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HSVPOA Board Appoints Chuck Alvord to Replace Tormey Campagna

HSVPOA Special Board Meeting, Part 2

By Cheryl Dowden, May 11, 2020

Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association Board of Directors held a special meeting on May 11, 2020. Choosing not to fill the seventh vacant Board seat at this time, the Hot Springs Village Board of Directors appointed Chuck Alvord to fill Tormey Campagna’s vacated seat.

Previously in a stunning move, Campagana resigned on May 6,2020 at a Special Board Meeting where Director Nancy Luehring was removed for cause.

Click here to read the article on part one of this meeting.

Below please find the transcription of this segment of the meeting. Every attempt at accuracy was made. As always, headings and items in brackets are not quotations.

Transcription of appointment and swearing in of Chuck Alvord at May 11, 2020 Special Board Meeting

Podawiltz:  Item Number 2- Board Member Composition

Podawiltz:  The 2020 Board has lost 2 Board Members.  The chair believes we are prepared to fill the seat vacated by Director Campagna today.  Do we have a motion to that effect?

Sherman:  Yes, Madam Chair. 

Sherman:  I move to appoint Chuck Alvord to replace the seat vacated due to resignation of Tormey Campagna on May 6, 2020.

Omohundro:  I’ll second.

Podawiltz:  We have a motion that has been made and seconded by Director Tucker [Omohundro] and is there any discussion on this motion?

Podawiltz:  I would like to, at this time call for a vote on filling this seat vacated by Tormey Campagna with Chuck Alvord.  And those in favor signify by raising their right hand and saying, ‘aye.’ 


Podawiltz:  Opposed.


Podawiltz:  The motion carries 3 to 2.  3 to 1, excuse me.  I did not vote.

Nalley:  Are you sure that he…that it was not a delay?

Podawiltz:  I don’t know.


Podawiltz:  Kirk are you voting…you raised your hand and said, ‘aye,’ were you saying ‘aye’ to chuck or were you saying ‘no’ to Chuck?

Denger:  Aye to Chuck.

Podawiltz:  Aye to Chuck.  Okay.  Sorry, this delay, and I’m not used to dealing with that.

Podawiltz:  Chair Podawiltz did not vote.  It was passed four…unanimously.

Podawiltz:  At this time, I believe Chuck Alvord is waiting out in the lobby and Mr. Sherman would you please escort him in?


Podawiltz:  We’re still doing our social distancing here.  We’re trying to keep our tables so that we are spaced 6 feet apart and Chuck has now taken the seat.

Podawiltz:  Chuck, the Board has nominated you to fill the seat recently vacated by Tormey Campagna.  Are you a Property Owner/Member in good standing?

Alvord:  Yes I am.

Podawiltz:  Are you willing to serve on the Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association from today, May 11, 2020, until a director in 2021 is elected to take your place.

Alvord:  Yes.

Podawiltz:  Okay.  I would now like to administer the oath of office to you.  Please repeat after me and I’ll try to go slowly.

[oath of office administered with Alvord repeating]

Podawiltz:  Thank you.  Chuck, we welcome you to the Board.  We think that you’re going to be an outstanding Board Member and are ready to pick up your oar and start rowing.

Alvord:  Thank you.  I’m honored to be here.

Podawiltz:  Thank you. Now I would like to go to Agenda Item number 3. 


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