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Hot Springs Village – Abandoned Lots

By George Sorrell, February 16, 2021 (Email to the HSVPOA Board Directors)

Dear Sirs and Madams,

Subject: Abandoned Vacant Lots

I would like to suggest there be a reexamination of the many abandoned properties in HSV.  My thought is, we may be missing an opportunity to recapture much-needed lost revenue and bind up some old wounds.  My specific reference is to the many Lots returned to the POA over the last years due to non-payment of dues.

Given the new reality of COVID and the continued effort of those who are trying to normalize POA politics, HSV may again appear to be the safe-haven that first lead our absentee owners to purchase their future retirement home sites.  The argument that “modern” Americans no longer want to live in the woods but instead retire to the urban scene may have lost some of its allure.

I suggest we at least take a look at the “repatriation” of lost absentee owners.  Restitution of the unpaid dues without penalty would be the price I would recommend.  I would not recommend a “free ride.”

Unfortunately, I cannot offer a cost/benefit analysis for this undertaking because I have no detailed information from which an analysis could be derived.  For example, how many lots are we talking about, and how much potential revenue would it bring?  How difficult would it be to reach these former owners?  I don’t know these things.  This is just a suggestion which you may already have pursued and found to be

Thank you for your consideration of this matter,

George Sorrell

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Click here to read an older article that addresses the lot issue, in addition to other things. This article was written by Diana Podawiltz a little over two years ago in February 2019 and some of this information is still pertinent.

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