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HSVPOA GM John Paul Report on 10-20-21

This article documents Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association, Interim General Manager, John Paul’s report to the Board of Directors on October 20, 2021.

Proposed Assessment Increase

Members have the option to mail the proxy into the auditing firm or they can vote in person at the November meeting.

Results of the vote will be announced at the meeting on November 15th.

We ask that residents do not drop their proxy in the box out front because it has to be mailed in order to be counted so it will just go away if it is dropped in there so don’t do that. We’ve got signs on the box but we’ve still had a couple put them in there.

Balboa Club Update

The porte cochere has been repaired and painted. The waterlines have been repaired in the kitchen and the entrance sign has been installed and updated. The parking lot was striped. This completes the planned rennovations for the Balboa Club this year.

The Turn at Balboa, the new restaurant, plans to expand their menu and operations by utilizing the upstairs kitchen, shortly. He’s got his equipment on order. Although we don’t know how long that takes anymore, to order anything. But he’s hoping to get it in and when he does he wants to open the upstairs dining space, also. So that will give us a nice addition to that facility over there. If you haven’t been, it looks very nice. I’d go over and look around.

Casa Coronado

We executed a lease agreement with Troy and Patty McKie to operate the Casa Coronado Restaurant, effective November 1st.

Mulligans at Ponce and Waypoint

Mulligans at Ponce will remain open under the current, will be operated by Matt Curtis, who is keeping all the old employees and really not changing much in that operation. Once that transition is complete, the POA will only operate the deli and our seasonal restaurant at Waypoint.

Gate Security

Gate Security continues to be a major focus for us. The Compliance Department is performing studies to determine options to help eliminate tailgating at the satellite gates.

We have recently reduced the timing on those gates, reducing the amount of time a potential tailgater would have to gain authorized entry. We have eliminated the pullover lanes at the Danville Gate and the Balboa Gate by putting safety delineators there so that people can’t pull over and wait for you and then go in.

We’re also developing a plan for enhanced gate signage. These signs will improve the esthetics at the gate and also comply with verbiage that will help our law enforcement enforce the trespassing laws for people entering the gates that are not property owners or sponsored guests.

2022 Budget

We’re wrapping up the 2022 budget and Coreena will be going into that in detail, but what I wanted to talk about today was just to compliment her and her staff on the long hours that they’ve put in. They’ve put in countless hours on both versions of this and I just wanted to thank them for their efforts in this regard.

IT Department

Our IT Department continues to install new credit card machines at all the POA retail locations – the golf shops, the restaurants, etc. Staff…we had a minor problem in the beginning with, they call ‘packets being dropped’ and duplication of cards. We’ve solved all that problem and the new machines are much more friendly to operate for the members and they should all be rolled out in the next two weeks. I think they have 20 left to install.

Golf  & Village Men’s Member – Guest Tournament

The Village Men’s Member – Guest Tournament took place on September the 30th through October 2nd at DeSota, Isabella, and Granada. It is one of our two large events that we host and 56 teams competed in this tournament.

Golf Rounds continue to have an upward trajectory in 2021.  Rounds were up by a 1,000 over September 2020 and so far around 14,600 rounds up, year-to-date.

Lot Next Door Program

We instituted a Lot Next Door Program.  We have implemented a program to identify the POA-owned properties that are located next to homes and contact these homeowners to inquire if they are interested in purchasing the property before we start marketing them for sale to the public. 

This program, we sent out 50 letters, just as a test and we got two responses and sold two lots. 

We know that the program can work in some cases and we will continue that on a larger scale.

2021 Discovery Packages

2021 Discovery Packages show a very big positive.  In September we sold 23 packages with a conversion rate of 24% and we have sold 165 packages for a total conversion rate of 14% for the year.

A lot of these packages are staying at the RV Park, which is an interesting turn for us – another department that shows increase, year-over-year.

Compliance Department

The Compliance Department reports through September they have issued 1,316 permits.  The department issued 1,282 for all of 2020, so people are remodeling and getting after a lot of  home improvement projects this year.

As of September, they have issued 109 home permits, year-to-date, as opposed to 56 in 2020.  We are on track to reach our goal of 125 home permits by the end of this year.

First Electric Cooperative

One of the big things I want to talk about is the First Electric Cooperative.  They are scheduled to begin the broadband expansion on the eastern side of the Village, the Saline County portion of the Village, on November 1st. 

Once completed, this project will make high-speed broadband internet services available to all Saline County residents in Hot Springs Village.

Our staff is working closely with First Electric during the essential planning stage of this project to minimize the damage to our underground lines during the installation progress.  You have to break eggs to make an omelet and we know it’s coming.

First Electric plans to complete the project in approximately 12 months.  And remember, they are starting November the 1st.

They will host a town hall meeting on November 9th at 2:00 p.m. at the Coronado Center to discuss what they are doing, the implementation and to answer any of the questions that the public may have.  We look forward to that program.  This is a major step in broadband.  At least in the Saline County portion.

And that’s my report.


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Report transcribed by Cheryl Dowden and is not deemed to be perfect, but very close to what was stated.  

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