The Crystal Chimes Chorus of Hot Springs Village is a member of Sweet Adelines, International, the largest women’s singing organization in the world. We sing 4-part acapella harmony. The chorus has been entertaining in the area for over 30 years. This past December, we were finally able to put on our annual Holiday Show, Cocoa, Cookies, and Carols. In January, we held our Winter ‘Bye, Bye, Blues’ Game Day. Practicing safety protocols, it was sure great to find some semblance of normalcy.
Our chorus is much smaller since COVID, but we are sounding wonderful. If YOU are interested in visiting the chorus and seeing what we are all about, please contact Judy Pugh, at 817-714-5716, or We meet on Tuesdays, at 1:00 p.m. in the choir room of the Christ Of The Hills Church (700 Balearic Rd.). Note that you don’t need to be able to read music to join us, since we use learning media.
Our latest fundraiser is a drawing for this beautiful Brahmin purse, valued at $350 and donated by one of our sponsors, Dillard’s of Hot Springs. We can’t thank them enough for their generosity!

Neither the flyer nor the photo, do this gorgeous purse justice. This is a chance you do not want to miss. For yourself, or as a gift, this purse is going to make someone very happy. Please contact Mary Frans (see the flyer below) to purchase tickets.
*** Local, or not, do not miss out on your chance to own this beauty! If you are from out of the area, we will ship the purse to you.
All of the proceeds from fundraisers go to support the chorus and their student scholarships. All of your help is very much appreciated, as COVID has greatly affected our fundraising efforts
By Lynn Kilroy Holberton, January 22, 2022

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