a meet & greet with your friends at your home, please contact me so we can get scheduled. Again, thank you for your support & encouragement.
Diana Podawiltz
01/13/2019 — 5:37 pm
Click –> https://arkansaspeople.us/ to continue the conversation. Perhaps others would love to have conversations about the betterment of our community. The link will take you to a discussion forum where everyone is welcome. It could be fun… Cheers!