Robert became ill a year and a half ago with what was initially thought to be the flu. As he continued to become sicker, we discovered that he had developed an infection in his heart. Treatment for the infection was unsuccessful and the infection continued until his heart was damaged beyond repair. He has been in and out of the hospital since March of 2018 as well as working to maintain his job and care for his wife and daughter.

Robert re-entered the hospital at UT Southwestern, Dallas on April 15th and was given the gift of a new heart on May 16th. He will remain in the hospital for a while as he continues the healing process and then will need very expensive anti-rejection medications for the rest of his life.
We are asking for donations to help him and his family with the high cost of medical care, both current and future, as well as daily living expenses. Even after he returns home, he will not be able to return to work for at least 12 weeks. This will also place a great financial burden on him and his family.
Go Fund Me for Robert’s Medical and Living Expenses