A Vote for Lloyd Sherman is a Vote for “Property Owners First”

As your advocate on the HSV POA Board my commitment to each of you is that I will restore trust by listening to each of you. My voice will be “your” voice. My pledge to you is that I will always champion and present your interests, both resident and non-resident property owners. Seasoned, comprehensive, professional business expertise and proven operations and management competence, combined with entrepreneurial experience, positions me favorably to deliver effective board leadership.
Lloyd Sherman, HSV POA BOD Candidate
Other actions I promise to pursue include: provide strategic focus on improving marketing, fiscal responsibility, transparency and accountability proficiencies; define or redefine short and long-term business goals relative to financial stability, infrastructure and 1, 3- and 5-year obtainable results; realign market efforts toward pre/post-retirement baby boomers, leveraging golf community focus; develop and apply data-driven, metric-measurable business analytics tools to evaluate department and employee performance; streamline operating costs, tackle bad debt expense, address deferred maintenance and establish proper reserves; suspend projects, long-range activities and costs associated with the CMP until such time as viable portions can be identified and prioritized; support expansion of the 2-minute public comment time limit at board meetings; support reintroduction of board working sessions for interaction with property owners; support introduction of quarterly Town Halls with open microphones and candid Q & A; work to restore trust through actions and not words.
Retirement brought my wife, Linda and me to Hot Springs Village four years ago. Early in our retirement, we spent several years in the Republic of Panama where we first heard about HSV. We returned to the US as we missed our kids and our great country and moved to HSV. I am a veteran. With a degree in Business Administration, I bring corporate work experience spanning nearly 5 decades, culminating in my last position as an SVP and Division Manager of a Fortune 500 company. In the last 12 years of my “active” career I started my own business consulting agency for struggling, financially-troubled businesses. Services focused on operational evaluations to increase productivity and profit, including marketing, sales, operations, financial and administration. My skills set includes Profit & Loss, Best Practices, Budgeting, Forecasting, Turnarounds, Continuous Process Improvement, Cost Reduction, Multi-site Management, Sales & Marketing, Technology Solutions, Outsourcing, Call Centers, Startups, Project Management, Production Management, and Customer Relations. I have participated on many committees: held office/chapter president positions and boards; chaired an international seminar; delivered numerous local, regional, and national business speeches; provided expert witness testimony on Best Evidence Rule; contributor in electronic media discovery forums. I will serve as a 2019 board member of the HSV Board of Realtors.
I feel that my work experience, my skills and knowledge, my keen desire as a property owner to promote and grow this beautiful community that I call my forever home, qualifies me to serve YOU. I look forward to listening to, advocating for and working with property owners to help move Hot Springs Village toward growth and prosperity. More information available at www.lloydsherman.com.
Lloyd Sherman, HSV POA BOD Candidate
Questions? Contact Lloyd Sherman at his website
01/15/2019 — 9:30 am
Click –> https://arkansaspeople.us/ to continue the conversation. Perhaps others would love to have conversations about the betterment of our community. The link will take you to a discussion forum where everyone is welcome. It could be fun… Cheers!