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Podawiltz Emails BOD – Pool

Budget is planning tool

As a candidate in the current BOD election, I felt it was important to email the BOD and voice my opinion on this matter.  Having a historical policy that budget approval means all items in that budget are approved for implementation is very flawed and dangerous financial management.  A budget is a planning tool, nothing more.

No pool contract revealed

I have followed this project with great interest.  I participated in the round table discussions and even though I came to the meetings very prepared with time spent researching community pools and talking with Little Rock contractors, I was not selected for the sub committee.  The pool first became a concern of mine while serving on the 2010 Strategic Planning Committee.  

At the June 2018 BOD meeting, Bill Roe made a motion which provided management directions to go forward with the pool project. One of the items listed “3) authorize staff to develop a draft contract with Carrothers Construction that ensures approved features, maximum costs and desired terms and conditions….”   

As of the Forum on 3/11 no contract has been revealed.  In fact, it was stated we don’t even have a ‘handshake’ agreement.  What kind of company expends this amount of effort without an expectation of receiving remuneration for their work?  What would the cost be if we walk away from this project?

Not convinced proper site has been chosen

I am still not convinced you’ve chosen the proper location.  David Gati said the sub committee looked at alternative locations.  Where? That’s interesting in light of the fact that the directive passed UNANIMOUSLY by the BOD in December 2017 was for the pool to remain in the same location.  We have 800 children located across our 26,000 acres.   The last few years they’ve become used to traveling to Balboa Beach which is further East than a site I’d propose-the flat land we own near the Balboa Club trailer parking area.  Water & electricity are in place, much cheaper to put a pool on flat ground than a hillside.  Parking- the area previously used by DeSoto Pool is now utilized by Pickleball players.

Site for new HSV outdoor swimming pool
Site chosen for new Hot Springs Village outdoor swimming pool
Seek competitive bids

I ask that you pass a motion to pay Carrothers Construction for their plans, examine the Balboa Club site then seek competitive bids for this project.  I find it difficult to believe they’re the only company interested in this project.  The methodology thus far for this project smacks of collusion and cramming something not wanted down the throats of the property owners.  Relabeling a capital addition as infrastructure repair only leads to further distrust and divisiveness.  

Allow the new board to work with department heads to have a solid 1, 2 and maybe even 3 years worth of infrastructure repair plan, then present the pool with competitive bids to the BOD for a vote.

Diana Podawiltz

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