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HSVPOA Board Announces Formation of Ad Hoc Committee for Land Study

The Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association sent out the following E-Blast on Wednesday, April 6, 2022, regarding the formation of an ad hoc committee for the purpose of researching, analyzing, and making recommendations on CCI Reserved Property.

Over the past years, the topic of Cooper-owned land within the Village has generated discussion and some angst among residents. To address questions and concerns, as well as develop a possible plan of action, the HSVPOA Board of Directors has formed the Ad Hoc Cooper Land Evaluation Committee to research, analyze and recommend which parcels currently owned by Cooper Communities Inc. could be beneficial or useful to the HSV community – now or in the future.

The ad hoc committee consists of one representative from each of the following HSV POA Committees: Trails, Common Property, Finance & Planning, Lakes, Governmental Affairs, Parks & Recreation, and Public Works. Their first two activities will be a field trip to each of the Cooper properties and the development of the criteria they will be using to evaluate each of the properties.

Going forward, the ad hoc committee will create a list of those properties of interest and those that are not. At the conclusion of their research and analysis, they will provide a recommendation to the Board on the specific parcels that should be pursued and why, as well as options that could be used to acquire the parcels without using the increased assessment dollars that have been prioritized for infrastructure and maintaining our existing amenities.

During an organizational meeting last week, the ad hoc committee members elected Jeff Lofgren as their chairperson and agreed to meet twice a month, on Thursdays at 1 pm. The first meeting will be on Thursday, April 14. Future meeting dates and location will be announced in the Weekly Digest. Property owners are welcome to attend the meetings and an email box is being created for input to the committee.

Respectfully provided,

HSVPOA Board of Directors

April 6, 2022


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