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Message From HSVPOA Vice-Chair Tucker Omohundro

Tucker Omohundro, October 15, 2021

The board met from 10:00 AM until about 4:00 PM Wednesday.  The meeting from 10:00 to 2:30 was to do two in-house GM interviews.  The rest was a standard meeting to finish reviewing the budget proposals.  This is really not relevant but explains the following comments. 

We did get time to have lunch.  The board chair ask a question at lunch that got me thinking.  The question was “what are we going to do if the assessment increase fails?”.  I quickly responded, that we could not really answer that question, until we saw the vote. 

Here is what I meant by that statement:  I as a board member make decisions that I think are best for the community.  I was voted to the board to do just that.  I ran on a platform to do things and a majority voted for me.  To me there vote told me what they wanted.  I was able to follow through on those things. 

Having said that, since then I have had to rely on what I, and other board members, believed the villagers wanted.  That’s hard to determine when so many villagers do not agree.  I hope this makes sense. 

The election results will again help me, as a board member, to understand what the majority wants. 

We could have tried to get bonds to fix our situation, but I think that would be the wrong way to go.  That basically forces you to pay more with out any options. 

In my opinion that is not how we should act as a board.  I personally know what I want, but it’s not my decision to make.  It’s the property owner’s decision. 

If this vote fails, then that will send a message to the board.  Please understand that message though.  The message is that you don’t believe we need more money, or you don’t want to continue with the services that the village offers.  I can’t tell you what services you want, but most came here for what we have now I think.   

We did go out and get a tremendous group of qualified people to tell us what we needed to go forward and maintain this village. That information is on the website.  Please read it so you can make an informed decision.  The numbers do not lie.   I personally did not know where they would end up, and I am/was closer to the situation than most.  I actually thought we would need 125.00 a month.  I am happy I was wrong.

For those who say cut the fat, I say we have. 1.4 million in upper level management salaries and benefits have been cut.  No new projects.  We also have set a policy that will make it very difficult for future boards to change where the money. That helps insure where the moneys will be spent.  That’s the best we can do until we can have a declaration vote in 2027. 

Contrary to what many think, the villagers make these decisions.  The BOD does not.  The majority rules in government, and it also rules in the village.  All this is coming from my personal perspective and not the board, as I am not speaking for them.  This is for the property owners to decide.  Please vote and make an educated decision. 

My biggest fear is that many will make their decision thinking nothing will change.  No one can truly believe that a no vote will not change the Village.   It’s not possible.  I am anxious to see what HSV will be in the future.  Thanks for reading.

Editor’s note: This message was sent to us by Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Board Vice-Chairperson, Tucker Omohundro. He has asked us to publish this message here on the Hot Springs Village People dot com website. The words the Vice-chair sent are stated above, exactly as he sent them, except for some paragraph breaks for easier reading.

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