Tragedy struck
Tragedy struck in Hot Springs Village on August 1, 2019. A structure fire or out-of-control fire is always a scary thought, but as we live in the middle of the woods, the mere idea is even more terrifying. Driving down Desoto, someone spotted a fire at Valencia Courts and called it into 911.
Rapid response by firefighters
The call came into the station at 4:34 that 20 Destino Way was burning. Rapidly responding, Desoto Station dispatched Ladder One at 4:36 p.m. arriving on the scene at 4:43.
A total of eighteen paid and volunteer Hot Springs Village firefighters quickly arrived to help battle the blaze. Jessieville and Fountain Lake also responded with manpower.
There was a rumor that the fire reportedly began because of an unattended grill. We have been told this is not true. Another source said that the homeowner where the fire originated was not home at the time.

Photos of aftermath
Click the photo in the slideshow below to enlarge.
Four units sustained damage
Four units, 16, 18, 20 and 22 were all damaged, with unit 16 only sustaining minimal damage, due to the diligent response of our firefighters. Three of the units had occupants, but it is believed no one was at home in at least two of the three occupied units at the time of the blaze.
Renters were due to move into 16 Destino Way today, August 2, 2019.
The units are reported to be approximately 40 years old and while there are firewalls between the living spaces, the attics do not have firewall protection. The firefighters were able to successfully fight the attic and rooftop flames, finishing their work around midnight according to an unnamed source.
Thank you to all our brave firefighters
We again would like to thank our tireless heroes, these brave firefighters who put their lives on the line in order to save life and property. Their response time was excellent. These individuals, both paid and volunteer again faced a dangerous situation and overcame the smoke and fire. Much gratitude and admiration to these stellar individuals for another job well done.
We were able to connect with the sister of one of the victims and right now she does not have a place to put household donations but could use hygiene items and nightclothes. We are attempting to contact her to find out more details and also determine what needs the other victims have. If anyone knows of an effort to assist the victims of this terrible tragedy, please respond in the comment section below so community members can help.
Update: Additional photos of actual fire
Click the photo in the slideshow below to enlarge.
Fire photography by Steven Hammans Sandy Manzer
After fire photography by Joe Dowden
by Cheryl Dowden, August 2, 2019
08/02/2019 — 4:03 pm
The comment that there are no firewalls in the attic spaces begs two questions:
1. Is that how the fire spread to 4 units?
2. What can be done to require such firewalls be retrofitted?
08/02/2019 — 6:30 pm
Very good questions!
08/02/2019 — 4:37 pm
Thanks to the bravery of our firefighters. Also, thank you, Cheryl & Joe, for reporting this import news item. I agree with Anonymous above, the firewall issues between these older structures should be addressed at the townhouse meeting. But, importantly, do something about it !!
08/02/2019 — 6:28 pm
I am in awe of the fire fighters. I pray God blesses them mightily!
Frank Shears aka Bubba
08/02/2019 — 6:59 pm
I am touched that the surrounding communities sent help to fight the fire. My thanks to all the firefighters involved including the surrounding communities who came to help.
Judy Weatherly
08/02/2019 — 9:40 pm
Thank you to all HSV firefighters and those from Fountain Lake and Jessiville.
You all are heroes!
Cheryl and Joe thanks for photos and all the information. Please keep us informed regarding the needs of those who were effected. Many will want to help.
Kirk Denger
08/02/2019 — 10:58 pm
Do they now make Bluetooth fire alarms that send a message directly to the fire department? Since fires, for the most part, burn UP^, the fire appears to have been burning in the lower level of the second unit #20 for an unknown amount of time before it was first reported because it seems to have the most lower-level damage. Firewalls between the units of 2 layers of 5/8″ fire-rated sheetrock have a 2-hour rating which is hopefully enough time to evacuate the building which would be the major concern. A firewall through the attic and 2 feet above the roofline as in newer building codes, would lower the property damage to connected units, however, water damage from extinguishing fires will be considerable which the last unit is likely to have sustained. The foundation, parking, and many utilities will be undamaged, which it will be nice to see new units rebuilt to be an asset to the neighborhood. Firefighters and first responders are the greatest. Hopefully, there were no injuries and thankfully a major forest fire was not started.
Mary Szczepaniak
08/03/2019 — 1:37 am
Do we have any sizes on clothing needs?
Susan Jamison
08/04/2019 — 11:43 am
God Bless the Firefighters and Police, Volunteers. Prayers for those who lost their things and Praise for no loss of life! Thank you!
08/14/2019 — 2:16 pm
I contacted a person through one of the Facebook swap Shops who was looking for help for a family who was in a house fire over a week ago. I was told that they lived in Hot Springs Village.