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HSVPOA FRATF Update 3-16-2021

The Future Revenue Task Force (FRATF) sent out an eblast to the community on Tuesday, March 16, 2021. They are inviting you to help with the task of determining future funding for the village.

“The Future Revenue Analysis Task Force (FRATF) is encouraging all property owners to engage with us as we move through the process of understanding the current financial situation of Hot Springs Village and examining options for meeting the financial needs to secure our future.

“Over the next months, the Task Force will share data and information through a variety of communication tools, including a dedicated web page, eblasts/emails, infographics, surveys, and public meetings.

We’ve divided our process into four steps:

1.    “Taking Stock” – providing information and facts on HSV – its scope, composition, complexity, infrastructure, and governance. 

2.    “Running the Ship” – sharing realistic data on what it takes to RUN Hot Springs Village and what is required to MAINTAIN the Village over time, along with an understandable portrayal of how the operational expenses are expected to grow annually over the next 5 to 7 years. 

3.    “Playing Catch Up” – sharing an in-depth analysis of the significant infrastructure and facility maintenance that has been deferred – and the dollars required to bring us up to expectations over an extended time period. 

4.    “Fueling the Journey Forward” – offering an inventory of revenue options that could be used to continue moving the Village forward in a financially responsible manner. These options will be presented for consideration to the POA Board and to the entire community of property owners. The Task Force and the Board of Directors hope HSV property owners will take advantage of the forthcoming communications and will provide input throughout the process. Your voice is important as we chart a fiscally responsible course to a bright future for Hot SpringsVillage. “

Please send your ideas, comments, and encouragement to yourvoice@hsvpoa.org.

Future Revenue Analysis Task Force Hot Springs Village

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