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Candidates – Goals

List of Questions for the 10 Candidates – Survey by Frank Leeming

Ten candidates.  Dozens of issues, promises and goals.
    Which ones can Hot Springs Village property owners expect to be tackled first by the candidates we elect next month?
    To find out, we asked the candidates.

How We Began

    We began by going over their websites, platforms and handouts.  We listened to their campaign talks and asked them questions.
    We made a list of issues the candidates were talking about the most.  It was too long, much longer than any group could successfully address, let alone adopt as solid policy.
    So we trimmed the list and sent it out to the candidates.  The list is attached and explained so you can see what we sent out, and the tough challenges our board candidates are facing.
    We asked each candidate to give 10 points to the issue highest on his or her priority list, nine to the second highest and so on.  We asked them to rate what they believe are the 10 most pressing issues the Village needs addressed

Top Ten Candidate Goal List

Here’s their Top 10 list:
    1.  Revoke/revise the “corporate policies and bylaws” adopted over the last two years.
    2.  Make transparency a top priority for the POA board and staff.
    3.  Replace the CEO; change the title back to general manager.
    4.  Get the POA out of the real-estate business.
    5.  Reform the budget process.  Establish a finance committee.
    6.  Create a marketing committee.
    7.  Develop a public-opinion system for property owners.
    8.  Postpone indefinitely plans for a DeSoto Pool.
    9.  Settle the Cooper, Garner and ISN lawsuits.
    10. Resume monthly board work sessions.

Frank Leeming’s Survey Results

    Below please find a PDF file listing the issues and how each of the 10 candidates prioritized them.  Some candidates added comments but we didn’t have room for them on the spreadsheet.
    We thank the candidates for the time they took to consider the many important issues facing the Village and respond to our survey request.  We hope you’ll consider their positions as you ponder who to vote for.
    The POA will mail ballots March 1 to property owners in good standing.


Vote Wisely

The List Board Candidates Say Need To Be Addressed

           Here’s what candidates for the Hot Springs Village board of directors say need to be done to fix the problems facing the community.  The list was shortened and sent to the 10 candidates.  They were asked to rate the 10 most important.  This list is in no order of importance.

Monthly Work Sessions

Resume monthly board work sessions where issues are discussed and property owners are invited to speak, but no formal action is taken.

Marketing Committee

Create a marketing committee to shape a detailed marketing strategy for the Village.

Revoke/Revise Policies/Bylaws

Determine which “corporate” policies/bylaws adopted in last two years should be revoked/revised, particularly the ones requiring unanimous board approval for any directive and restricting board discussion of operational issues.           


Adopt transparency as a priority for the POA and its board.  Strictly follow provisions of state Open Meetings law.  Extend speaking time for property owners from two to five minutes.  Have dedicated computers at the POA office and library with access to all POA reports, minutes, etc.


Reform how the POA budget is prepared.  Take another look at 2019 budget.  Establish a Finance Committee or restore the Research and Special Projects (RASP) committee.  Revamp financial reporting so each cost center has a monthly and YTD income statement.

Abolish, Replace, Postpone

Abolish the Governance and Recruitment Committees.

Replace the CEO, change the title back to general manager.

Postpone indefinitely plans for a DeSoto pool.

Get POA Out of Real Estate and Food Service Business

Get the POA out of the real-estate business.

Dust off Food Services Committee report and follow its recommendations to get the POA out of the food business.


Ask Public Works to develop a year-round crack-sealing program to save Village roads.


Create an ad-hoc committee to oversee revamping the POA website.  Website revamp should include adding a search engine and making all historical documents, reports, budgets, etc., available.  Dedicated terminals should be set up at the library and POA building for visitors and those who don’t have a computer.

Increase Golf Revenue

Assign the golf department and golf committee with developing new ways to increase golf revenue, including adding friends and family tournaments.

Utilize Public-Opinion Survey

Develop and use a reliable public-opinion survey system for property owners, and make use of it when major issues come before the board.

Make Unproductive Lots Productive

Assign to an existing or a new committee the task of developing a five-year plan to make the 11,133 unproductive lots productive again and producing assessment income.

Revamp Committee System

Revamp the POA committee system so each one has specific goals established by the board and staff.  The goals should include deadlines for completion.

Limit CEO Spending

Limit CEO spending authority to no more than $5,000 (now $50,000).

Explore Basing Assessments on Property Values

Create an ad-hoc committee to explore basing assessments on property values.

High Speed Internet

Create an ad-hoc committee to design a workable plan to guarantee high-speed internet service in all of theVillage.  Work first with existing internet service providers.  If they can’t or won’t do it, the committee should develop a plan and budget for having the POA provide this essential public utility.

Board Parliamentarian

Recruit a Village volunteer to serve as the board’s parliamentarian.

Direct CMP Advisory Committee

Provide direction and goals for the CMP Advisory Committee so it knows what the board wants of the CMP.           

MBO For General Manager

Prepare an MBO for the general manager with specific, measurable goals; they should be passed down and become bonus goals for key department heads.

Settle Lawsuits

Settle the Cooper and Garner lawsuits – open books/salaries for public scrutiny and sharply curtail the scope of the protective covenants adopted as part of the Comprehensive Master Plan.

Grocery Store for East Village

Work with retailers to get a food store to serve the east end of the Village.

Hotel/Retreat Center

Assign staff or a committee to aggressively study how to get a hotel/retreat center in the Village.

Detailed Board Minutes

Go back to old policy where board minutes are detailed, not summaries.

Review Tier-One  Management Hires

Give POA board time to review all tier-one management hires.

Written by Frank Leeming, Hot Springs Village, Arkansas

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