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My Revision of BOD Post-Vote Email to Members

By Cheryl Dowden

This is satire and is not news.

I revised the Hot Springs Village Board of Directors (BOD) letter to reflect on the truth. This is my take on what they meant. Take with a grain of salt and recognize this for humor.

Dear HSV Property Owners,

In 2017, an ad hoc committee made up of Comprehensive Master Plan Supporters, CEO Fans, and your elected BOD members was formed to review all governing documents and make recommendations to the Board regarding potential changes needed to fully implement the Comprehensive Master Plan. During that review, the committee identified what they considered to be needed amendments to the Declaration to allow full implementation of the Comprehensive Master Plan. These CMP-endorsing recommendations were submitted to the CEO-loyal BOD and were the basis of the proposed amendments.

As the BOD/Management team reluctantly acknowledges, the right to amend the Declaration belongs to the members. The members exercised their rights and told us what we didn’t want to hear and never thought was possible to hear because we haven’t been listening to the members. Our first loyalty is to the corporation and the head of the corporation.

We would like to thank the Yes voters for voting-not so much thanks to the NO voters.

“We recognize that the vote may have been used by some as a means to express their views on other issues than the amendments.”

As we reflect on your message, we want all members to understand that no matter what, our first loyalty is to POA leadership and somewhat to the POA employees. We desire to continue to pretend to work with HSV property owner members, but will instead continue on our path of doing what we please. We may or may not let you know what we are doing and continue to hold secret meetings so our secret backdoor dealings will remain with us.

We hope everyone will change their minds about things, lay back down again, and take what we dish.



HSV Coronado Center
Hot Springs Village Coronado Center
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